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Madog ap Maredudd (abt. 1091 - abt. 1160)

Madog "Prince of Powys" ap Maredudd
Born about in Mathrafal, Kingdom of Powysmap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died about at about age 69 in Winchester, Hampshire, Englandmap [uncertain]
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Profile last modified | Created 19 Jan 2016
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  • Madog ap Maredudd[1] or, in English, Madoc, son of Meredith
  • Madog ap Maredudd ap Bleddyn ap Cynfyn [2]
  • Madawc ou Powis-Vadawc

Birth Year Estimation

A birth year of 1091 is estimated. Wolcott estimates his birth as 1098. [3]

His specific place of birth is unknown, however, Mathrafal is most likely. Mathrafal, in the cantref of Caereinion, near today's Welshpool in Powys, Mid Wales, was the original capital of the Kingdom of Powys and the seat of its kings and princes from its founding in the 9th century until 1160 and then of Powys Wenwynwyn until 1212, when it was abandoned after desctruction by Llywelyn ap Iorwerth (llywelyn the Great) of Gwynedd. [4] It is located on the banks of the River Banwy, just above its confluence with the river Vyrnwy, about 5 km (3 miles) NE of Llanfair Caereinion and 10 km (6 miles) NW of Welshpool on the A495 at its junction with the B4389. Mathrafal is associated with Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, Maredudd ap Bleddyn, Madog ap Maredudd, Owain Cyfeiliog, and Gwenwynwyn ap Owain. Mathrafal today is a ruin with mainly earthworks remaining. Ithas been excavated since 1991 by the University of York. Excavations by the University of York around 1991 found an iron and bronze figurine of St Gwynllyw (or Woolos the Warrior) in a cavity in a window base.


Madog was the son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn ap Cynfyn [1]

The medieval text Rhandiroedd Powys, which dates from the 1490s or earlier, records his parents as "Meredudd ap Bleddyn ... arglwydd holl Bowys" and "Hynvdd verch Einvdd".[5]

Wolcott shows Madog (born, say, 1098, obit 1160) the son of Maredudd, (born, say, 1065, obit 1132) in turn the son of [?] Cynfyn (obit 1075). [3]

1132 Reign

Madog ap Maredudd was prince of Powys Fadog.[6]

He succeeded his father in 1132.[1][7][8]

The medieval text Rhandiroedd Powys, which describes the division of Powys amongst the descendants of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, records that Madog and his brother Gruffudd divided Powys between them ("Madoc a Grvffudd, ar meibion hynn a ranassant Bowys rryngthvn ylltav").[5] However, his brother Gruffudd had died in about 1328.[7]

Madog was the last of his dynasty to rule as king over the whole of Powys, including, for a time, the Fitzalan lordship of Oswestry.[1]

When his father died in 1132 as lord of all Powys, Madog's influence stretched from Plynlimmon to the gates of Chester, and from Bangor (Iscoed) to the extremity of Meirionydd.[citation needed]

Marriage to Susann of Gwynedd

Madog ap Maredudd married Susanna ferch Gruffydd ap Cynan.[1] She was the daughter of Gruffydd ap Cynan, King of Gwynedd and his wife Angharad of Deheubarth.[7]

The medieval text Rhandiroedd Powys records his wife as "Susanna verch Gruffudd ap Kynan".

Stewart Baldwin asserts that Madog's wife is unknown; that she was possibly Susanna ferch Gruffudd ap Cynan, but that since Madog was known to have had children with other women, it is not possible to know which woman was the mother of his children. [6]

Marriage to Arianwen

He married second Arianwen ferch Moriddig Warwyn [2]

Mistress: Efa

Madog is also shown in some genealogies as the husband of Efa (Eirian) ferch Madog. She apparently was a mistress of Madog, but not married to him. She has been delinked as a spouse but remains mother of some of Madog's children.

Madog had two known mistresses. [2]

1141 Battle of Lincoln

Threatened by the building of the castle of Tomen-y-Rhodwydd at the southern end of the Vale of Clwyd, Madog, in alliance with Ranulf, earl of Chester, unsuccessfully challenged Owain's advance, losing, for a time, the control of his lands in Iâl. [1]

He is recorded as taking part in the Battle of Lincoln in 1141 in support of the Earl of Chester, along with Owain Gwynedd's brother Cadwaladr ap Gruffydd and a large army of Welshmen. [9]

To combat Owain Gwynedd's advances into Powis, Madog first allied with Ranulf, earl of Chester. It failed. His later alliance with Henry II was successful.[1]

1149 Relations with England and Gwynedd

His main pre-occupation, particularly between the yeas 1149-57, was the defence of Powys against the aggression of Owain Gwynedd. [1]

In 1149, he built the castle of Oswestry and gave the commote of Cyfeiliog to his nephews Owain and Meurig, the sons of his brother Gruffudd ap Maredudd.[10][7]

He was prince during the reign of King Stephen, when the Welsh shed English and Norman control. In 1149 he rebuilt the castle at Oswestry, an area not controlled by the Welsh for about a century. In 1156 he built the stronghold of Caereinion.[2]

In 1149 Madog was able to rebuild Oswestry castle a fortress of William Fitzalan. It would seem likely that he had gained both the fortresses of Oswestry and Whittington in 1146.[9]

1149 Defeat by Gwynedd

However, he had to assume a policy of good relations with the English as he resisted the influence of Gwynedd, which bordered on Powys from Machynlleth to Chester. Owain Gwynedd brought pressure on Powys, in part by bulding a castle at Ial (Yale), and led Madog to an alliance with Ralph, Earl of Chester. However, Owain won the ensuing battle at Consillt, near Flint. [2]

At this time the King of Gwynedd, between 1149 to 1150, Owain Gwynedd was exerting pressure on the borders of Powys, despite the fact that Madog was married to Susanna, Owain's sister. Madog made an alliance with Ranulf, Earl of Chester, but Owain defeated them at Coleshill in 1150 and took possession of Madog's lands in I‰l (English="Yale"].

1157 Support for Henry II's Invasion

In 1157 Madog stoob by while King Henry I of England marched against Owain Gwynedd, who had organized Welsh national resistance against the English, and during this action Madog's brother, Iorwerth Goch, destroyed the castle at Ial.

In 1157 when King Henry II of England invaded Gwynedd he was supported by Madog, who was able to regain many of his Welsh lands. Even so he retained the lordships of Oswestry and Whittington. In 1159 Madog would seem to have been the Welsh prince who accompanied King Henry II in his campaign to Toulouse which ended in failure. Returning home to Wales Madog died about 9 February 1160 in Whittington Castle. He was buried soon aftwerwards in the church of St. Tysilio at Meifod, the mother church of Powys.[9]

This loss was retrieved in 1157 when Henry II, with Madog's support, made a decisive assertion of authority in North Wales. When Madog died three years later he was still friendly with his powerful patron. [1]

1160 Death and Burial

Madog ap Maredudd died about 1160. [1][6]

Brut y Tywysogion records for 1159: "The ensuing year died Madog, son of Maredudd, lord of Powys, ... and at Meivod, where his burial place was, he was honourably interred."[11][7]

In 1161, the Annales Cambriæ recorded: "Annus MCLXI. Madoc [filius Maredut] Powysorum princeps obiit.[12][7]

He was buried in the mother-church of Powys — St Tysilio at Meifod.[1]

Praises sung by poets

His praises were sung by the leading poets of the day, and the impression created on the minds of contemporaries by the influence which he asserted in central Wales is enshrined in contemporary prose romances. [1]

Division of Dominions at Death

It is sometimes said that Powys Fadog was named after him. This is incorrect. Powys Fadog was named after Madog ap Gruffudd Maelor.[5][13]

His dominions were divided among his sons and nephews: Gruffydd Maelor I, Owain Fychan, Owain Brogyntyn, and Owain Cyfeiliog.[1]

After his death, his dominions were divided among a number of minor lords of Powys — his sons and nephews — and were never again to be reunited in the hands of a single ruler. [1]

The Mabinogion

The Mabinogion tale The Dream of Rhonabwy is set during Madog's reign. The central character, Rhonabwy, is one of Madog's retainers sent to bring in Madog's rebellious brother Iorwerth. His titular dream contrasts his own time with the grandeur of King Arthur's period.[14]


Boyer, following Bartrum, shows Gruffudd and Elise as children of Madog and his wife Susann. Boyer shows no children attributed to Gruffudd's second wife Arianwen. He shows Einion and Cynwrig as children of mistress Efa ferch Einion, and the rest of the children as mother unknown. [2]

Cawley shows four children, LLewelyn, Gruffudd, Marared, and Gwenllian as children of Gruffudd and "his wife", but is not aware of a second wife. He shows the remaining children as children of various mistresses. [7]

The Dictionary of Welsh Biography shows seven children of Madog ap Maredudd, without indicating a mother for them: Gwenlian, Margaret, Gruffydd, Owain Fychan, Owain Brogyntyn, Cynric Efell, and Llywelyn.

  1. Gruffudd Maelor. Son of Gruffudd and his first wife Susanna. died 1191. Married Angharad ferch owain Gwynedd. [2] Gruffudd "Maelor" I (-1191, bur Meivod). Prince of Northern Powys (Fadog). [7] Three WT profiles need research and merging: Gruffud ou Powis-Vadawc; Griffith (Madog) ap Madog; Griffith Maelor ap Madoc [7] Gruffydd Maelor[9]
  2. Elise (Madog) ap Madog Son of Gruffudd and his first wife Susanna, living 1183-1198. [2] Not listed by Cawley. [7] Gruffydd ap Madog. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog.[1]
  3. Llewelyn (Madog) ap Madog Shown by Cawley as one of four children of Gruffudd and "his wife." [7] Llywelyn (-killed 1161). The Annales Cambriæ record that "Lewelinus filius eius [Madoc filius Maredut Powysorum princeps]" was killed in 1161[751]. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales records that "Madog son of Maredudd Lord of Powys" died in 1159 and "shortly afterwards that his son Llywelyn was killed"[752]. [7] Llywelyn ap Madog[9] Llywelyn died 1160, very soon after his father's death [15] Llywelyn ap Madog. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog. [1]
  4. Marared or Margred. Shown by Cawley as one of four children of Gruffudd and "his wife." [7] Marared´s parentage and marriage are recorded in a manuscript now at Jesus College "Marareda merch Madawc m Maredud"[753]. m IORWERTH Drwyndwyn ("Flat nose") Prince of Gwynedd, son of OWAIN ap Gruffyd King of Gwynedd & his first wife Gwladus --- (-1174). [7] Possibly the same as Margaret ferch Madog [7] Marared ferch Madog, married Iorwerth Drwyndwn and was the mother of Llywelyn the Great[9] Margred married Iorwerth Drwyndwn. [2] Margaret ferch Madog ap Maredudd. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog.[1]
  5. Gwenllian (Madog) ferch Madog Shown by Cawley as one of four children of Gruffudd and "his wife." [7] m RHYS ap Gruffyd Prince of Deheubarth, son of GRUFFYD ap Rhys King of Deheubarth & his wife Gwenllian of Gwynedd ([1132]-1197). [7] Gwenllian ferch Madog, married Rhys ap Gruffydd, prince of Deheubarth[9] Gwenllian married Yr Arglwydd Rhys [2] Gwenllian ferch Madog ap Maredudd. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog. [1]
  6. Einion Efell of Cynllaith, Not named by Cawley [7] Named by Boyer as child of Gruffudd and mistress Efa ferch Einion [2]
  7. Cynwrig Efell, Not named by Cawley [7] Named by Boyer as child of Gruffudd and mistress Efa ferch Einion. Married Goleu ferch Gruffudd [2] Cynric Efell. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog. [1]
  8. Owain Brogyntyn ap Madoc, son of Gruffudd. Cawley names Owain as one of three illegitimate children by unknown mistresses. [7] Boyer states mother is unknown. living 1160-1188, married (1) Jonet ferch Hywel and (2) Margred ferch Einion. Cawley shows him marrying Margaret, daughter of EINION ap Seisyll of Mathafarn & his wife ---. [7]. b. ca 1135, Mercion, Montgomery shire, Wales, d. 1186.
  9. Efa ferch Madog Efa ferch Madog, married Cadwallon ap Madog[9] Efa not named by Cawley. [7] Efa ferch Madog married Cadwallon of Maelienydd ap Madog ab Idnerth ap Cadwgon ab Elystan Glodrydd. [16]
  10. Iorwerth. Not shown by Cawley [7] Shown by Boyer, following Bartrum, as child of Gruffudd and unknown mother. [2]
  11. Owain Fychan. Not shown by Cawley [7] Shown by Boyer, following Bartrum, as child of Gruffudd and unknown mother. [2] Owain Fychan ap Madog ap Maredudd. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog. [1]
  12. Owain Brogynton. Not shown by Cawley [7] Shown by Boyer, following Bartrum, as child of Gruffudd and unknown mother. [2] Owain Brogyntyn. Named in Dictionary of Welsh Biography as a child of Madog. [1]

Wolcott shows descent from Madog (born, say, 1098, obit 1160) to his son

  1. Gruffudd Maelor I ap Madog (obit 1191)
    1. 1160 Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor (obit 1236)
      1. 1195 Gruffudd Maelor II (obit 1269)

Succession Shared

Madog's eldest son, Llywelyn, was killed soon after his father's death and Powys was shared between a number of sons and nephews. Powys was never subsequently reunited, being separated into two parts Powys Fadog and Powys Wenwynwyn. Madog's death enabled Owain Gwynedd to annex part of northern Powys. The poet Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr in his elegy on Madog said:

While Madog lived there was no man
Dared ravage his fair borders
Yet nought of all he held
Esteemed he his save by God's might ...
If my noble lord were alive
Gwynedd would not now be encamped in the heart of Edeyrnion [14]

Research Notes


1025 Bleddyn ap Cynfyn (obit 1075).
. 1065 Maredudd (obit 1132)
.. 1098 Madog (obit 1160)
... 1130 Gruffudd Maelor I ap Madog (obit 1191)
.... 1160 Madog ap Gruffydd Maelor (obit 1236)
..... 1195 Gruffudd Maelor II (obit 1269)[17]

Cynwrig Efell, Lord of y Glwysegl, and Einion Efell, Lord of Cynllaith were illegitimate twin sons of Madog ap Maredudd, Prince of Powys, by Eva, daughter of Madog ap Urien of Maengwynedd.[18]


The Celtic Royal Genealogy site gives the following ahnentafel for Llywelyn, father of Ieuaf: [19]

Ahnentafel, Generation No 1

1. Ieuaf ap Llywelyn. He was the son of 2. Llywelyn ap Cynwrig Efell of Ystrad Alun, Arglwydd Y Glwysegl. He married Efa ferch Iorwerth, daughter of Iorwerth ap Griffi and Tangwystl ferch Gruffudd.

Ahnentafel, Generation No 2

2. Llywelyn ap Cynwrig Efell of Ystrad Alun, Arglwydd Y Glwysegl was born in Eglwys Egle, Trefaldwyn, Cymru. He was the son of 4. Cynwrig Efell ap Madog and 5. Goleu ferch Gruffudd. Children of Llywelyn ap Cynwrig Efell of Ystrad Alun, Arglwydd Y Glwysegl are:
  1. Ieuaf ap Llywelyn. He married Efa ferch Iorwerth, daughter of Iorwerth ap Griffi and Tangwystl ferch Gruffudd.
  2. Efa ferch Llywelyn. She married Cynwrig ap Gruffudd Fychan, son of Gruffudd Fychan ap Gruffudd and Jane de Lacy.
  3. Gruffudd ap Llywelyn.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3

4. Cynwrig Efell ap Madog. He was the son of 8. Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys and 9. Efa ferch Eirian.
5. Goleu ferch Gruffudd. She was the daughter of 10. Gruffudd ap Hywel and 11. Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon. Children of Goleu ferch Gruffudd and Cynwrig Efell ap Madog are:
  1. Rhirid ap Cynwrig Efell. He married Arddun ferch Ithel Goch, daughter of Ithel Goch ap Dafydd of Burgedin.
  2. Llywelyn ap Cynwrig Efell of Ystrad Alun, Arglwydd Y Glwysegl was born in Eglwys Egle, Trefaldwyn, Cymru.
  3. Ieuaf ap Cynwrig Efell.
  4. Gruffudd ap Cynwrig Efell.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4

8. Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys died 1160 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. He was buried in St Tyailio at Meifod, Powys, Cymru. He was the son of 16. Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys and 17. Hunydd ferch Einudd.
9. Efa ferch Eirian was born in Maen-Gwynedd, Cymru. She was the daughter of 18. Eirian ab Eginyn. Children of Efa ferch Eirian and Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys are:
  1. Einion Efell ap Madog was born in Powys, Cymru, and died AFT 1182 in Cynllaeth, Trefaldwyn, Cymru. He married Arddun (Arthen) ferch Madog Fychan, daughter of Madog Fychan ap Madog. She was born in Llanrhaeadr-yn-Mochnant, Dinbych, Cymru.
  2. Cynwrig Efell ap Madog. He married Goleu ferch Gruffudd, daughter of Gruffudd ap Hywel and Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon.
10. Gruffudd ap Hywel. He was the son of 20. Hywel ap Gruffudd.
11. Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon. She was the daughter of 22. Cadwallon ab Owain Cyfeiliog. Child of Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon and Gruffudd ap Hywel is:
  1. Goleu ferch Gruffudd. She married Cynwrig Efell ap Madog, son of Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys and Efa ferch Eirian.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 5

16. Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys died 1132. He was the son of 32. Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Tywysog Deheubarth and 33. Haer ferch Cynillin.
17. Hunydd ferch Einudd. She was the daughter of 34. Einudd ap Morien Arglwydd Duffryn and 35. Efa ferch Llywelyn. Children of Hunydd ferch Einudd and Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys are:
  1. Gruffudd ap Maredudd Arglwydd Mawddwy died 1128. He married Gwerful ferch Gwrgeneu, daughter of Gwrgeneu ap Hywel and Margred ferch Rhys. She was born ABT 1105 in Arwystli, Powys, Cymru. He married Iwera ferch Iago, daughter of Iago ap Gruffudd.
  2. Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys died 1160 in Winchester, Hampshire, England. He married Susanna ferch Gruffudd of Gwynedd, daughter of Gruffudd ap Cynan Brenin Gwynedd and Angharad ferch Owain of Tegaingl. She was born ABT 1098 in Caernarfon, Cymru. He married Efa ferch Eirian, daughter of Eirian ab Eginyn. She was born in Maen-Gwynedd, Cymru. He married Arianwen ferch Moriddig Warwyn, daughter of Moriddig Warwyn ap Drymbenog and Elinor ferch Rhys. He married Merch uwchelwr of Rus yn Swydd Drewen.
  3. Hywel ap Maredudd died 1142. He married Cristin ferch Gronwy, daughter of Gronwy ab Owain and Genilles ferch Hoedlyw.
  4. Dafydd ap Maredudd. He married Arddun ferch Cynwrig, daughter of Cynwrig ap Rhiwallon Arglwydd Whittington and Annes ferch Idnerth Benfras.
  5. Hywel ap Maredudd.
18. Eirian ab Eginyn. He was the son of 36. Eginyn ap Lles. Children of Eirian ab Eginyn are:
  1. Madog ab Eirian was born in Maen Gwynedd, Dinbych, Cymru. He married Myfanwy ferch Bleddyn, daughter of Bleddyn ab Owain Brogyntyn Arglwydd Dinmael and Margred ferch Gwyn. She was born in Dinmael, Dinbych, Cymru.
  2. Bleddyn ab Eirian was born in Maen Gwynedd, Dinbych, Cymru.
  3. Eigulon ab Eirian was born in Maen Gwynedd, Dinbych, Cymru.
  4. Efa ferch Eirian was born in Maen-Gwynedd, Cymru. She married Madog ap Maredudd Brenin Powys, son of Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys and Hunydd ferch Einudd. He died 1160 in Winchester, Hampshire, England.
20. Hywel ap Gruffudd. He was the son of 40. Gruffudd ab Ednyfed. Children of Hywel ap Gruffudd are:
  1. Gruffudd ap Hywel. He married Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon, daughter of Cadwallon ab Owain Cyfeiliog.
  2. Ithel Gledde ap Hywel. He married Annes ferch Owain Cyfeiliog, daughter of Owain Cyfeiliog ap Gruffudd Tywysog Powys and Gwenllian ferch Owain Gwynedd.
22. Cadwallon ab Owain Cyfeiliog. He was the son of 44. Owain Cyfeiliog ap Gruffudd Tywysog Powys and 45. Gwenllian ferch Owain Gwynedd. Child of Cadwallon ab Owain Cyfeiliog is:
  1. Dyddgu ferch Cadwallon. She married Gruffudd ap Hywel, son of Hywel ap Gruffudd.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 6

32. Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Tywysog Deheubarth was born 1000, and died 1075 in Castell Powys , Powys, Cymru. He was the son of 64. Cynfyn ap Gwerystan o Powys Brenin Powys and 65. Angharad ferch Maredudd Brenhines Powys.
33. Haer ferch Cynillin was born ABT 1025 in Gest, Dolbenmaen, Caernarfon, Cymru. She was the daughter of 66. Cynillin ap Blaidd. Children of Haer ferch Cynillin and Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Tywysog Deheubarth are:
  1. Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys died 1132. He married Hunydd ferch Einudd, daughter of Einudd ap Morien Arglwydd Duffryn and Efa ferch Llywelyn. He married Cristin ferch Bledrus, daughter of Bledrus ab Ednywain Bendew.
  2. Cadwgon Nannau ap Bleddyn Brenin Powys was born ABT 1047 in Nannau, Caernarfon, Cymru, and died 1111 in Y Trallwng, Powys, Cymru. He married Gwenllian ferch Gruffudd, daughter of Gruffudd ap Cynan Brenin Gwynedd. He married Euron ferch Hoedlyw, daughter of Hoedlyw ap Cadwgon Arglwydd Fferyllwg. She was born ABT 1055 in Cymru. He married Ellyw ferch Cydifor Fawr, daughter of Cydifor Fawr ap Gollwyn and Elinor ferch Llwch Llawen Fawr. He married Frances de Say, daughter of Picot de Say Lord of Clun and Adeloia. She was born ABT 1070 in Clun, Shropshire, England. He married Sanan ferch Dyfynwal.
  3. Madog ap Bleddyn was born ABT 1050, and died 1088.
  4. Iorwerth ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys was born ABT 1045 in Powys, Cymru, and died 1111.
  5. Efa ferch Bleddyn was born ABT 1030 in Powys, Cymru. She married Llywelyn Eurdorchog ap Coel Arglwydd Ial ac Ystrad Alun, son of Coel ap Gweryd Gweirydd. He was born ABT 1018 in Ystrad Alun, Fflint, Cymru.
34. Einudd ap Morien Arglwydd Duffryn. He was the son of 68. Morien ap Morgeneu and 69. Gwenllian ferch Rhys.
35. Efa ferch Llywelyn. She was the daughter of 70. Llywelyn ap Dolffyn and 71. Tangwystl ferch Iorwerth. Children of Efa ferch Llywelyn and Einudd ap Morien Arglwydd Duffryn are:
  1. Hunydd ferch Einudd. She married Maredudd ap Bleddyn Tywysog Powys, son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Tywysog Deheubarth and Haer ferch Cynillin. He died 1132.

#Ithel ab Einudd. He married Gwenllian ferch Rhys ap Llewelyn Eurdorchog, daughter of Rhys ap Llywelyn Eurdorchog. #Heilin ab Einudd. He married Margred ferch Madog, daughter of Madog ap Cadwgan Arglwydd Nannau and Jane ferch Cynwrig.

36. Eginyn ap Lles. He was the son of 72. Lles ab Idnerth and 73. Mallt ferch Madog. Children of Eginyn ap Lles are:
  1. Eirian ab Eginyn.
  2. Gwallog ab Eginyn.
40. Gruffudd ab Ednyfed. He was the son of 80. Ednyfed ab Idnerth and 81. Jane ferch Ieuaf. Child of Gruffudd ab Ednyfed is:
  1. Hywel ap Gruffudd.
44. Owain Cyfeiliog ap Gruffudd Tywysog Powys was born 1130 in Powys, Cymru, and died 1197 in Ystrad Marcell (Strata Marcella), Powys, Cymru. He was the son of 88. Gruffudd ap Maredudd Arglwydd Mawddwy and 89. Gwerful ferch Gwrgeneu.
45. Gwenllian ferch Owain Gwynedd was born ABT 1120 in Caernarfon, Cymru, and died ABT 1165. She was the daughter of 90. Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffudd Brenin Gwynedd and 91. Gwladys ferch Llywarch. Children of Gwenllian ferch Owain Gwynedd and Owain Cyfeiliog ap Gruffudd Tywysog Powys are:

#Gwerful ferch Owain Cyfeiliog. She married Hywel ab Iorwerth Arglwydd Caerllion, son of Iorwerth ab Owain Arglwydd Caerllion and Angharad ferch Uchtryd. He died 1211.

  1. Gwenllian ferch Owain Cyfeiliog was born in Cyfeilog, Powys, Trefaldwyn, Cymru. She married Cadfan ap Cadwaladr, son of Cadwaladr ap Gruffudd Arglwydd Ynys Mon and Gwerful ferch Gwrgeneu. He was born ABT 1128 in Gwynedd, Cymru.
  2. Gwenwynwyn ab Owain Cyfeiliog Tywysog Powys died 1216 in England. He married Margred ferch Rhys, daughter of Rhys ap Gruffudd Arglwydd Deheubarth and Gwenllian ferch Madog. She was born in Castell Dynefor, Caerfyrddin, Ystrad Tywi, Cymru, and died ABT Apr 1206. He married Margaret Corbet, daughter of Robert Corbet de Caus Castell and Emma Pantulf. She was born ABT 1188 in Wattlesboro, Shropshire, England.
  3. Constance ferch Owain Cyfeiliog. She married Dafydd ap Ralph Baron Malpas, son of Ralph ab Einion and Beatrix de Gernons.
  4. Meddefus ferch Owain Cyfeiliog. She married Gronwy ab Einion, son of Einion ap Seisyll of Mathafarn and Nest ferch Madog.
  5. Hywel Grach ab Owain Cyfeiliog. He married Alice ferch Ednyfed, daughter of Ednyfed ap Sulien.
  6. Daniel ab Owain Cyfeiliog.
  7. Eliwys ab Owain Cyfeiliog.
  8. Cadwallon ab Owain Cyfeiliog.
  9. Annes ferch Owain Cyfeiliog. She married Ithel Gledde ap Hywel, son of Hywel ap Gruffudd.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 T. J. Pierce, "Madog ap Maredudd (died 1160), king of Powys." Dictionary of Welsh Biography. Published 1959.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Carl Boyer 3rd. Medieval Welsh Ancestors of Certain Americans. Generally follows Bartrum. By the author: Santa Clarita, California, 2004. Madog is #20, page 14.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Darrell Wolcott. Ancient Wales Studies. The Ancestry of Owain Glyndŵr
  4. Wikipedia: Mathrafal Accessed 1/7/2019 jhd
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Peter Bartrum (ed), “Rhandiroedd Powys” in National Library of Wales Journal, 1973, vol. 18, p. 231-7. NLW.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Stewart Baldwin. Ancestry of Llywelyn ap Iorwerth. Madog ap Maredudd Madog is Generation 3, #6. Accessed 1/16/2019 jhd
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 Charles Cawley, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medieval Lands Database. Maredudd ap Bleddyn father of Madog ap Maredudd (accessed 18 Feb 2024)
  8. Mike Ashley, The Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Wikipedia, Madog ap Maredudd. Accessed Jan 20, 2017
  10. John Williams, Brut Y Tywysogion; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales, London, 1860, p. 177. Google Books.
  11. John Williams, Brut Y Tywysogion; or, The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales, London, 1860, p. 194-5. Google Books.
  12. "John Williams, Annales Cambriæ, London, 1860, p. 48. Internet Archive.
  13. Sir J. E. Lloyd, A History of Wales, London, 1911, London, vol. 2, p. 584, n. 46. Hathitrust.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Gantz, Jeffrey (translator) (1987). The Mabinogion, pp. 177Ð191. New York: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-044322-3.
  15. DNB 745-746, Cited by Boyer, p. 15
  16. Carl Boyer 3rd. Medieval Welsh Ancestors of Certain Americans. Generally follows Bartrum. By the author: Santa Clarita, California, 2004. page 141.
  17. The Ancestry of Owain Glyndŵr Ancient Wales Studies, by Darrell Wolcott.
  18. Lloyd, p. 209, retrieved 2014-06-21, amb
  19. Sir Arthur E. Turner-Thomas, V. C., G. C., K. G. (Wales), K. C. B. Celtic Royal Genealogy, Ieuaf ap Llywelyn Updated April 19 2016. Based on Peter Clement Bartrum, Welsh Genealogies AD 300-1400. 8 Vols. Cardiff, 1974, microfiche edition, 1980. Page: Bleddyn ap Cynfyn 13 p.40; Bleddyn ap Cynfyn 17 p.44. Accessed November 6, 2017 jhd
  • Pickering, W. (1890). Archaeologia Cambrensis. Google eBook.
  • Lloyd, J.Y.W. (1885). "The History of Powys Fadog, Vol 5." The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli, Cedewen, and Meirionydd. T. Richards. Google Books.

See also:


  • WikiTree profile Powis-Vadawc-1 created through the import of Spencer Family Tree 4 2002.GED on Nov 28, 2011 by Chet Spencer. See the Changes page for the details of edits by Chet and others.

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Comments: 4

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Ap Meredith-2 and Ap Maredudd-21 appear to represent the same person because: Both profiles are of Madog ap Maredudd, Prince of Powys, who died in about 1160. The correct LNAB is ap Maredudd rather than ap Meredith.
posted by I. Speed
This profile uses the refname "n51" several times over, but with no clue as to what n51 stands for. Could one of the PMs please either provide a definition or remove it if it is not required.
posted by Derrick Watson
555 Wikidata - Different birth date

This week's featured connections are French Notables: Madog is 21 degrees from Napoléon I Bonaparte, 22 degrees from Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, 25 degrees from Sarah Bernhardt, 14 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian, 30 degrees from Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, 24 degrees from Pierre Curie, 32 degrees from Simone de Beauvoir, 25 degrees from Philippe Denis de Keredern de Trobriand, 21 degrees from Camille de Polignac, 21 degrees from Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 23 degrees from Claude Monet and 21 degrees from Aurore Dupin de Francueil on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.