Have you seen our new DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid?

+16 votes

Fourteen years ago, on 26 June 2000, it was announced that the first draft of the entire human genome had been completed. Today, 26 June 2014, we are very excited to announce our DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid!

The Ancestor Confirmation Aid is a tool to help genealogists confirm their ancestry.

Because of the broad-based collaboration on WikiTree and the fact that the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA is passed down relatively unchanged for many generations in known inheritance patterns, a DNA test taken by one genealogist can aid the research of many distant cousins. In turn, the research of one genealogist can dramatically expand the utility of other people’s DNA tests!

For more information on how this tool can help you with your research, see our press release!


Also the DNA Ancestor Confirmation Aid help page: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/DNA_Ancestor_Confirmation_Aid

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
I entered mine today! I added the template to my grandfather's profile, his cousin's profile, and to their direct line paternal ancestors up to the MRCA of Elijah Godwin (ID Godwin-760). If you click on Elijah's two sons, you should be able to see the Y-DNA Confirmed Note in their respective profiles.

The template wasn't too hard to do. Thanks for creating the template and the how-to!

The only thing that is missing from my profiles is the "DNA Connections" stuff on the right hand side. Although it says "DNA Tested" beside both my grandfather and his cousin's profile, it does not indicate there is a match.

Did I miss a step?

by Ginger Smith G2G2 (2.7k points)
Hi Ginger,

Was this question answered, about not seeing the DNA Connections? I'm assuming this was the overnight delay, i.e. how we only update the connections at night, not instantly. This causes a lot of confusion; we'll need to add a better explanation somewhere.

Yes, it was the delay! thank you!

I was glad to know I hadn't missed a step!
Hello Ginger,

A different step you missed was to add Darrel's MitoSearch ID to his DNA Tests page.

Sincerely, Peter
+3 votes


This would be a good choice for a "Hang-Out"  I've noticed a lot more questions coming in about DNA results in G2G.  It would also be an advantage to ones who haven't tried it yet.
by Living Hammond G2G6 Mach 8 (85.7k points)
Mary, Eowyn took your advice and we're working on scheduling a Hangout with Peter Roberts.
Thanks, Chris.  I think a presentation would be very helpful and beneficial to all members of wikitree.
Did you guys have a hangout yet (if recording/presentation available plz post link)?


I'm really curious about this tool. I don't have any DNA to offer (YET), but I'd like to get some more info. I think I ran across a cousin who had theirs done.
+1 vote
I attempted to add my Ancestry DNA username to my Ancestry DNA test information on my profile, but it gave me an error that seemed to indicate a space is not allowed in my username (my username is Dan Stone). Most usernames on Ancestry DNA have at least one space, so I'm hoping the requirement for no spaces can be changed. Thank you.
by Dan Stone G2G Crew (780 points)
Hi Dan,

You're right -- Ancestry does seem to allow usernames to have spaces. We will need to fix that.

In the meantime, if you enter an underscore, e.g. Dan_Stone, it should work, here and in any links we create to Ancestry.

Thanks for your reply, Chris. Your suggestion of using an underscore will work, although an underscore is an acceptable character in an Ancestry DNA username, so this could potentially cause some confusion with some people's usernames.

The other thing I've noticed is there are lots of Ancestry DNA kits that are administered by relatives. These kits appear as the initials of the test taker, followed by "(administered by [username of administrator])". The Ancestry DNA username field here on WikiTree is currently too small to allow all of this to be entered. Because of the large number of Ancestry DNA test takers with the same initials, the administered by part is necessary to differentiate between tests. I'm hoping the Ancestry DNA username field here could be expanded to accomodate this. I don't, however, know what the specific character limit of Ancestry DNA usernames is.

Hope this helps.

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