FOUND Genealogists

4 members are following FOUND genealogy content and G2G forum activity. Nobody has started a FOUND Project yet. Please lead the way!

no photo Paul Loveday Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)
Apr 8, 2022
Robinson-36247.jpg Rosalyn (Robinson) Lloyd-Robinson Mrs. Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)
Dec 24, 2019
Found is my birth grandmothers family name and I have her tree back to the original Found born in Wooley, Morwenstow, Cornwall, UK in 1719. [edit]
no photo Terry (Found) Wright Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)
Nov 28, 2019
Melbourne, Australia Cornwall, England [edit]
Cochrane-875.jpg Zoe Cochrane Privacy Level: Private with Public Biography and Family Tree (Yellow)
May 23, 2019
My third great grandmother Ann Found was from Thorngumbald in Yorkshire, whom migrated to Australia in 1849 on the Ascendant with her husband Owen Jones and children. Myself, my uncle and cousins in Australia have DNA matches with some of Ann's siblings descendants in England. [edit]

Top FOUND Contributors

Here are the members who edited the most FOUND profiles last month.

Contributing Member Profiles Edited
#1   Whitfield-2424Steven Whitfield list icon 10
#2   Welburn-134Dave Welburn list icon 6
#3   Cochrane-875Zoe Cochrane list icon 5
#3   Williams-47589Joan (Williams) Whitaker list icon 5
#4   David DeWolfe list icon 3
#5   Mary Koler list icon 1