Need help with very wordy Household examination record please

+3 votes

Hi there!  Would someone be willing to take a look at this record and translate the text on line 3 for Johan Peter and the text in the Frejd och särskilda anteckningar column for lines 1,3, 4 and 5 please?  I know enough of the usual words to get by but this gentleman seems to have a lot to say and it's a bit beyond what I can interpret.  A lot beyond!

in Genealogy Help by Laurie Miller G2G6 Mach 1 (10.7k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Top line says he was sentenced 15 Jun 1871 to 5 months in prison for  ??Miss??

2nd line (I think) starts about a son Olof sentenced for ??

3rd line ends with "additional 12 days"
by Gerry Hagberg G2G6 Mach 1 (18.1k points)
Ooh, I knew it!  Nobody has that much to say when it's good news.  Thank you!

Not just very wordy but also pretty bad chicken scratch. I had to look at it in ArkivDigital (v21938.b104.s94).

Dömd av Handbörds häradsrätt d. 15 juni 1871 för misshandel till straffängelse i fem månader.
Johan Pet. Petersson blef på samma gång dömd att för resande af lifsfarligt vapen hvarpå skada ej följt böta 20 Skr(?)
Hvilket i fall av bristande tillgång skulle förvandlas till fängelse i ytterligare tolf dagar

Misshandel = assault

What you read as Olof, Gerry is "blef".

The second line is about the raising of lethal weapon, causing no damage, and the third line states what the fine for this is converted into if he does not have the means to pay. (12 more days in jail)

Thank you, Eva!  How much time would have passed between the judging and the crime, do you think?  The majority of the family left for the US on May 8 that same year.  I wonder if they left him behind and he didn't handle himself well or if they left because of this incident.  I wish I could ask them.
I wouldn't know straight away.

Did Johan Peter and Frans Gustaf turn up in USA at all? Looks like they were the sons of Stina in a previous  marriage, since they are Petersson, not Abrahamsson.

The messy stuff in the Frejd-column looks like at least Johan Peter took out papers to go to Stockholm more than once; also looks like they both went to Stockholm in 1870, either to work or for military service.
They did end up in the US, I'm working to figure out when.  They were definitely there by 1880.  

Their father was Peter Jonsson, he died in 1853.

I just found this family in Sweden yesterday (all due to the excellent tutelage of Maggie) so I still have a lot of work to do!
And they arrived as Petersson / Peterson? no fancy name change as so often happened?
There's a moving-in-moving-out book for Fagerhult 1870.

Frans Gustaf is Utflyttning #11 and Johan Petter is Utflyttning #31, they both went to Adolf Fredik in Stockholm.
Oh, there was a fancy name change.  To Lundgren!  As far as I knew last week, they appeared in Kansas, magically.  Maybe dropped there by a tornado like in the Wizard of Oz.  :)

Interesting.  I am clearly going to need more coffee to dive into this mystery.  Thank you for the link and guidance, I really appreciate it!

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