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John Barnes Sr. (1666 - bef. 1737)

John Barnes Sr.
Born in Isle of Wright, Virginiamap
Ancestors ancestors
Brother of
Husband of — married 1697 in Isle of Wight, Isle of Wight, Virginiamap
Descendants descendants
Died before before age 70 in Isle of Wight, Virginiamap
Problems/Questions Profile manager: Donna Perkins private message [send private message]
Profile last modified | Created 20 May 2011
This page has been accessed 2,284 times.


John was born in 1666. John Barnes ... He passed away in 1737. John Barnes obtained a patent for 340 acres on the south side of main Blackwater Swamp in Isle of Wight County, Virginia on November 30, 1713.

Will devised March 27, 1736, Proven May 23, 1737]

On 05 August 1691, John Morris, Jr. of Isle of Wight County, Virginia sold John Barnes 100 acres on the Blackwater Swamp. On 04 April 1704, William and Mary Williams sold John Barnes 100 acres south of the Blackwater Swamp. The Virginia Rent Roll of 1704 listed John Barnes with 200 acres in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia. On June 10, 1706, John Barnes patented 390 acres in North Carolina. On November 19, 1717, Richard and Elizabeth Washington of Surry County sold John Barnes of the Isle of Wight County for 20 pounds 530 acres west of the Nottaway Swamp. On 01 March 1719, John Barnes patented 315 acres in Chowan County west of the Little Swamp. On June 20, 1722, John and Ann Barnes of the Isle of Wight sold Thomas Hampton 238 acres from (the patent of 340 acres on November 30, 1713. This land was bounded by Thomas Crafford. On 04 August 1723, John Barnes patented 200 acres in Bertie County in the Fork of Fort Branch Creek. On 25 March 1728, John Barnes, Sr., George Washington, and Benjamin Johnston appraised the estate of John Gent. John Barnes made his will in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia 27 March 1736 and it was probated 23 May 1737. He left: Item, son John Barnes 210 acres adjoining Nicholas Williams, White Root Branch, Richard Washington, Item, son Thomas Barnes 150 acres on Indian Old Field Branch Item, daughter Elizabeth Flowers and her husband 120 acres where they are now living with reversion to my grandson Henry Flowers Item, Suda Davis, what she already has Item, son William Barnes the moveable estate he has in his possession Item, daughter Mary Best, pewter dish and 10 shillings in cash Item, son and executor Jacob Barnes, feather bed and furniture, bridled cow, 50 acres adjoining home plantation on Nottaway Swamp and 100 acres bewteen Arthur Washington and Edward Flowers Item, son and Executor Joshua Barnes, mare, cow with calf, gun, feather bed, furniture, pewter dish, large iron pot holding 10 gallons, still with cap, and worm after his mothers death, and 150 acres representing rest of home plantation on Nottaway Swamp adjoining Nicholas Williams, John Barnes, Jr., and a branch. Item, daughter Sarah Summeril, pewter dish and plantation adjoining Robert Lawrence Item, Thomas Crafford, title to the two acres bought from me

Item, wife use of residence

Witnesses: Benjamin Flowers, William Williams, Thomas Allen.

JOHN BARNES, son of Thomas and Diana Barnes married Ann Jones (c.1678-1740), daughter of John and Ann Jones of Isle of Wight County, VA. John died testate before 23 May 1737 in Isle of Wight, VA.

On 5 August 1691, John (JM) Morris, Jr., of Isle of Wight County, Planter, sold John Barnes, Planter, 100 acres on Blackwater Swamp, witnessed by John Jones, Sr., John Jones, Jr., and James (B)Barnes.

On the 4 April 1704, William and Mary (M) Williams sold John Barnes 100 acres lying on the south side of Blackwater Swamp beginning on the upperside of Nottoway Swamp and along a branch, for 5,000 pounds of good sound tobacco cask. John Williams, Richard Williams, and John Underwood witnessed this transaction. The deed was recorded on 10 April 1704. The Isle of Wight County, VA Quit Rent Roll for 1704 listed John Barnes with 200 acres.

On 13 November 1713, John patented 340 acres that was described as "new land" on the south side of the main Blackwater Swamp and on the southwest side of Flagg Swamp adjacent to Barnaby McKenny, Captain Richard Exum, Richard Washington, Edward Goodson and Matthew Rushin.

On 19 November, 1717, "the Third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George," Richard and Elizabeth Washington of Surry County sold John Barnes of Isle of Wight County for "one shilling in hand" 530 acres west side of Nottoway Swamp adjoining said Barnes, John Williams, Nicholas Williams, Nottoway Path, Miry Branch and White Root Branch; witnessed by William Washington and Francis West. On the same day John purchased for L20.0. current money 530 acres more from Richard and Elizabeth Washington located in the same vicinity.

June 20, 1722, John (B) Barnes and Anne (A) Barnes of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight County, VA sold 238 acres, part of a patent of 340 acres granted to the said John Barnes on 30 November 1713, to Thomas Hampton for?15 sterling money. The land was located south side of Main Blackwater Swamp and bounded by the west side of Flag Swamp, Barnaby McKenny, John Duke, Edward Goodson, Mathew Rushing, and Thomas Craford; this transaction was witnessed by Jacob Darden, John Marshall, Joseph (J) Stricklin and Thomas Gale, Jr. Both John and Anne made their mark.

The will of John Barnes, written the 27 March 1736, was probated the 23 May 1737. John bequeaths to his loving son, John Barnes, 210 acres adjoining Richard Washington and Nicholas Williams. He bequeath to his loving son Thomas, about 150 acres in the Indian Old Field Branch adjoining Thomas Drake. Elizabeth Flowers, daughter of John, and her husband were willed the 120 acres where they lived until their death, then the property was to be transferred to their son Henry Flowers. John's daughter Juda or Suda Davis received what she already had, his son William received the movable estate that was already in his possession. John's daughter, Mary Best inherited a pewter dish and ten shillings in cash. Jacob Barnes, loving son and executor inherited "the part of the land and plantation as I now live on bounded as followeth beginning at a Maple a corner tree upon the side of Nottoway Swamp and then through the said Swamp up the side of Orchard unto a lightwood post a corner tree then through the Orchard unto a lightwood post then along Upon a line till it comes to the side of white root to a white oak a corner tree then down White root to Nottoway Swamp then up the Swamp to the first Station fifty acres be it more or less and a tract of land lying between Arthur Washington and Edward Flowers containing One hundred acres more or less and one feather bed and furniture to it and a Brinded Cow and her increase that he is already possest with." The remainder of John's plantation was bequeath to his son Joshua. To his daughter Sarah Summeril he gave one tract of land down in the poquoson that joined Robert Lawrence. His will was witnessed by Benjamin (B) Flowers, Thomas (A) Allen and W. Williams. This will was recorded in Isle of Wight Will Book 4, page 167.


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the 27th:day of March in the year of our Lord God 1736 I John Barnes of Isle of Wight County being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and Ordain this my last Will & testament that is to say principally and first of all I give & Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my body I Commend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleas'd God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis/.

I give and bequeath to my loving son John Barnes One Tract of Land bounded as following beginning at a forked turkey Oak One oak standing in the line betwixt Nicholas Williams and I the said John Barnes along a line of marked trees to a branch called white root to a marked pine and from thence to a corner tree a black oak of Mr: Richard Washingtons and so running along the said Washingtons line to a corner tree of Nicholas Williams where said Washington did begin and so running down said line betwixt me and said Williams to the first Station or mentioned Oak Concluding two hundred & ten Acres of land be the same more or less.

Item I give and bequeath to my loving Son Thomas Barnes a Tract of Land being One hundred & fifty Acres be it more or less bounded as followeth beginning at a pine a Corner tree standing in the Indian old field branch so running up the said line to a Spanish Oak a corner tree and so running from thence across to a black Oak standing in a line of Thomas Drakes it being a Corner tree & so along the said line to the head of Indian old field branch and so down the said branch to the first mentioned pine.

Item I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Elizabeth Flowers and her husband during their Natural lives and after their deceases to my Grandson Henry Flowers the son of my daughter ElizabethFlowers a parcel or tract of land bounded which is the plantation they now live on and the land belonging thereto Containing One hundred and twenty Acres be the same more or less.

Item I give and bequeath to my loving Son William Barnes all the moveables he hath in his possession Item I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Juda Davis all that she hath now in her possession

Item I give & bequeath to my loving daughter Mary Best One pewter dish and Ten Shillings cash.

Item I give and bequeath to my loveing Son Jacob Barnes part of the land and plantation as I now live on bounded as followeth begining at a Maple a corner tree upon the side of Nottoway Swamp and then through the said Swamp up the side of Orchard unto a lightwood post a corner tree then through the Orchard unto a lightwood post then along Upon a line till it comes to the side of whiteroot to a white oak a corner tree then down Whiteroot to Nottoway Swamp then up the Swamp to the first Station fifty acres be it more or less and a tract of land lying between Arthur Washington and Edward Flowers Containing One hundred acres more or less and one feather bed & furniture to it and a Brinded Cow and her increase that he is already possest with

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Joshua Barnes the remainder part of the plantation and land on which I live bounded as followeth begining at a Maple and running up the Swamp to a Gum a corner tree that stand betwixt Nicholas Williams and I the said John Barnes and from thence along a line of a branch and thence up the said branch to a pine a corner tree and from thence along a line of mark'd trees across to a Corner a lightwood post from thence along a line of mark'd trees to a turkey red oak standing between John Barnes Junr and the land I give to Joshua Barnes then along a line of marked trees to a whiteroot then down whiteroot run to a white oak of Jacob Barnes so concluding One hundred and fifty acres be it more or less I also give him a mare which he is now possess'd with a Cow and calf and a Gun a feather bed & furniture and a pewter dish & after his Mothers decease my Still that is the Copper cap and Worn and if he shoud die without Issue of his body lawfully begottn then the said still to be Jacob Barnes I also give my Son Joshua One large Iron pot holding about Ten Gallons-

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Summeril One Tract of land down in the poquoson Joyning by Robt: Lawrences to her and her heirs for ever and One pewter dish I give unto Thomas Crafford two acres of land the same that he bought of me to him and his heirs or assigns for ever & according to the bounds we than made

Lastly I give all the remaining part of my moveable Estate unto my loveing wife during her {natural} life if anything or part be left unspent then that to be divided between Jacob & Joshua & Mary & Sarah I do hereby Ordain and Constitute my two Sons Jacob and Joshua to be my only and Sole Executors of this my last Will & Testament I do hereby disallow Revoak & disanul all other Wills & testaments heretofore made by me Owning only this and no other to be his last Will & testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day & date above written. Sign'd Seal'd in the presence of us

John B Barnes (Seal) W. Williams, Tho. A Allin, Signum Benj: B Flowers

At a Court held for Isle of Wight County May 23: 1737 The last Will and testament of John Barnes deceed: was presented in Court by Jacob Barnes and Joshua Barnes the Executors therein nam'd who made Oath thereto and being prov'd by the Oaths of Thomas Allen and Benjamin Flowers two to the Witnesses thereto is Admitted to Record.

Test James Baker Clk Cur Vera Recordature Test Jas: Baker ClCur

Recorded in Will Book 4, page 167.

The known children of John Barnes and Ann Jones are:

a. John Barnes, Jr., was born before 1697. b. Thomas Barnes c. Elizabeth Barnes married Edward Flowers d. William Barnes. e. Juda Barnes married a Davis. f. Mary Barnes married a Best. g. Jacob Barnes. h. Joshua Barnes was born in Isle of Wight, VA, married Lucy (Johnson?) , and died in Southampton County, VA. 6 October 1762. Joshua wrote his will 12 August 1762 naming his wife Lucy and nine children, Brittain, Edith, Chastity, Burwell, Buxton, Bailey, Benjamin, Sally, and Phereby.

i. Sarah Barnes married a Summerell.

JOHN Barnes

Birth: aft 1664, Isle Of Wight Co, VA Death: 1737, Isle of Wight Co., VA Father: THOMAS Barnes (~1645-1683) Mother: DIANA Bragg (->1702)

John was under18 years old when his father Thomas Barnes made his will. He would have been born after 1664 and before 1682 when the will was written.

From the Old Reporter: John Barnes, son of the first Thomas Barnes of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, was a planter who accumulated at least seven hundred acres of land before his death early in 1737. His principal plantation was on the Nottoway River. His wife who survived him was Ann Jones, daughter of John and Ann Jones. Their known chidlren were Joshua, Jacob, John Jr., Thomas, William, Elizabeth (married Edward Flowers and established the family of that name in Edgecombe, Nash and Wilson Counties) Juda Davis, Mary Best, and Sarah Summerell.

Spouse: ANN Jones Birth: abt 1666, Isle of Wight County, Virginia Father: John Jones (-~1697) Mother: Ann Unknown

Children: JOHN (-1790) Thomas Elizabeth Juda William Mary Jacob Sara (~1700-) Joshua (-1762)

1.1 JOHN Barnes

Death: 1790

Notes from the Old Reporter: The Barnes family South of Contentnea Creek springs from John Barnes who was undoubtedly the son of John Barnes and wife Ann Jones of Isle of Wight. He was in Edgecombe County by 1740 and he and his wife Christian were members of Tosneot Baptist Church in 1758. They were living as early as 1769 in what is now Wayne County. He died the last of 1790 leaving Simon, Samuel, Benjamin, Elizabeth Daniel, Christian (married Isaac Farmer, Jr), Zilpha (married Joseph Farmer), Barsheba Holmes, Mary (married Joseph Daniel) and John Barnes, Jr.

Spouse: Christian Unknown

Children: Zilpha (>1755-) CHRISTIAN Simon (-1806) Samuel Benjamin Eliabeth Barsheba John Mary

1.2 Thomas Barnes

1.3 Elizabeth Barnes

Death: North Carolina

IOW DB 6, page 124, dated 21 October 1741: Edward Flowers and wife, Elizabeth Flowers, of Carolina to Arthur Edwards of Isle of Wioght....110 acres on the south side of the main Blackwater Swamp (being part of a patent granted Edward Goodson and Mathew Rusen on 19 Jun 1714). Witnessed: Benjamin Johnson, Jr., Jacob Barnes and Jacob (x) Flowers Recorded 26 Jul 1742. Signed by Edward (x) Flowers and Elizabeth (x) Flowers.

Spouse: Edward Flowers Death: North Carolina

Children: Henry

1.4 Juda Barnes Spouse: Unknown Davis

1.5 William Barnes

1.6 Mary Barnes Spouse: Unknown Best

1.7 Jacob Barnes

Will of father John Barnes, dated 27 March 1736.

Item I give and bequeath to my loveing Son Jacob Barnes part of the land and plantation as I now live on bounded as followeth begining at a Maple a corner tree upon the side of Nottoway Swamp and then through the said Swamp up the side of Orchard unto a lightwood post a corner tree then through the Orchard unto a lightwood post then along Upon a line till it comes to the side of whiteroot to a white oak a corner tree then down Whiteroot to Nottoway Swamp then up the Swamp to the first Station fifty acres be it more or less and a tract of land lying between Arthur Washington and Edward Flowers Containing One hundred acres more or less and one feather bed & furniture to it and a Brinded Cow and her increase that he is already possest with.

This land was later sold by Jacob and his wife in October 1747 as evidenced by the following two deeds.

IOW DB 7, page 520, dated 7 Oct 1747: Jacob Barnes and wife, Elizabeth Barnes to Joshua Barnes...50 acres on the west side of Nottoway Swamp (being part of the land Richard Washington of Surry County sold John Barnes of Isle of Wight which land was part of 1240 acres granted said Richard Washington on 16 December 1714 adjoining White Root Branch. Wit: Bridgman Joyner Thomas (x) Oberry and George Washington. rec: 8 October 1747. Signed Abstract shows John Barnes which much be an error.

Same Deed book, page 521 dated 6 October 1747: Jacob Barnes and wife Elizabeth Barnes, to Richard Johnson...100 acres on the west side of Nottoway Swamp (being part of a tract of land granted Richard Washington on 6 Dec 1714 who sold this part of John Barnes who willed it to his son, Jacob Barnes) adjoining the Miry Branch, Edward Flowers, the White Root Branch and the School House Branch. Wit: George Washington, John (x) Barnes and Benjamin (x) Barnes. rec: 8 Oct 1747 Signed Jacob Barnes

IOW DB 6, page 124, dated 21 October 1741: Edward Flowers and wife, Elizabeth Flowers, of Carolina to Arthur Edwards of Isle of Wioght....110 acres on the south side of the main Blackwater Swamp (being part of a patent granted Edward Goodson and Mathew Rusen on 19 Jun 1714). Witnessed: Benjamin Johnson, Jr., Jacob Barnes and Jacob (x) Flowers Recorded 26 Jul 1742. Signed by Edward (x) Flowers and Elizabeth (x) Flowers.

Spouse: Elizabeth

1.8 Sara Barnes Birth: abt 1700 Spouse: Henry Summerell

1.9 Joshua Barnes

Death: 1762, Southampton Co., VA

Southampton Will Book II, page 3: Joshua Barnes 12 Aug 1762 R. 14 October 1762 Leg. - wife Lucy; son Brittain; daughter Edee; Daughter Chastity; son Burwell; son Buxton; son Bailey; daughter Sally; son Benjamin; daughter Phereby. Exs., son Brittain and counsin Benjamin Barnes. Wit: Job. Wright, Sarah Oberry, James Jordan Scott

Southampton Will Book II, page 96: Joshua Barnes. Account estate audited by Richard Ricks and James Jordan Scott. R. 9 Aug 1764. Signed Benjamin Barnes and Britten Barnes.

From Old Reporter: Not much is known of the life of Joshua Barnes, except that he was a small planter of Southampton County, Virginia and died in the fall of 1762. The maiden name of his wife Lucy is not presently known. The children named in his will were Brittain, Edith, Chasity (married William Batts, Sr., and settled on Upper Town Creek by 1784), Burwell, Buxton, Bailey, Sally, Benjamin and Phereby Barnes.

Spouse: LUCY Unknown

Children: CHASITY (1744-1811) Brittain (-1818) Edith Buxton Bailey Sally Benjamin Phereby Burwell

IOW DB 1-40, dated 5 August 1692: John Morris, Jr. to John Barnes...100 acres on Blackwater Swamp (being part of 300 acres which my father William Morris bought of Christopher Hollman...which was 1/2 of 600 acre) This is John Morris Æ part of 300 acres and his brothers Morgan Morris and William Morris have the other part. Wit: John Jones, Sr., John Jones, Jr. and James (x) Barnes. Rec: 20 Aug 1692. John (x) Morris

John sold the above land as shown in IOW DB 4-243: John Barnes to John Proctor...100 acres on Blackwater Swamp (being part of 300 acres William Morris bought out of a patent of Christopher Hollyman and William Morris give the land to his son John Morris, who sold it to the said John Barnes it b eing the middle 100 acres of 300 acres) adjoing John Proctor, Christopher Hollyman and Samuel Taylor Signed John (x) Barnes Wit: Samuel Lands and Lawrence Lancaster. rec: 28 May 1733

IOW DB 1-413, dated 4 April 1794: William Williams and wife Mary Williams to John Barnes...100 acres on the southeast side of Blackwater Swamp and the upper side of Nottoway Swamp. Wit: Johyn Williams, Richard Williams and John Underwood. rec: 10 April 1704 William Williams and Mary (x) Williams.

IOW DB 2-134, dated 18 Nov 1717: Richard Washington and wife, Elizabeth Washington, of Surry County to John Barnes of Isle of Wight County....530 acres on Nottoway Swamp and bounded by said Barnes, John Williams, Nicholas Williams, and the White Root Branch signed Richard Washington, Elizabeth Washington. Wit: Thomas Washington and Sampson Lanier. Rec: 25 Nov 1717.

IOW Great Book Vol. 2-599, dated 20 Nov. 1723: Thomas Hampton, Weaver, and wife, Elizabeth Hampton, of the lower parish to William Thornton...238 acres (being part of 340 acres granted John Barnes on 19 Nov 1715) on the south side of the main Blackwater Swamp, adjoining Barnaby MacKiny, John DukeÆs part of a patent, Edward Goodson, Matthew Ruskins, Thomas Craford and the Flag Swamp.......

IOW DB 4-30, dated 25 Aug 1730....Miles Jackson and wife, Mary Jackson, of North Carolina at Manatuck River to John Clement of Surry County....75 acres in the upper parish on the north side of Flatt Swamp near Meherrin River (being part of a tract of 280 acres taken up by Mary Jackson adjoining John Barnes

IOW DB 6-338, dated 8 Sep 1743: John Barnes to Nathaniel Pittman...150 acres on the north side of the main Blackwater adjoining Mr. Chambers and Blackwater Swamp. Signed John (X) Barnes Anne (x) Barnes. Wit: Richard (x) Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jr. and Joshua Barnes. rec: 27 Feb 1743 (Note Nathaniel sold this land to Roger Delk of Surry County. It is listed in IOW DB 7-139, dated 21 Jun 1745. QUESTION: is this John Junior ? JohnÆs will recorded in 1737. I give and bequeath to my loving son John Barnes One Tract of Land bounded as following beginning at a forked turkey Oak One oak standing in the line betwixt Nicholas Williams and I the said John Barnes along a line of marked trees to a branch called whiteroot to a marked pine and from thence to a corner tree a black oak of mr: Richard Washingtons and so running along the said Washingtons line to a corner tree of Nicholas Williams where said Washington did begin and so running down said line betwixt me and said Williams to the first Station or mentioned Oak Concluding two hundred & ten Acres of land be the same more or less.

IOW DB 6-350, dated 26 March 1743....Joseph Strickland and wife, Ann Strickland, of Edgcomb County in North Carolina to Richard Vick of Isle of Wight---238 on the south side of the main Blackwater Swamp (Being part of a patent for 340 acres granted John Barnes) adjoining Flagg Swamp, Barnaby Macklin, John Duke, Edward Goodson, Mathew Rusin and Thomas Crafford signed Joseph Strickland. Wit: Elizabeth Inman. Ann Blow and Richard Blow, Jr. Rec: 26 Mar 1744.

IOW DB 7, page 520, dated 7 Oct 1747: Jacob Barnes and wife, Elizabeth Barnes to Joshua Barnes...50 acres on the west side of Nottoway Swamp (being part of the land Richard Washington of Surry County sold John Barnes of Isle of Wight which land was part of 1240 acres granted said Richard Washington on 16 December 1714 adjoining White Root Branch. Wit: Bridgman Joyner Thomas (x) Oberry and George Washington. rec: 8 October 1747. Signed Abstract shows John Barnes signed which much be an error.

Same Deed book, page 521 dated 6 October 1747: Jacob Barnes and wife Elizabeth Barnes, to Richard Johnson...100 acres on the west side of Nottoway Swamp (being part of a tract of land granted Richard Washington on 6 Dec 1714 who sold this part of John Barnes who willed it to his son, Jacob Barnes) adjoining the Miry Branch, Edward Flowers, the White Root Branch and the School House Branch. Wit: George Washington, John (x) Barnes and Benjamin (x) Barnes. rec: 8 Oct 1747 Signed Jacob Barnes

There is some room for doubt here that this Jacob and Elizabeth came to North Carolina and are the ones listed in Nash County. Southampton Co, VA. Will book 4-1796 list: Barnes, Jacob. Leg. son Benjamin, land adjoining James Barnes; son Jacob land on J. Whitehead, James Barnes and Nathan Barnes; daughter Ann; daughter Selah Vick; wife Elizabeth reversion to sons Josiah and Thomas Barnes; sons Joshua and Thomas Barnes land in Pitt County, N. Car. and son James land in Edgecombe County, N. Car. Exr. wife Elizabeth and son Josiah Barnes. D. Sept 15, 1790 and registered Feb. 11, 1796. Wit: Edmund Barrett, James Barnes, Jesse Vick, Jesse Barrett. page 723.

Lease and release. Feb 21-22, 1739 from Thomas iw, to William Bryant of Iw, for 20 good full barrels of tar and for divers other good causes, a certain plantation & parcel of land containing about 150 acres, and twixt Giles Driver and Thomas Drake, the side of the Indian field Branch. by a corner twixt Files Driver and Thomas Drake Signed - Thomas (-- l his mark) Barnes. Said land is part of a patent granted to John Barnes for 340 acres by Hugh Drysdale, VA Lieut Governor dated Mar 24, 1725, and by said John Barnes devised by his will unto his son, said Thomas Barnes. Wit - George Washington, Lazarus Drake, William Williams. Recorded Feb 25, 1739. Amy, wife of the said Thomas Barnes, relinquished her right of dower to the lands conveyed. Sources:

Title: Wills of Isle of Wight County Virginia by Chapman, page 128 Title: Marriage Records of Isle of Wight County, VA by Chapman, page 3

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Research Notes

This John Barnes is probably the John Barnes mentioned in the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Vol. VI: (Virginia). A John Boweter from Cumberland, England, wrote letters back to England mentioning some of the active Quakers in the Pagan Creek Quaker Group (located in Isle of Wight, Virginia Colony). The name John Barnes was mentioned in these letters.[1]


  1. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Vol. VI: (Virginia) Pagan Creek Monthly Meeting, p. 44. Retrieved September 9, 2018 from,
Source: #S79
Page: John Barnes
Event: Smart Matching
Role: 1000971
Date: 19 SEP 2009
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Quality or Certainty of Data: 3
Source S79
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Author: Deanna Guy
Title: Guy Web Site
Text: family tree
Family site: Guy Web Site
Family tree: freebird2007
Media: 14233872-1
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  • WikiTree profile Barnes-1873 created through the import of Gareau.ged on Aug 30, 2011 by William Malo. See the Changes page for the details of edits by William and others.
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Hi Donna! The first footnote had the open ref but never closed, so the whole bio was in a footnote, but with no references / tag in the profile, it wasn't displayed.

It does need a a bit of work - inline sources would be good & headings also would help make it more readable.

posted by Liz (Noland) Shifflett
what happened to Bio its gone from here but when i click edit its there
posted by Donna (McGill) Perkins

This week's featured connections are Exercise Gurus: John is 21 degrees from Richard Simmons, 23 degrees from Billy Blanks, 19 degrees from John Dunlop, 20 degrees from Jack LaLanne, 18 degrees from Pehr Henric Ling, 25 degrees from Davina McCall, 20 degrees from R. Tait McKenzie, 19 degrees from Olivia Newton-John, 24 degrees from William Orban, 17 degrees from Arnold Schwarzenegger, 20 degrees from Suzanne Somers and 17 degrees from Raquel Welch on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

B  >  Barnes  >  John Barnes Sr.