How do I start research? Father-Litteral, Mother-Seymour, Greatgrandmother-Spurlock, Southern OH

+2 votes
How would I start research?  Father-Litteral, Mother-Seymour, Great Grandmother- Spurlock, in southern Ohio?

in Genealogy Help by
This is akward...but I was just browsing through the internet and came across this...I do not think this is a coincidence because I am Jolene Litteral with father's last name, mother's being Seymour, Greatgrandmother was Spurlock in southern Ohio.  I have never been on this website before so who in the heck is the other Jolene Litteral????
I am related to Literal,,, Indiana and southern Ohio..

have you submitted to ancestry .com DNA?

I have.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
The best way to start research is by collecting the information that you know. Download a free genealogy program to help you organize your info, like PAF from, or the free versions of any other genealogy program you can find.  Organize what you know, then move backward. The best place to start is with census records - from 1850 to 1940, everyone in the household is listed by name. You can find free census records, some on (as well as a whole lot of other free records); another great source for free census records is the HeritageQuest link through most public library websites. Using census records will help you put families together.  Post your familiy on WikiTree, and look for others researching the same folks! Good luck. ~tami
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (42.8k points)
selected by Keith Baker
Hello Tami,

 I wanted to reply to say thank you for answering my question and giving me some really helpful tips.  

Thank you for all your time,

Jolene Litteral
+3 votes

Sometimes I am glad to answer a question like this.  Getting you to a point where you can dive into more research into the family.  Most genealogiest would be willing to give their left arm in helping but there is limitations. When you give this minimual information, I assume you think this is enough information to start.

Think about how many people are in Ohio that would have the three surnames you have declared. To tackle this task, you need to provide:

  • A complete name, minimum first and last name
  • A date, any date birthday, marriage, death date.  Even a guess on the year
  • Southern Ohio, does not always cut it, a village, town, county

The bottom line you can provide some general information, but any information that is more specific the better.

Please send a second request with a bit more information.




by John Carson G2G1 (1.5k points)
Hello John, I just wanted to write and tell you thank you for replying to my question.  I was going by what other's wrote, but I think I maybe able to look more into this with the information I received.  

Thank you for all your time,

Jolene Litteral

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