Anne Johnston
Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)

Anne Johnston

Honor Code Signatory
Signed 2 Jan 2017 | 42,222 contributions | 503 thank-yous | 2,431 connections
Communication Preferences: I am interested in communicating private message with anyone who shares the same ancestors. Here is my family tree.
My family come from the North of Ireland (paternal) and Scotland (maternal). I would be particularly keen to communicate with anyone who is a potential relative. I'm interested in the use of DNA in family history research and would love to have DNA details of anyone who is from the areas in question with related surnames.

Here are my ancestral surnames

Here is a map of the birthplaces of my ancestors

Here is my compact family tree with DNA confirmations

I am also Project Administrator for several DNA Projects which are hosted on Wikitree.

Anne Johnston
Born 1950s.
Ancestors ancestors
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Anne Johnston private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 30 Dec 2012
This page has been accessed 7,713 times.



I was born Margaret Anne Johnston, known as Anne, to Thomas (Tommy) Johnston and Janet (Winnie) McMillan in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

I became interested in my family history at a young age, probably as a result of the early death of my father, aunt and maternal grandmother, all within a very short time period. It was in the days before the internet and I struggled to find out much about my father's family - in fact it took me about 30 years to find my father's birth certificate because my mother knew very little about my father's family.

So I focused on my mother's family who had originally come 'across the sheugh (pronounced shuck)' from Scotland. The family bible was stored in my wardrobe and I was totally fascinated by the names and dates which it contained. But I was also interested in the tales from far off places, because none of my grandmother's siblings had stayed in Scotland and this has probably influenced my interest in travel. Three had headed off to South Africa, one went to Canada, one ended up in Philadelphia, USA after time in England and Northern Ireland, one died young and my grandmother came to Northern Ireland, following my grandfather who had come to Belfast to work in the shipyards at the time when the great ocean liners such as 'Titanic' were being built here.

I delved into and out of my family history research during my working life, first as a town planner, then as an IT Project Manager and lastly as a Policy Implementer for the government. The growth of the internet made a great difference to my research - it enabled me to whittle away brick walls, especially on my father's side, but also to put up others. The use of DNA has also invigorated my research and I am a project administrator for the North of Ireland, Islandmagee and Belfast City Cemetery DNA Projects and committee member with the North of Ireland Family History Society, hopefully helping others with their research.[1]


  1. The personal recollections of Anne Johnston.

DNA Research

Click here to access my chromosome map from DNA Painter which shows the segments of DNA I have inherited from my ancestors (as far as I have been able to identify them).

DNA Confirmations

  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by a Family Tree DNA test match between Margaret Johnston and Denys Johnston, her sister. Their most-recent common ancestors are Thomas Johnston and Janet McMillan, the parents of Margaret Johnston and parents of Denys Johnston. Predicted relationship from Family Tree DNA: Sister, based on sharing 2621 cM (35.134%) across 48 segments.
  • Maternal relationship is confirmed by a Family Tree DNA test match between Margaret Johnston and Denys Johnston, her sister. Their most-recent common ancestors are Thomas Johnston and Janet McMillan, the parents of Margaret Johnston and parents of Denys Johnston. Predicted relationship from Family Tree DNA: Sister, based on sharing 2621 cM (35.134%) across 48 segments.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal 23andMe test match between Margaret Johnston and Teresa Waltham, her 2nd cousin 2x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are William Johnston and Eliza Skillen, the great grandparents of Margaret Johnston and 3x great grandparents of Teresa Waltham. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: 2C2R, based on sharing 62 cM (0.83% DNA shared) across 3 segments.
  • Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal 23andMe test match between Margaret Johnston and Rebecca Neill, her 1st cousin 2x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are Thomas Johnston and Jane McCormick, the grandparents of Margaret Johnston and great great grandparents of Rebecca Neill. Predicted relationship from 23andMe: 1C2R, based on sharing 131 cM (1.75% DNA shared) across 11 segments.

Digital Afterlife Instructions

This is my permission that upon my demise, members of the North of Ireland Family History Society ( firstly, then secondly, the Wikitree staff, are to manage the profiles where I act as Profile Manager and my DNA Group Projects and other Projects in any way they see fit, as long as this is in line with the Honour Code and preserves the privacy of living people. Johnston-3146 11:21, 22 January 2022 (UTC)

Only the Trusted List can access the following:
  • Anne's formal name
  • e-mail address
  • exact birthdate
  • birth location
  • images (1)
  • private siblings' names
For access to Anne Johnston's full information you must be on Anne's Trusted List. Please login.

DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships. Maternal line mitochondrial DNA test-takers:
  • Anne Johnston: Family Tree DNA mtDNA Test Full Sequence, haplogroup J1c1c
It is likely that these autosomal DNA test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Anne: Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.
Comments: 19

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Hi Anne,

I am interested in joining the Islandmagee DNA Project. My mothers side of the family are direct descendants of Robert Dick and Catherine Milliken of Islandmagee and am interested in learning more about those and related family branches. I just joined Wikitree at the suggestion of Jim Noble who I met via I am in the process of uploading my gedcom to wikitree and have completed an Ancestry DNA test which may be of interest to the project. Any advice you can provide would be appreciated. Regards and Happy New Year. Chris Potter

posted by Christopher Potter
Hi Christopher

Hopefully now you are a member of both the North of Ireland DNA Project and the Islandmagee DNA Project. I am not a great fan of uploading gedcoms to Wikitree (based on personal experience!), other than to do checking of what is there versus what you have (using GEDCOMpare). Remember it is a single collaborative tree, so we don't want duplicates of profiles that are already on Wikitree and we want all the information entered fully sourced. I prefer a good pedigree tree entered with all the sources, rather than poorly sourced profiles of siblings. Remember to enter details of your DNA test(s) onto your profile on Wikitree. This information then filters through to all the relevant profiles in your tree and we can see potential DNA matches. Hope that helps.

Regards, Anne

posted by Anne Johnston
Hi Anne,

It is once again time for our annual Ireland Project check-in. Please respond within the next three weeks to let us know:

  1. If you would like to continue as an Ireland Project member. If your answer is yes, please tell us if you are happy with your current team, or if you would prefer to join a different one. If you are currently participating in more than one team we would appreciate you ranking them in their order of importance to you, from highest priority to lowest. This information will be helpful as we consider possible future changes to our team structure.
  2. In the past, the project has had a very minimal membership requirement (one contribution per year) for badged members to meet. Do you believe this is adequate, or should this requirement be increased? What do you believe would be a reasonable commitment to expect from all project members?
  3. How active have you been in the Ireland Project over the past year? Please choose one of the following options: a) I normally spend 1-5 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. b) I normally spend 6-10 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. c) I spend over 10 hours per month helping achieve my team’s goals. d) I am not able to contribute every month but have spent approximately ________ hours during the past year improving Irish profiles.
  4. Please provide feedback on any things you’d like to see the project do more of in the future.

You can respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within the next three weeks we’ll assume your interests have changed or you no longer are able to participate in the Ireland Project at this time, and your badge will be removed. If your circumstances change later you will be welcome to reapply for membership.

Many thanks for all that so many of you have contributed to the project in the past year, and very special thanks to those who answered the project’s call and gave generously of their time to be part of Team Seanchaithe during the most recent connect-a-thon. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

le dea-mhéin, Jen Hutton, Ireland Project co-leader

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Good Evening, Anne, I came across your name as I was researching my Great Grandfather, William Hill Laverty, born on March 18, 1864 in Ballykeel, Islandmagee, Ireland. I didn't see a connection on your family tree with any Laverty's, but was curious your connection as you were the creator of the entry for him. As far as I can tell, it was very accurate! I am looking to find out more information about that side of my family and was wondering what your connection was and if you knew of any living relatives still in that area of Ireland.
posted by Amanda Laverty
Hi Amanda

Great to hear from you. I don't have any connection with William Hill Laverty. I have created the profile as part of the Islandmagee DNA Project Have you tested your DNA? If so, we'd love to have you as part of the project. Contact me if you are interested.

posted by Anne Johnston
Hi Anne,

Thank you so much for responding so quickly! I have not tested my DNA, but I have wanted to. Do you have a recommended company?

Thank you! Amanda

posted by Amanda Laverty
Hi Anne,

My name is Lassara, my mum is a Bridgeen Doherty and she had a friend called Anne Johnston and she was friends with Anne’s brother also Bert Johnston also both from Belfast. I’m just wondering if you are her? If so mum would love to reach out to you and chat.

posted by [deleted]
Hi Anne,

It’s time for our annual Ireland Project check-in! Please respond within the next two weeks to let me know:

  • If you are happy with the team you’re on or if you’d like to make a change. It is now required that all members with an Ireland project badge work on at least one of the project’s team(s), so if you’ve not yet signed up please do so in your reply to this check-in.
  • What you think the project is doing well, and what (if any) changes you would like to see us make? Are there any teams you would like to become more active in?
  • Would you be interested in helping to work on an Ireland Project newsletter?
  • Please give us some feedback on the use of google group and discord. Do you use one or both of these? If you don’t use either of them, what is the best way for us to ensure you receive project communications? If you would like to join us on either one, just let us know in your response and we will get you signed up.

Please respond to this message by posting a reply below or sending me a private message on WikiTree. If we don’t hear from you within two weeks, we will assume you are no longer interested in participating in the Ireland Project, and your badge will be removed. If you wish to reapply for membership later, we will be happy to have you back. Many thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!


Jen Hutton, on behalf of the Ireland Project

posted by Jen (Stevens) Hutton
Hi, Anne!

Congratulations on certifying to work on pre-1700 profiles! It’s very important to read and understand Pre-1700 Profiles. These profiles for deep ancestors are shared by many and collaborating on them works best if we all follow the guidelines on that page.

Laura ~WikiTree Greeter

posted by Laura DeSpain
Thanks Anne for all your help on Wikitree ... you have always great expertise to share.


Hi Anne and welcome to the Irish Roots Project. I've added the project badge to your profile and your name to the members interest page.

Look forward to working with you.


posted by Maria Maxwell
Hello Anne,

Re: Ellen Bodles. Bodles-71.

I have sent a request to join Ellen’s trusted list, a personal message and left a comment on Ellen’s profile. Ellen is my husband’s Granny. She is my Mum-in law’s Mum. Ellen’s first daughter is deceased but she still has 3 living children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. Ellen died in 1971, nearly 47 years ago.

We want to add her direct family members but are unable to do so with the current privacy level. Could you please change this?

Thank you for your time and help.

Kind regards Jill (Ellen’s grandson’s wife).

Hi Anne

I would just like to say how much the work you have done is appreciated. Thank you so much

Just one point about your tag NORTHERN_IRELAND will not really connect you to the wikitree community. the tag is usually IRISH_ROOTS Follow this link to get to your Tags: editing your tags

Please note when researching for family that Northern Ireland did not exist until 1921 when it was created, prior to this it was all Ireland. Explore Irish Roots project

Hope this helps you make the connections you are looking for.

If links do not work in an email from wikTtree, try them from the comment section of your profile page.

Regards Janet

Volunteer Coordinator, Data Doctor

Hello Anne, I stumbled upon this during my wanders and believe Mary and Andrew might be the parents of the Joseph McCormick (1874) in your tree.

M/1870/Y1/2232/3/25 Mary McMahon McCormick 20th February 1870 Omagh

posted by [Living McCormick]

Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.

Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As we always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.

Thank you for being a Wikitreer,

Guy Constantineau - Wikitree leader

Hello Anne,

I'd like to invite you to join in the "Weekend Chat" on G2G Today!

Share personal successes, stories about ancestors, tips, projects you are working on, or anything else you wish.

New members stop in and say Hello, introduce yourself, share your story, or ask for help.

Pilots, Mentors, and Leaders of all kinds please add something... your advice is always greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you there!

posted by Keith Hathaway
Welcome to WikiTree, Anne! I hope you enjoy using the site and find it useful for growing your tree and connecting it to others.

You may want to check out the Help area to learn a bit more about WikiTree.

Good luck here and holler if there is anything I can help you with. :)

posted by Melody Tittle
I have been researching my family history for many years with varying success. My father's family is from the North of Ireland and my mother's family is from Scotland. Hopefully by posting my family tree on Wikitree I can get help in adding some more pieces to the puzzle.
posted by Anne Johnston
Welcome to WikiTree, Anne! What are your genealogy interests and goals?

If you'd like to add your own family tree to WikiTree's world tree, Please take a moment to read the Honor Code, and then indicate that you'd like to volunteer.

At that point, one of our greeters would be happy confirm you as a WikiTree Genealogist.

If you need help getting started, be sure to check out the Help Section. You can also take advantage of our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) forum.

posted by Michael Gabbard

This week's featured connections are American Founders: Anne is 22 degrees from John Hancock, 21 degrees from Francis Dana, 27 degrees from Bernardo de Gálvez, 20 degrees from William Foushee, 21 degrees from Alexander Hamilton, 25 degrees from John Francis Hamtramck, 19 degrees from John Marshall, 21 degrees from George Mason, 25 degrees from Gershom Mendes Seixas, 21 degrees from Robert Morris, 20 degrees from Sybil Ogden and 19 degrees from George Washington on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.