How do I go about researching information about family members where a court house has burned?

+1 vote
I am at a brick wall in my family tree. I know my grandad (Raymond Boyd) was born and married in Georgia and his parents names but I am having a hard time getting beyond that because of a fire at the courthouse. The records burnt. Now what?

Thanks for any direction you can give this newbie.
in Genealogy Help by Carla King G2G Rookie (160 points)
Many times there are other records that were either duplicated at the state level or maintained elsewhere.  Census and tax records often went to the state.  Churches kept records of births, marriages, and deaths.  Sometimes there are post office records.  There were lots of county changes in Georgia, so early records may actually be in a different county.  Have you looked in Georgia’s “Virtual Vault”?  They have digitzed a ton of records.

2 Answers

+4 votes

Check for county genealogical and historical societies and their publications - especially if a county history book has been published. Many times, there are family sketches that have been submitted by descendants of the early residents. While not the actual records, they will contain stories and clues about the people who lived there. If your ancestors lived in an area of the county that was close to the border of another county - check that other county. Sometimes, it was easier to reach the county seat of the other county and you might find marriages and other records recorded in the adjoining county.

Don't forget to check the National Archives records for items that would have been recorded and kept there rather than in the county.

by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+1 vote
Georgia Archives ( may also have additional information. Additionally, have county lines changed? While chasing my 2x ggrandfather who lived in what is now Barrow County (created 1910), I found that his records are actually held in neighboring Gwinnett (he moved there from Walton in 1863).
by D Armistead G2G6 Mach 8 (84.6k points)

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