Jabez Howland
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Jabez Howland (1644 - bef. 1712)

Lt. Jabez Howland
Born in Rocky Nook, Kingston, Plymouth Colonymap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married 1669 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colonymap
Descendants descendants
Died before before age 68 in Bristol, Bristol, Massachusetts Baymap
Profile last modified | Created 12 Sep 2010
This page has been accessed 6,725 times.
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Jabez Howland -1644

Jabez Howland served as lieutenant under Captain Benjamin Church during King Philip's War. He was Lieutenant of Milita for Plymouth Colony.

Jabez Howland lived in the house at 33 Sandwich Street in Plymouth now owned by The Pilgrim John Howland Society. This house built by Jacob Mitchell about 1667, and then it was sold to Jabez Howland who lived there with his family until he moved to Bristol, Rhode Island in 1680. It now is the only house left standing in Plymouth where Pilgrims actually lived.

Before the defeat of King Philip at Mount Hope, Jabez Howland lived in Plymouth until 1680, he went to Bristol, Rhode Island where he opened a house of entertainment. He was a blacksmith by trade, and he worked with copper. He carried on his large business in Bristol.

On November 10, 1681, at the first town meeting for the transaction of general business, Jabez Howland was chosen as town clerk, and then he was elected as selectman on June 6 1682, June 2, 1685 and June 3, 1690. Also, he was chosen as deputy for Bristol on June 3, 1690.

"Mr. Jabez Howland does not appear to have made a very efficient town clerk, and at a meeting held May 22, 1682, Richard Smith was chosen in his stead, "to do the office of a Town Clerk, and to enter upon record what former town orders had been made." The town had by no means lost confidence in Mr. Howland, for it immediately proceeded to elect him to the responsible office of Selectman.[1] His colleagues were Benjamin Church and John Rogers. Captain Church was elected to represent the infant town at the General Court, and Increase Robinson was chosen Constable."[2]

Jabez Howland, blacksmith, signed his will on 14 May 1708; it was proved on 21 Feb 1711/2.


About 1644


About 1669 • Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts

Wife: Bethiah Thacher


Children of Jabez and Bethia Howland, 8 sons and 3 daughters. First 5 children born in Plymouth, and rest of children born in Bristol:[3]
  1. Jabez Howland (1669 - 1732)
  2. John Howland (1673 - 1673)
  3. Bethiah Howland (1674 - 1676)
  4. Josiah Howland (1676 - 1717)
  5. John Howland (1679 - ?)
  6. Elizabeth (Howland) Townsend (abt. 1682 - 1707)
  7. Judah Howland (1683 - 1683)
  8. Seth Howland (1685 - 1685)
  9. Samuel Howland (1686 - 1748)
  10. Experience Howland (1687 - ?)
  11. Joseph Howland (1692 - 1737)


6 Jun 1682 • Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island


2 Jun 1685 • Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island


3 Jun 1690 • Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island


3 Jun 1690 • Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island




Land Deed Records

Hannah Stone of Bristol to Jabez Howland of Bristol, January 25, 1691/2. Acknowledged January 25, 1691. Recorded February 1, 1691/2, Bristol County.

To all Christian People to whome this present Deed of Sale shall come Hannah Stone ye Wife of William Stone of Bristol in ye County of Bristol in New-Engl Marriner (being also ye certaine & lawfull Attourney and Assigne irrevocable of ye sd. Wm. Stone Generally in his name & stead to doe execute performe & accomplish all & what so ever he himselfe might or could do if personally present & particularly to Demise Lease Grant bargain Sell aliene & Confirme unto any person or persons whatsoever All & singulr. goods wares & Merchidize houses lands edifices & estate whatsoevr. real & pr.sonall of him sd. Wm. Stone as by Lr. of Attourney undr. hand & seal of sd. Wm. Stone dated ye third day of July one thousand six hundd. & ninety appeares) Sendeth Greeting Know Yee that ye sd. Hannah Stone Wife & Attourney of Wm. Stone as is aforesd. for & in consideration of ye sum of five pounds Currt. Money of New Engd. to her in hand paid before ye Ensealing & Delivery of these prests. by Jabez Howland of Bristoll aforesd. Blacksmith Hath given granted bargained Sould aliened Enfeoffed & Confirmed And By these presents Doe Fully freely clearely and absolutely give grant bargain sell aliene enfeoffe & confirm unto ye said Jabez Howland his heires & assignes for ever A certaine piece or parcel of land lying in ye Town of Bristol aforesd. being Seven Rodd & Ten feet in length or thereabouts & Seven Rodd and Two feet in Breadth or thereabouts & is bounded Easterly by ye Land of John Walley Esqr. Southerly by Kings Street Westerly by ye Land of Simon Davis & Northerly in part by ye Prison Land & in part by ye Land of John Saffin together with all profitts priviledges rights comodityes & apptences. whatsoever to ye sd. piece of Land belonging or appurteining To have & to hold ye sd. piece or parcell of Land & all ye premises above granted unto ye sd. Jabez Howland his heires & assignes for ever And ye sd. Hannah Stone Attourney to my husband Wm. Stone as is aforsd. for us our heires Execer. & Adminer. Doe hereby Covenant promise & grant to & with ye sd. Jabez Howland his heires & assignes that at ye time of ye Ensealing & until ye Delivery of these presents I ye sd. Hannah Stone Attourney as aforesd. in my husbands right & stead am ye True sole & lawfull owner of all ye above granted premises And that ye sd. Jabez Howland his heires & assignes shall & may for ever hereafter lawfully peaceably & quietly have hold possesse & enjoy ye same Free & Cleare of & from all former gifts grants bargaines Sales titles or incombrances whatsoever committed done or suffered to be done by ye sd. Wm. Stone or Hannah his Wife & Attourney or either of them at any time or times before ye Ensealing hereof And ye sd. Hannah Stone by vertue of ye power to her comitted by ye sd. Lr. of Attourney hereby covenants that her sd. husband Wm. Stone & her selfe their heires & assignes shall & will from time to time & at all times for ever hereafter Warrant & Defend ye above granted premises unto ye sd. Jabez Howland his heires & assignes against all & every person & persons whatsoever any wayes lawfully Claiming or Demanding ye same by from or under them or either of them In Wittnesse whereof ye sd. Hannah Stone Attourney as aforesd. in ye Name & behalfe of her husband Wm. Stone & in her owne Name in token of her Release of all Right of Dower or power of thirds in ye premises hath hereunto sett her hand & Seale this twenty fifth Day of January Anno Dm. one thousand six hundd. Ninety one two 1691\2
Hannah Stone {signillu}
Signed Sealed & Delivd.
in ye presence of
John Wilkins
Steph: Burton
Hannah Stone appeared ye 25. of January 1691 and acknowledged this instrument To be her act & Deed before John Walley Assist.
Recorded primo. February Anno. Dm. 1691\2 pr. Burton Recordr.[4]
(Bristol County, Deed Records, Book 1, p. 114)


Jabez Howland was alive when he made his will on May 14, 1708. He died at Bristol, Bristol County, Massachusetts Bay (now Rhode Island) probably not long before February 6, 1711/ 12, the day his inventory was began, and then his will was proved on February 21, 1711/12.


Jabez died at Bristol, Bristol County, Massachusetts Bay (now Rhode Island) probably not long before February 6, 1711/ 12, the day his inventory was began. Then, his will was proved on February 21, 1711/12.
The will mentioned by name only the wife Betheah and the son Jabez, but the agreement of the heirs showed that the four sons who were to receieve the estate after their mother's death were Jabez, Josiah, Samuel and Joseph, all living at Bristol. It also showed that a daughter Elizabeth had married Nathan Townsend of Newport, Rhode Island and died, leaving an only son, Nathan.

The Will of Jabez Howland, May 14, 1708. Proved February 21, 1711/2.

In the name of God Amen I Jabez Howland of Bristol in the County of Bristol in the Province of Massachuset Bay in New England Blacksmith, having had Repeated warnings (by the pangs of my body offten Returning upon me) of the approaches of Death which is the appointed lott & portion of all men (having and Retaining my memory and understanding as at other times) Do make & ordain this to be my last will & Testament and first & principally I resigne my soule into the hands of God who gave it, and as to my body I commend it to the Earth to be Decently buried at Discretion of my surviving friends and as Touching my Temporal) Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, bequeath & Dispose thereof in the following manner & form.
Item, my will is that all my just Debts & funeral charges be fully satisfyed in convenient time after my Decease by my Executors hereafter named.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Dear and Loving wife my whole estate of what nature or kind so ever whether real or personall that I shall dye Possessed of or shall belong or appertaine to me in whose hand or costodie so Ever to be at her sole & absolut dispose, and for her use and comfort for and During her widowhood or bearing my name, & if my wife shall see cause to marry then shall she be sattisfyed with her Thirds as the law provides in cases of Intestates the (Res(T) & Remaining part thereof to be Equally divided to and among my four sons or those that shall Legally Represent them if any of them should dye, and the like Division to be made in case of the death of my said wife.
And of this my last will and Testament I do herewith made and ordain my beloved wife, Betheah Howland and my loving, Jabez Howland joynt Executors and I do declare make null & voyd all other and former wills bequests and Executors by me before this time named willed or bequeathed declaring this and none but this to be my last will and Testament in Testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteent(h) day of May in the seventh year of her Majesties Reign Anno Domini seventeen hundred and Eight.
Jabez Howland
Signed sealed pronounced &
Declared by the above named
Jabez Howland to be his last
will and Testament before
Dan Throop, William Martin, John Cary
In Bristol February 21, 1711/12. Then before Nathal Paine Esq. Judge of the Probate of wills ect. within the County of Bristol aforesaid Came & Appeared Dan Throope, William Martin & John Cary witnesses to the within written will of Jabez Howland Deceased & made Oath that they were present & did see the said Decd signe seal and declare the same as his last will and Testament and tha(t) he was of a disposing mind when he so did
Just Nathal Paine
John Cary Regr.
Entered April 26, 1712 by John Cary Regr.

Probate Records

Bond for Administration of Jabez Howland, February 21, 1711/12.

Know all Men by these Presents, That We Bethiah howland widow & relict of mr Jabez Howland late of Bristol in ye County of Bristol Deceased Jabez Howland of Bristol Eldest son of sd Decd both Executors of his last will & Testament Dun Throope & Jonthan --- both of Bristol in the County of aforesaid Within Her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, are holden and stand firmly Bound and Obliged unto Nathaniel Paine Esqr Judge of the Probate of Wills, and Granting Administrations, within the County of Bristol aforesd in the full Sum of Eight hundreds Pounds, Currant Money in New-England : To be paid unto the said Nathal Paine his Successors in the said Office or Assignes. To the true payment whereof, We Bind our Selves and each of us by h --- our and each of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, joyntly and severally, for the whole, and in the whole, firmly by these Presents : Sealed with our Seals. Dated the Twenty first Day of ffebruary Anno Domini One thousand seven Hundred & Eleven twelve in the tenth year of her Majesties Regin
The Condition of this present Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Bethiah howland & Jabez Howland Executors of the last will and Testament of mr Jabez Howland late of Bristol Deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of them the said Bethiah Howland & Jabez howland or into the Hands or possion of any other Person or Persons for them And the same so made, do exhibit into the Registry of the Court of Probate, for the aforesaid County of Bristol at or before the tenth day of Aprill next ensuing : And the same Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said Deceased, at the time of his Death, which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Bethiah Howland & Jabez howland or into the hands or possession of any other Person or Persons for their do well truly Administer according to Law. And further do make or cause to be made a just and true Accompt or their said Administration upon Oath, at or before the Tenth day of Aprill which will be in the Year of our Loard, One thousand Seven Hundred & thirteen And all the rest and residue of the said Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits which shall be found, remaining upon the said Adminstrators Account (the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being, of Probate of Wills and granting Adminstrations within the County of Bristol aforesaid) shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the said Judge or Judges by his or their decree or sentence pursuant to Law shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, That any last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased ; and the Executor or Executors therein named, do exhibit the same into the Court of Probate for the said County of Bristol making request to have it allowed and approved according : If the said Bethiah Howland and Jabez howland within bounden being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration (Approbation of such Testament being first had and made : ) Then the before Written Obligation to be Void and of none Effect, or else to abide and remain in full force and virtue.
Bithiah Howland {seal}
Jabez Howland {seal}
Dan Throope {seal}
J Woodbury {seal}
Sealed & Delivered
In Presence of
William Martin
John Cary[5]


Bristol: May 10th. 1711
Reciued of mr Jabez Howland Executer &c to ye estate of his Father mr Jabez Howland Deceasd the Summ of Eight pounds twoo Shilling one penny; which is m full of all acounts dew from ye estate of this sd father to my self Recid Jd Nathll: Paine 1.8::02:01-C
Newport Janr: 30th: 1711/12 Recd from Mr: Samll: Howlan the sum of thirty seven shilling money on accot: of ye father Mr: Jabez Howlan for one Barll. Flouer sould him last march : I say. Recd pr. me Christr almy £1:17:-[6]
Received of Bithiah Howland Widow & Executrix unto Jabez Deceased Thirteen pound one shill & 8 pence In Balance of all accompts pr me William munre 13=01=08[7]
Received of Bithiah Howland Widow & executrix to Jabez Howland Deceased Seven Pounds In ballance of all accompts : I Say Rec'd by me George the mark of G Monroe June 1712.[8]


Brought from the other side £1297:00:[08]
by the Widow Linzey for Rent of ye house she lives in £4
by Charles Mecartey for house Rent £4.10.0
by Jonthan Drown cash £0.10.0
by Benjamin Gorham on two Executions paid by mr. Benjamin Cary £58.17.4
The Accomptants Prays allowance for the Payment and severall Debts as followeth
To Capt Jonathan Woodbury for funerell charges £8.15.0
To Joseph Waldron for ditto £11.7.0
To one Tombstone £2.12.6
To mr Arrault £0.11.4
To Josphe Howland for a Coffin £1.15.0
Diging the Grave £0.5.0
To Cornelius Waldroon £13.15.0
To ms Sarah Paine £29.12
To John Lawrence £3.10
To John Hulet £4.1.6
To Edward Ingraham £10.7.0
To Nathaniel Bosworth Cooper £34.11.5
To Samuel Little £10
To John Dyer £5.15.0
To Samuel Royal for Exeise £6.12.10
To Nathaniel Bosworth blockmaker £5
To John Salisbury £3
pad Captn. Davis for tite work £0.5.0
Brought from the other side £153.19.01
To Jonathan Drown for a tabel £4.10.0
To Stephen Talman £5.5.0
To Peter Coggeshal £2.3.0
To Isaac Martindale £17.16.6
To William Munroe £18.9.10
To William Claggel of Newport £2.13.‒
To Nathaniel Lindel upon bond £206.6.8
To Ditto upon Note £7.8.6
To mr Fales £7.17.6
To Jermiah Phiney Junr £2.10.0
To Samuel Howland £5.19.13
To Doctor Bourn £37.18.9
To mathew Allen & Patianse Beland £5.18.5
To Ebenezer Shapperd £16.14.9
To Isaac Ingraham £6.3.8
To Henry Whitton & wine Cooper £44.‒.11
the Charge & his will against us £1
To John Bosworth £2
To Roback Joles for Rates £2.3.7
To Josiah Winslow £3
To mr Willis an Arbitrator Jn Winslow Capt £0.10.‒
To Ebenezer Ingols £9.2.0
To James Addams £2.7.0
To Nathan Townsend for hire of a Lott £0.15.0
To Elezebeth Bowen £2.2.0
To Timothy Ingraham £1.15.8
To Widow Howland £0.1.6
To William Richardson £1.2.0
To John Hunt £0.13.6
To Widdow Linzey £0.5.0
To Benjamin manchester £0.3.6
To John Munoe £0.7.0
To mellis £0.4.0
To Joseph Mason £1.4.0
To Samuel Smith £0.4.0
To mial Pearce £0.11.4
To Isaac Gould £0.10.‒
To David Cummins £0.8.9
To Joseph Wardwell £0.1.8
Brought from the other side £576:03:2
To Justice Hubbard £00:16:2
To frencis Ball £0.4.0
To Henry Bragg £8.8.11
To Addam Jones £0.8.‒
To Samuel Luther £1.5.4
To Capt Davis £0.12.‒
To Josiah Standish £1.‒.‒
paid for Arbitration upon Salsbury affair £0.5.0
The Accomplant Prays allowance for Sun{dry}? sold for Less then appraised (viz)
one shill. sold for less than appraised £7
Ditto Jn Tobacco £0.19
Gees that Dyed appraised at £2.10
horse that Dyed appraised at £1
Negro woman Dyed appraised £1
her charge in her sickness & Attendance and funerall Charges £3.18.0
The Accomplants Prays for further allowance for two hoggs appeared in the Inventory which the administrators paid for with their own money £2
one hogshead of Cyeder appraised and bought with their own money £2
for money Expended in Preparing the house mr Linzey Lives in by mr Royall £5.06.9
for Clearing the house and moving ye Goods for Salisbury to Come in £1
for Glazing the house and other Disburstments on the same house £5.12.6
To Samuel Howland Charge and time & money Expended in going after the Land in Connecticut £10.16.‒
two {Luce?} of Paper £0.6.‒
Disbuisted in Peckhams Case who came out of Goal upon a Letter of Licence £3.15.0
and in Caswell Case £1
Harveys bill of Cost paid Coll Church £1.17.6
paid Coll Church for serving two wutts the Cases Lost £0.19.6
Brought over from the other side £641:01.2
The Accomplants further Prays allowance for what was spent in ye family £35:00:00
mollasses used in the family that was appraised at [crossed out]
Tallow and Candels appraised [crossed out]
beaf and Pork appraised [crossed out]
for beans appraised [crossed out]
for Corn appraised at [crossed out]
for meal appraised [crossed out]
hay and other fodder spent on ye Creatures [crossed out]
for soap appraised at [crossed out]
Cabages Turnips and other Prootes [crossed out]
pays allowance for wood that was bought by the administratrixes and used in the family in the winter when the family were together [crossed out]
To Henery Bragg £8.8.7 [£0.0.0 written over]
To Capt Jonathan Woodbury upon ballance acounts that was due from the Intestale £5.9.7
To Joseph Waldroon to ballance from ye Intestele in his life time £19.4
The Accomplants Prays allowance for theire Trouble which they have been at in Administering on the Estate &c £16:=:=
Drawing this account £0.5.0
allowing and Registering this account £0.14.0
Sundry Debts Due from Sundry Persons out Standing amounting to ye Sum of as by A: Schedule herto annexed £631:31:11
Bethiah Davis
Elizabeth Little
The whole of ye Psonal estate accounted for by Administrix: is £1364:18:00
advanced to four of ye daughters in ye fathers lifetime £120
debts & Expenses paid and allow'd £714:13:09
to be devided into eight parts = £768:04:03
ye 1/8 of 767:04:3 is £95:18:00
ye eldest son his doubts part £191.16
Apr.2. Sworn[12]
The Accompts of Bethiah Howland & Jabez Howland of Bristol Executors to the last will and Testament of mr Jabez Howland of sd Bristol Deceased as well of and for so much of the estate of the said Deceased as is Come to their hands as of & for their payments and Disbursments out of the same as ffolloweth &c
The said Accomptants Chargeth themselves with all & Singular the Goods Chattells & Estate Left by the said Deceased Specfy in an Inventory thereof made and Exhibited in the Regr office for the Court of Probate within the County of Bris[tol] Amounting as by the same Inventory Appeareth
To the sum of £549:17:[torn]
Recived since of mr walter £02:16:03
of Ensigns Reynoles £00:02:10
of John Haws £00:10:00
of mr wofman 0:9:0
= £553:09:01
Bristol Ss by ye Honord Nathll: Paine Esq & Judge of Probate Etc
mrs Bethiah Howland & Jabez Howland presented the above written and made oath that it Contents a Justt and true accomptts of theire Administration on ye estate of mr Jabez Howland late of Bristol deceased so far as they have proceeded : which accomptts acordeinly I do allow and aproue of ...
Inratt Coram: Nathll: Paine
July 14. 1713
Bristol Ss in the 3d Books foli: 157
July 29th:1713 the abovewritten was entered by John Cary Regr.[13]
The Accomptants prayeth allowance for the payment (as well of the severall Debts due by the Deceased as his Death) as other Charges ariseing since : which these Accomptants have since payd and Discharged as followeth
To mr William Tickner of Swanzey £01.00.00
To mr John Green of Bristol £01.19.08
To Capt Job Almy of Newport as by his Receipt £17.14.00
To mr William Munro of Bristol as pr Receipt £13.11.08
To mr Christophr Almy of Newport £01.17.00
To mrs Osborn £02.15.00
To Nathal Paine Esqr £08.02.01
To mr George Monro as pr his Receipt £07.00.00
To ffuneral Charges wine and other Drink £00.00.00
To 6 Rings for the funerall £03.14.09
To Gloves for the funeral £02.00.00
To proveing the Will Recording the will & Inventory £00.12.00
To Doctr ffullton to midicins £00.10.07
more one Ring 12: 6d. £00.12.06
To mourning for mr Townsend £00.17.06
To mr [Walker crossed out] for Leather [and crossed out] [horss corssed out] hyre £00.[13 crossed out].00
To mr Bowerman £02.03.00
To Drawing allowing & Registering this accompt £00.10.00
more to Gravestones to mr Stephens £1.10.00
for the Conffin to mr Church £0.10.0
for Diging the grave £0.06.0 = £2.06.0: £02.06.00
The Accompt of Bethia Davis Late BEthia Bragg and Elizabeth Little Late Elizabeth Howland Administratrixes to the Estate of Jabiz Howland their father Late of Bristol Deceased
The Accomptants Charge themselves with all and singular the Goods Chattles Rights and Credits Exhibited In to the Registry of the Court of Probate
the Peronsall Estate Amounting to ye sum of £800.4.0
The accomptans Charge them selves with sheep that were not at home when the Inventory was Taken since sold £19.2.0
an anvil not at home when the Inventory was Taken £13
A brass kittle not appraisd in ye Inventory £2
one shill not appraised in ye Inventory £2.10
three Gees not apprasied in the Inventory £0.10.6
advanced upon sundry things as followeth upon old Iron Chracole dVea Cole £9.16.10
To Ditto upon the Cows £4
To Ditto upon six young Cattel £6.10.0
To Ditto upon old Cashs £1.18.0
To Ditto upon old Tawperd e old silver £2.15.6
To Ditto upon horse kind £2.10.0
To Ditto upon a Negro man Called Newport vizt: £10. advance ye Interst of ye mony to ye 13 of this m of prl £11:14:09 {£21.14.9
To Ditto upon a Looking Glass £0.15.8
To Ditto upon Two Iron Potts £0.7.4
The Accomptants Chareth themselves with sundry Debts Received as followeth
by Capt Lawton [upon bond smeared out] £1.6.10
by ... Wheler upon bond £11
by William Glading upon bond £3.14
by Phillip Wheler upon bond £54.10.10
by Edward Shove upon bond £28.2.11
by Timothy Ingraham Junr upon bond £17.16.6
by William Throope upon bond £47.1.4
by Ebenezer Smith upon bond £41.10.0
by martha Allen upon bond £8
by Anthony Go[illegible} upon bond £13.7.2
by John Caswel upon bond £3
Brought over from the other side £1117.03.09
by Edward Addams in part of Bond £23
by Remembrance Simmons on bond £18
by Benuel Munroe £0.7.6
by [illegible] skiff of Marthans Vinyard £16.4.4
by Timothy miles £0.15.0
by --- Hall upon Note £1
by Seth Bullock £6.2.6
by Joseph Eddy upon Note £3.13.6
by Jonathan Drown £1.3.8
by Benjamin Crabtree £3.15.6
by Nicholas Peck per note £5.11.8
by Samuel Woodbury £0.11.01
by James Smith upon note £4.2.6
by Burt of Taunton £1.17.6
by Jon Munroe £1.10.0
by Samuel Snel £2.12.0
by Benjamin Gorham £6.14.0
by William Harvey part of an Execution £14.5.0
by Elkanah Leonard upon note £9.14.10
by the Interist of the same £2.7.2
Ditto one note paid for Harvey £11
by Ditto paid one Execution on Thomas Stescens £4.5.6
by Darby £0.9.6
by Howland of Newport £1.5.6
by William Salsbury £6.5.6
by William Walker £0.13.6
by Caleb Arnold £0.12.8
by Joseph Raynolds £0.12.‒
by Ebenezer Eddy upon note £4.5.6
by Thomas Dexter £0.6.13
by Joseph Peck £0.9.0
by Samuel Royal £2
by James Thurber £1.0.2
by Newland upon bond £1.4.8
by Nehemiah millis for Rent for the house by the Church £6
by William Munroe for the Lott that Lyeth in the way to the mount £5
by Fales for Rent of the Lott ye Lyes adjoining his Land £7.10.0
by Capt Lawton for hire of Lott adjoining to his Land £3.10.0
Bristol Ss April ye ad: 1734
Then Before the Hono:d Nathaniel Blagrove Esqr Judge of the Probate of Wills & Within the County of Bristol : Came Bethia Davis Late Bethiah Bragg and Elezebeth Little Late Elezebeth Howland Admionistratrixes to the Estate of ye father Jabiz Howland Late of Bristol Deceased: and made Oath that this Account Contains the whole of that Estate the said Deceased Dyed seized of and is Come to their Knowledge, and when they Know of anymore they will Reseal the same that it may bee of Record herewith, which I.s allow'd and aprove'd of
&: N: Blagrove
Stephen Paine Register
Bristoll Ss may ye 10 1734
Entered in the Eaight Book of Wills folio 107: 108
p Stephen Paine Register[16]


  1. "The office of Selectman was, at this time, one of very great importance. The General Court had enacted that either three or five such officers should be chosen in each town; they were empowered " to hear and determine all debts and differences arising betwixt person and person, not exceeding thirty shillings," to hear and determine differences between settlers and Indians, to give forth summons in His Majesty's name, and to determine controversies according to legal evidence, to administer oaths, and issue executions. They were required to take notice of all who should come into the government, and to require an account of all who should neglect to attend public worship from supposed profanity or slothfulness. No single persons could live by themselves or in any families but those approved by them. They could, with the constable, "repair to any house or place where they might suspect that any slothful did lurk at home or get together in companies to neglect the public worship of God, or profane the Lord's Day," and return the names of offenders at the next court for punishment. They were thus the chief executive and police officers of the towns; they were judicial officers also, and had a general oversight over manners and morals. It is not to be wondered at that men sometimes shrank from the responsibilities of the position, and that a law had to be passed fining any man who should refuse to take the office."
  2. Munro, Wilfred H. The History of Bristol, R.I: The Story of the Mount Hope Lands, from the Visit of the Northmen to the Present Time. Containing Accounts of the Indian Wars, the Character and Lives of the Early Settlers in Bristol, the Events of the Revolution, the Privateers of the War of 1812, Details of the Commerce of the Port, and Sketches of Its Distinguished Men. Providence: J.A. & R.A. Reid, 1880, p. 112.
  3. The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volume XLII (42), 1911, New York City, New York: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, page 155.
  4. Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-99ZS-BK47?cc=2106411&wc=MCBL-168%3A361612901%2C361839501 : 22 May 2014), Bristol County, Deed Records, 1686-1696, vol 1, p. 114, image 81 of 431; Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts.
  5. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co3/68265530).
  6. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co6/68265533).
  7. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co7/68265534).
  8. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co8/68265535).
  9. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co10/68265537).
  10. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) 9https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co11/68265538).
  11. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co12/68265539).
  12. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co13/68265540).
  13. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co15/68265542).
  14. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co16/68265543).
  15. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co17/0).
  16. Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (https://www.americanancestors.org/DB2724/i/48300/13630-co19/0).
  • Lainhart, Ann Smith and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, v. 23 (Family of John Howland), Plymouth, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2006, page 3.
  • Anderson, Robert Charles, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Vol. 7, T - Y, Boston, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003, pages 10, 14-22.
  • Family Data Collection - Marriages. Edmund West, compiler. Online publication - Provo, Utah, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2001.
  • U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900. Yates Publishing. Online publication - Provo, Utah, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.
  • American Marriages Before 1699. Ancestry.com. Online publication - Provo, Utah, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1997. Original data - Clemens, William Montgomery. American Marriage Records Before 1699. Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, USA: Biblio Co., 1926.
  • Lainhart, Ann Smith and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, v. 23 (Family of John Howland), Plymouth, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2006, page 11.
  • Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, Old Colony Records, Vol. 4, Page 393, citing Jabez Howland of Plymouth a “Blacksmith”.
  • Gates, Horatio, The Aikens Monograph, privately printed, no date.
  • Lainhart, Ann Smith and Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, v. 23 (Family of John Howland), Plymouth, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2006, page 10.

See also

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Howland-1251 and Howland-55 appear to represent the same person because: Please merge. Info on Howland-55 is correct. Thanks.
posted by Vic Watt

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