Project: Wales

Categories: Wales | Wales Project | Pre-1700 Projects

Are you interested in the Wales Project?wales.gif

Membership Requirements: To be a member of the Wales Project you must have:

- Been a member of WikiTree for 1 month
- Signed the Honor Code (Wiki Genealogist badge)
- At least 100 contributions
- Join at least one team
- Willing to communicate with other members of the project
- Make at least one significant contribution every twelve months towards project goals
- Respond to the annual check-in

Wales Project Team Members List - This page lists names of project members, their team memberships and resident country.

Project Goals

The goal of the Wales Project is to improve the quality and quantity of Welsh profiles. To assist with this goal, click on the Wales Resources tab above for information on researching your family tree and best practices for writing/editing your profiles.

Project Teams

In order to work towards our goal, we organise ourselves into teams which come under the following areas:

County Teams There are 13 historic counties in Wales, and our geographical teams are organised into each of those counties. The Project Coordinator for the County Teams is Hilary Gadsby.

Profile Improvement Teams The various profile improvements teams work on specific types of profile improvement across the whole of Wales. The Project Coordinator for the Profile Improvement Team is Steve Bartlett

Managed Profiles Team The Managed Profiles Team focuses on our Managed, PPP'd, Notables and 5-Star profiles. The goal is assure these profiles are of the highest quality per WikiTree standards. The project coordinator is Todd Gilbert

Topics Teams Topics Teams include teams working on various Welsh thematic subjects including Diaspora, Historic Buildings (including religious, schools, houses) and Disasters. The Project Coordinator is Stuart Awbrey.

Membership Team The Membership Team is responsible for guiding applicants who respond to the G2G welcome post through the membership process and to administer the annual member check-in process. The Wales Landing Team is designed for member applicants who are not ready to choose one of the other project teams. Wales Project Team Members List The Project Coordinator for Membership is Stuart Awbrey.

Welsh Dragons The Welsh Dragons are a non-competitive team that participate in all WikiTree thons, focusing mainly on Welsh profiles.

Project Roles - an explanation of all the different roles within the project and what they do.

This page was last modified 19:39, 11 April 2024. This page has been accessed 23,020 times.