Public Photo

Hall Family Genealogical Chart by Gladys Meier

In this image:

Where: Brownsville, Texas, United States map

When: 1959.

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Comments: 1, WikiTree Popularity: 1.

Original digital image: 666 x 1089 pixels.


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This is a faithful, non-original photocopy of the Hall Family Genealogical Chart pubished on page 7 of "The History of the Hall Family and Allied Lines," by Gladys Meier and Robert R. Martindale. The book was published 1959 and the copyright "was not renewed per Stanford database."

Source: Meier, Gladys Hall and Robert R. Martindale. History of the Hall Family and Allied Lines (Brownsville, TX: Privately Printed, 1959). See Ch. 2 Hall Family Genealogical Chart, p. 7 (lists three generations descending from Henry Hall)

posted by Mark Shernick