"Welcome to the Weekend Chat" All Members are Invited!! March 9-11, 2018 [closed]

+14 votes


New Members Saying Hello (our favourite!)

Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

"Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

Where in the World ?  Share your photos!

Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"

Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!

imageWeekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread goodwill :)

WikiTree profile: Laura Bozzay
closed with the note: Event is over
in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
closed by Laura Bozzay
Laura, that is so awesome. All I have is clocks belonging to great-grandpa Vincenzo and a few pics. One time it went off when we mentioned him. It never worked. AND it hasn't chimed since.
Chris !    Would a Ford F-350 be big enuff to hit the gym (crack the brick walls ) or do you recommend a killdozer?
Oh, let's move this to another answer group...  the eerie things that happen with genealogy...
HAHAHA! And I have freaked out Laura. Nice. =) Should have used that on Halloween. =)

Eddie, I know a guy who manages a 300 pound wrestler. I think you'll be all right. =)

As long as you aren't comin' in like a wrecking ball like the song goes.
Thanks Linda. Glad you could join us.
Chris no, not freaked out.  See my new post for my story.   

By the way, in college we had a haunted building. I spent a night in that place ghost hunting with 4 others including a member of the staff.  Long story but I never believed until that night....

Laura, that's the Wikipedia for Reuben


and there is no other site that has his correct parents named. Wikitree alone has them and PROVEN!

Thanks everyone who participated this week.  Hope to see you next week!  

Feel free to bring some friends to the chat!

19 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Why hello there....

Been awhile, last monday marked the start of the third year of study in regards to my degree. Last month (on wikitree) was the first time after 8 months of only 100+ contributions (try an average of 2.1k) during that 8 month stretch...

Have to say though, I have missed reading the antics of Eddie and Chris!
by Richard Shelley G2G6 Pilot (251k points)
selected by Living Barnett
Richard, Welcome back!  We missed you!   Working on your degree and making massive profile contributions are a worthy effort for sure!
Yes Richard Welcome back. Ditto to what Laura said above.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+16 votes


1. Tags are a way of marking G2G threads, so they can be followed by interested people.  You can add up to 20 tags you want to follow.  These can be selected from already created tags or you can create your own, but we recommend you see if something similar already exists.  This help page is a primer on tags, how to create them, and how to use them: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Tags  You can see existing tags here:  https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/tags


2  When in G2G there is a tab called My Feed.  This is where questions with tags you are following will show up and any questions you have decided to follow by clicking on the “+” next to the question title.   It is a quick way to review things you are more interested in. 

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by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Laura you always have awesome, great and marvelous tips and these one are that. Thanks for all the awesome, great and marvelous tips you give here.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+13 votes


New Netherland Settlers

This project works with the family histories of the people of New Netherland. New Netherland was a Dutch colony on the east coast of North America during the 1600s. Dutch colonial settlements extended from Connecticut to Delaware, but were concentrated primarily in the U.S. states of New York and New Jersey, including the Albany-Schenectady-Troy area, the Hudson Valley, New York City, western Long Island, and northern New Jersey. The population of New Netherland was not just Dutch, but also included people from all over Europe (Germans, Flemish, Scandinavians, French, Walloons, Scots, English, Irish, Jews, Italians, Croats, etc.), enslaved Africans, and Native Americans who were indigenous to the region. All lived under Dutch rule, and Dutch was the principal language of the colony.

The history of New Netherland starts in 1609, the year of Henry Hudson's voyage of exploration.  Dutch rule ended in 1664 when the English took the colony from the Dutch by force, and Dutch claims were extinguished on 24 October 1674, when the Treaty of Westminster stipulated that all Anglo-Dutch hostilities were to end. Life in the former colony was, however, slow to change. Decades after England took control, many settlers continued to speak the Dutch language and to live as they had in the past.  As described on Wikipedia, "New Netherland culture characterized the region for two centuries."

The mission of the New Netherland Settlers Project is to identify and improve the profiles of the New Netherland settlers during the period of Dutch control, the descendants of the settlers, and the New Netherland community, from the earliest settlement until the start of the American Revolutionary War.

G2G Tag: NEW_NETHERLAND https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:New_Netherland_Settlers

Leader: Ellen Smith

Project Coordinators: Steven Mix and James Applegate

March 13, 1653: New Amsterdam had finally been granted a charter as a city in February 1653, nearly thirty years after the first European settlers arrived there. The city's first municipal governing body, the burgomasters and schepens, sat for the first time that February. A few weeks later, on March 13, Pieter Stuyvesant, Director-General of the New Netherland colony, called an extraordinary meeting of his own council as well as the burgomasters and schepens to address concerns about a possible military threat from the English. England and the Netherlands were at war, and England had colonies in nearby New England. To protect the city in the event of an invasion, the assembly directed Stuyvesant to repair and expand the defense works for the city. The fortification that was built as a result included a wall across Manhattan Island that became what is today known as Wall Street.

The New Netherland Settlers Project recognizes three categories of New Netherland people:

* New Netherland Settlers are people who were born or resided in the New Netherland area prior to 24 October 1674.

* New Netherland Descendants 1674-1776 are direct descendants of the Settlers who born after 24 October 1674 and before 1776 in community settings in which New Netherland cultural practices predominated.

* New Netherland Community 1619-1700 includes (1) people who figure in the history of New Netherland but did not settle there and (2) people who settled in the New Netherland region between 1674 and 1700 (such as Huguenots who arrived after 1674) and were absorbed into New Netherland culture.

Rearrange the boxes to form a message that is very important to this project:

A docx and pdf version can be found at:


by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Laura you always have awesome, great and marvelous puzzles and these one are that. Thanks for all the awesome, great and marvelous puzzles you give here.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+12 votes
All week here in Northeast Ohio it has been "Sugar" weather, That means cold and snow at night but warm enough to melt the snow during the day, UNTIL YESTERDAY! We got at least a foot of snow since Thursday evening and it does not look like it is going anywhere anytime soon. It is so bad it sent one grandson to the hospital. He was shoveling the sidewalk in front of his house and snow came off the roof hitting him on the head and causing him to fall. He is at the ER now and we are waiting to see how bad he is hurt. On WikiTree thanks to a lot of help I managed to connect Louise Fletcher's profile to the big tree and I am working on the only suggestion left on my list, Connecting another notable to the tree. This one is going to be tough because he is living and born in 1951 so I am having problems finding his parents. Even his place of birth is questionable but I think I have that solved. I have to go study for my radio class tonight and then shovel my way out and find my car, it is a white subcompact buried in the snow, but I hope to check in later this weekend.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
I just saw on the news we got over 17 inches of snow since Thursday noon.
It is cold here in the 20s but no snow.  Heard parts of the US were getting quite a bit of snow.  Stay warm and safe!
Just to let everyone know, the grandson just has a bad neck sprain and has to take it easy so that he does not make it worse for a while, oh and he is in a lot of pain but otherwise OK.
Dale hope he gets better fast!
Ditto to what everyone said Dale.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+13 votes
Brick Walls:

A few weeks ago we punched a few holes into some brick walls.  Did any of yours come down?

Do you have a brick wall you want to post?  

Let's get our hammers out!
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Punch through? I want to go straight up "Kool Aid" Man on a few. Haven't broken any yet so far. But, remember when you broke through Elias Felker's father for me? I kinda did the Kool-Aid Man "OHHH YEAH!"


Chris you are so funny. Are you the joker or jokester or even a clown in the circus.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
Nah. Green hair and an unhealthy relationship with a former psychiatrist doesn't suit me. Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here. =)

Now, if you want me to do Joker quotes.....I could do them all night. My brother and I would try to out Jack Nicholson each other as we grew up watching Batman 1989.

Of course we also saw Caesar Romero's Joker and Mark Hamill's Joker. Jack and Hamill are the best. Case in point:


Other times that Joker gets REALLY scary. Better than Heath Ledger's.

Thanks for the compliment. I'll be here all week. Try the veal. Someone has to....
So no brick walls this week?   Love a good challenge!
I have a few. You'd just have to be able to read Italian. =)
We probably have someone around here who does.   You can always translate it for us!
Okay. And said person would have to have access to a family center or family affiliate library.
Or maybe have access to something like a town family book that are so prevalent around Europe.  Germans call them Family Books,  French have them as town books.  Somebody may have one (I have about 8 of them for France) sitting in their library!
I'll have to ask my cousin, Angelina if she has something like that.
+15 votes

Today is.....

                               NATIONAL MEATBALL DAY



            On March 9th (today, Friday) we recognize one of the great American food holidays, National Meatball Day.

As far as historians know, meatballs were first created around the 2nd century B.C in China. From there, it’s believed that the meatball moved across the Mideast and finally traveled trade routes to make it throughout Europe. While many people think that meatballs came to the United States from Italy, that isn’t the case. Spaghetti and meatballs were actually an invention of Italian-Americans. Later on, these Italian-Americans would then introduce meatballs to Italy. Today, just about every culture on the planet has their own form of meatballs. 

It is not clear how this day got started, but who can resist the idea of celebrating National Meatball Day?  There are many different ways to celebrate meatballs:

  • Spaghetti and meatballs
  • Swedish Meatballs
  • Meatball Sub
  • Meatball Pizza
  • Turkey Meatballs
  • Lamb Meatballs
  • Porcupine Meatballs (made with rice)
  • and the list goes on and on.

There is a restaurant in New York that has 54 different kinds of meatballs.  Not only do meatballs allow for variety, but they move from appetizer to side dish to the main dish quite easily.  Meatballs can be made the night before and put in the crockpot, or days before and kept in the freezer.   


To celebrate, some restaurants give a free side order of meatballs, while others are donating money to homeless shelters. Cook yourself up your favorite meatballs or go out and order some from a restaurant near you! 



Just for fun.....

                     Anyone remember the song:  

   "On Top of Spaghetti"

On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed

It rolled off the table, it rolled on the floor
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door

It rolled in the garden and under a bush
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush.

The mush was as tasty as tasty could be,
And early next summer it grew to a tree.


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Sadly that will not work in our house for Lent.
You could celebrate tomorrow!!

Possibly, especially if the grandson comes over, he loves Spaghetti and meatballs, he would eat that for all 3 meals if we let him.

I'm not too keen on spaghetti or pa-sketti as the kids called in our family!!

I prefer macaroni and meatballs!!

But yes, I do remember that song!!
Dale here is a recipe for veggie meatballs (yeah I know, go ahead and laugh!)  


I also know someone who makes them with crabmeat like a crabcake just with Italian seasoning!
I would think "veggie meatballs" would be an oxymoron.
Like I said, go ahead and laugh!
Brings back memories of some songs my children brought home from
the sports bus trips.  Those are the days of fond memories.
Love those memories!
Two weeks in a row with the food of my ancestors. Grazie. =)
Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+14 votes

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS STARTS THIS WEEKEND!!  - for Canada and USA at least!!! Clocks need to go FORWARD one hour on Saturday night!!

Just thought I should REMIND everyone!!

My family chat doesn't start for another 2 hours yet!!

by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thanks for that reminder Robynne, I do have things to do on Sunday and do not want to be late. I will be part of a team giving Ham Radio tests to those who want to become Hams.
Florida is talking about doing daylight savings all year.  I like that idea.  No loss of sleep in the spring.   Now we only have 3 months of regular time.

I agree with Laura. Also thanks for the reminder Robynne.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.

Texas is also talking about doing daylight savings all year.

+14 votes

Famous Birthdays for today, Amerigo Vespucci, b 9 Mar 1454, WikiTree Profile Vespucci-1 and Yuri Gagarin, b 9 Mar 1934, WikiTree profile Gagarin-1.

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Neat idea Dale!   I have two people on my watchlist with birthdays today:

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Koenig-162  (umlat on o so I typed in oe)

There are many more both on WikiTree and off, Those were just the two that I found quickly. Will Geer is also on WikiTree, Ghere-4
I actually found a list of 1150 famous people born today but I do not have the time to even check them all.
Thank you Dale and Laura for that. It seems that Laura got her computer fix and working. My mother did last Saturday by my brother-in-law that has his own business working on computers so he does ours. I am glad Laura your back in form.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
Yes I am no longer grumpy!
+13 votes
Our daughter is a school teacher (Middle school History) and grand daughter is in kindergarten ... next week is spring break for them, so, we're off to pick them up and head up to Cody to see our niece's new baby girl ... she's three months old.  Son-in-law has a pharmacy school internship to do so he'll hold down the fort.

Luckily, the weather here is spring-like (70 degrees yesterday) so the drive will be a breeze ... takes 6-7 hours or so.  Always fun in Cody and good food too. Grand daughter is psyched as they just studied dinosaurs in school and her Uncle is a geologist ... they'll have a great time ... Grand daughter is taking some of her work sheets to share.

Speaking of 'Spring Forward' ... we're leaving in an hour or two and will miss the actual Daylight Savings Time day here so, I've already sprung forward.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Have fun looking for dinosaurs!! LOL
Oh I want to come too!  I love dinosaurs and rocks and fossils!  And I love the little ones... so much fun to see how they react to the world.  My 5 year old granddaughter is into dinosaurs big time.   I bought a fossil for her and gave it to her with some rocks to start off her rock collection.  She loves looking at mine and asking questions so we started her with one of her own.  Enjoy I am so envious!
Oh, you need to come out here ... There's a Dinosaur National Monument in NW Colorado (see Wikipedia).  And up where my wife grew up in Northern Wyoming we have Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite (also on Wikipedia)

Several years ago, they found a Dinosaur on the BLM land where my Father-in-law grazed his cattle.  And just a month or two ago they found another just to the north of Denver ... we're being invaded!! lol
I have it on my bucket list to do a dino dig...  I would love to take my grandchildren.  One is 5 now the other is turning 1 in a couple of weeks so a few more years from now...  

My youngest brother in law lives in CO with his family. We have been out to visit several times.   We do need to go out and visit again.  It is just we are tied here taking care of older family that is here.  My husband's Mom is 90 and my aunt is 86 so travelling is not a good thing for us right now as we tend to go from one emergency to another.
Laura I know what you mean my dad will if he makes on July 11 be 86 and my mom turned last October 79 and it does tend to go from one emergency to another even with me.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+14 votes

This month is Women's History Month and yesterday was International Women's Day (March 8), so I would like to honor someone whom I believe is worthy of recognition:

Dorothy "Dolly" Berry (aka Barry) who was born in 1901, and a native of West Village, Manhattan, New York. 

She was committed to helping poor people, street people, and particularly addicts so she helped start a 12-Step NA group with Daniel L. Carlsen. They started it in the New York Federal Prison System and called it Narcotics Anonymous

Dorothy had obtained the rank of Brigadier General with the Salvation Army. She was affectionately called "Brigadier Dolly". 

See more here on her WikiTree profile: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Berry-9155

Do you have a special lady you would like to honor and share with us in recognition of Women's History Month?? Please feel free to comment below!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Any relation to you, (our own stellar, helpful, taking care of people Dorothy)?
Have added links to both the thread called Overlooked Women and also to the March Notables thread


I have written before about my 8th Great Grandmother, Anna (Stenger) Walter https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Stenger-199

She was born sometime in the early1600s and died sometime after 1700.  She lived long enough to be a Great Grandmother.  After her husband died in 1688, she took over the running of a glass works for 12 years along with her children.  Her great, great grandson, my 4th Great Grandfather, Jean Georges dti Chambre wrote a Chronicle about the family.  

You can see the English partial translation here:  


In this he says:  

Our great-grandfather Adam WALTER, however, as written was dead in 1688.  He was the last master glassmaker of Soucht.  Here are the acts of the deceased as written in the records:

     "The 2nd of February, 1688 was buried Adam WALTER, master glassmaker.  He expired piously the 1st of February about 3 o'clock, and was buried near the "grand cross on the side of the entrance of the church."  He lived in marriage for 21 years, he had 6 children: Etienne, Nicolas, Pierre, Martin (who was my grandfather), Ursule and Marguerite.  At his death, his children were all still very young.  The great-grandmother (Anna STENGER) continued to direct the glassworks with her children until 1700.  Then the glassworks disappeared and the new glass manufactory was constructed in Meisenthal in 1702.  Often I have seen that date carved on the ancient glassworks.

Not only did this woman endure the loss of 3 children due to starvation brought about by the 30 years war (as I have written before), but she also helped run a glass factory with her children after her husband died.  This is quite an achievement for a woman in the 1600s.  

She is a marvel to me in that she did not let anything stop her in pursuit of trying to save her family.  Thank you Great x 8 Grandma, I hope I got even a thimble of your genes!  

I do but I will add her tomorrow. It is my mother. Thanks Dorothy. Here is my mother's profile.https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Leonard-5569. She had to be strong when she was a child till her mother died in 1961 because her mother became a diabetic at that time and she had to look after her siblings and her father when her mother was in the hospital a lot then and do her school work also. Now she has to look after her husband and me while trying to take care of herself.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.

Linda, sounds like you have a mother who is a blessing in your life.
+14 votes

Good Week End to All!

Crazy weather....my Pieris plants are blooming & bees have found them.



by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Oh a breathe of spring!   Thank you for sharing it!  It got up to 50 here today so not horrible but not warm either.
Ditto to Doug and Laura.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+11 votes
"Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated" (Captain Picard, Star Trek: First Contact)

Hails and horns, Wikitreers! I am back from the darkness. We lost power on Thursday morning around 3 AM thanks to that huge Nor'easter which gripped the Merrimack Valley in its icy talons. Most of my town was without power. Lines were down and trees were split in two. I ventured out to get supplies (Re: Thor Ragnarok and gasoline for the generator) and saw a huge mess.

Finally got power back. Thanks go out to Eddie for getting the message out..

Anyway, my tip this week is that if your family happens to have a genealogy book online don't hesitate to use it. Sure some are dodgy but some may have useful info. I lucked out. Entire branches on my US line are in SEVERAL books. To list them all would take a while. Never mind linking. There's a lot.  Gotta love how Mass has all the books and is like "Here. Ya want records? Here ya go. Wanna go grab some Dunks aftah?"

Now to catch up on e-mails. Lord, I got a ton...
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (798k points)
Yes emails do pile up even after being offline for 2 days!! Glad to see you are back!!
It's good to be back!
Yep. Surtur, Fenir and Hela all made appearances. Stan and Jack used Norse mythology to build Thor's world in the '60s. But, creative geniuses like Walt and Louise Simonsen expanded on the mythology and had epic runs.

The son of Odin's comics are pretty good. I haven't read much of them. But, they are awesome. =) There was once this article comparing Thor in the comics with Thor in myth. Thor in the comics, it was argued, is a much nicer guy.
Ditto to everyone here.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+12 votes
Chris just posted a story that is kind of eerie about one of his relatives.  I hope he moves it here.   Does anyone else have an eerie story?  I do but want to start the thread first...
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
My eerie story:  I went to find the grave of my great great grandfather who fought in the US Civil War  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gebhardt-285

Because of some old letters we thought he had died and was buried somewhere in Kansas.  I discovered after years of searching he was actually buried in Danville National Cemetery in Illinois.  The Civil War Pension home in Kansas had transferred all the MO pensioners to Illinois after Danville was built.  So my husband and I, armed only with a section number in a huge national cemetery set out to find him.   We drove for hours.  Got there, figured out where the section was.   My husband pulled up under a tree and said you take this side I'll take that side.  Call out if you find him.  I opened the door stepped out and called..  here he is!  

My husband had literally parked directly in front of his grave!
You were very lucky in that find and easy and quick Laura.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
Ask and ye shall receive.

We have a few belongings of my great-grandfather, Vincenzo. Specifically we have this old clock of his. We don't know when he got it. It's really old and the face is kinda rusted. It didn't work as far as we knew.

One time we were talking about him for some reason and....it chimed. =O

I have a few other ghost stories if people want to hear about them. =)


Cool story, Laura! =D
Yes we do Chris. Also Chris if you have a photo of the clock you should post for a share photo as a family heirloom or if you don't have a photo of the clock and you have the clock you should take one of it and post it like I just said in this reply. I did that with my mother's great grandmother's clock.
I'll see what I can do once we get better lighting. =)
+9 votes
I am finally here. This week has been some week for the Barnett family in Loudon, Tennessee. My dad have a lot of problem with diahera and has a lot of fluid in his stomach area and today mom said his eyes looked yellow. They are going to see their primary doctor about this problem and also she going to try to see the doctor over the dialysis place he goes to and if she has to she will call the head over all the Frenius dialysis clinics. She will unhappy about how they are doing with my dad. Then last year and last week I had a ultrasound on my thyroid and what they sent my doctor  has my doctor concerned and she talking about doing a biopsy on both sides of my thyroid so I made an appointment with her for me and my mother to talk about it and then schedule it if we agree to it and we probably will do it on a Tuesday or Thursday morning while my dad is at dialysis so we wont have to worry about him while we get it done. The result said that the left side of the thyroid nodule is stable and believed benign but she wants to do both the left and right. It said my thyroid was enlarged more this year than last year and the right side must be active and growing. Then my mom is trying to get some trees about 5 to 6 trees cut down even to the ground and 2 log of stumps removed for us then she will get them plus 2 other stumps grounded out. So she is trying to get estimates from so companies that are liscended and bonded to do that. Plus she working on the house plans and has to go back without my dad to Greeneville to sign contract and put down a down payment for the building of the house also soon. So we have our work cut out for the month. My dad is not helping her with they way he doing and finally got violent with her one day when she want him to make one more trip up the hallway and he didn't want to because he said he was hurting and he wanted to sit down and she wasn't going to let him sit down so he pushed the walker into her. She said if he did that again that she will put him in a nursing home and forget the house and she will live her till she dies. They said that people who has Alhemizers and demetia get violent and my brother warned her about this and so he finally did get violent. Now he also starting to play with the buttons on his remote for his lift chair and mother and me are getting put with him play with his toy the lift chair and the remote to it. We have had a quite of a week with him. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (510k points)
Linda you and your family are in my prayers.   My Mom got really bad due to lack of oxygen to her brain.  I understand how hard this is on all of you.

I hope everything turns out well on your own tests.  Take care of yourself.
Wow. Hope everything works out. =( You and yours are in my thoughts. Take care.
Prayers of encouragement  for you and your family.  My next door angel,
who watches over me while I am in Florida and away from family, just
went through the same thing with her husband.  I was so lucky.  My husband never got violent in the three years we had his struggle.
+10 votes

Famous People Born On March 10th

These are all famous people, some living some dead. I will leave it to you to check out the ones you wish. If they do not already have a profile on WikiTree there is enough information provided to start one.

Sharon Stone Born in Meadville, Pennsylvania, U.S in 1958

James Earl Ray Born in 1928 Died 23 April 1998 in Alton, Illinois, United States

Chuck Norris Born in Ryan, Oklahoma, United States in 1940

Carrie Underwood Born in Muskogee, Oklahoma, United States in 1983

Olivia Wilde Born in New York City, New York, U.S. in 1984

Emily Osment Born in 1992 in Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Robin Thicke Born in 1977 in Los Angeles, California, U.S

Alexander III of Russia Died 01 November 1894 Born in 1845 in Saint Petersburg Russia

Morgan Tsvangirai Born in 1952 in Zimbabwe

Shannon Tweed Born in 1957 in Newfoundland Canada  


Danny Pudi Born in 1979 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Edward Baker Lincoln Born in 1846 in Springfield, Illinois, United States Died 01 February 1850

Osama Bin Laden Born in 1957 in Saudi Arabia Died 02 May 2011


Kate Sheppard Born in 1847 in Liverpool, England Died 13 July 1934

Lillian Wald Born in 1867 in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States Died 01 September 1940

Marcello Malpighi Born in 1628 in Crevalcore Italy Died 30 September 1694

There are many more but this should give you a good start.

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Thank you Dale for the list.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
I do not think I will be able to post a list tomorrow. I am going to be very busy for several hours with a test session for Amateur Radio, I will be one of those giving the test so until everyone is done I can not leave.
Dale it is great that you give of your time to help others.  We appreciate what you have done so far.
+14 votes

Today is....

                                      NATIONAL MARIO DAY


National Mario Day is observed each year on March 10th and honors Mario from the popular Nintendo game.

This gamer holiday is celebrated on March 10 because of the way the date appears, when abbreviated (Mar.10). It looks just like the name Mario.

  • Mario, the Italian plumber, first appeared in Donkey Kong in 1981
  •  In 1983 Mario got his own game with his brother Luigi
  • Mario is known for being the most famous video game character ever created
  • Over 210 million copies of the Mario game series have been sold

Mario Andretti (race car driver), Mario Batali (chef) and Mario Lopez (actor) are a few other famous Marios you might recognize.


Have some fun with friends playing video games. You can also do something special for or with all people named Mario! Use #NationalMarioDay to post on social media.


Our research has found that this day was started by video gamers and Mar. 10 was chosen because of how it appears. However, we were unable to find the names of the original creators of National Mario Day.



by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Did you know he was named for a real person?   http://www.technologizer.com/2010/04/25/mario/

Mario Segale who is not a plumber.  He is a real estate developer from the State of Washington who owned the building where the US operation was located.  There is a 3 page fascinating article about this.  But Mario Segale is still a mystery man.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Segale

I do not see a profile for him.  But there are some private profiles and as he is living one may be him.
Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
Thanks Laura for finding that information. I wasn't aware that Mario was named for a real person myself.
+10 votes
For those with an interest in art and history, you might find this article on illuminated manuscript art of interest

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
+8 votes

Born Today

Due to time constraints today I am only giving one notable born today. It is Shemp Howard, https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/shemp-howard.html,        https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Horwitz-73 . He as a profile on WikiTree but it is very basic and Unsourced so have fun.

by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
edited by Dale Byers
Now it is time to get ready to leave for my Volunteer Examiner Testing Session. I might be able to check back late this afternoon but in case I do not make it back, Have a nice remainder of the weekend everyone.
Same to  you Dale.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.
Dale I sourced it for you.   Added a link to e-book with data in it.
+10 votes

Today is.....


On March 11th we remember a man who made apple (and pear) trees bloom across the nation.  National Johnny Appleseed Day celebrates a kindly legend who lived by sage teachings and labored to bring the shade of fruit trees across much of the United States.

In Fort Wayne, Indiana in Johnny Appleseed Park there is a grave marking the spot where the legendary sower of apple seeds rests.

He was born John Chapman on September 26, 1774, in Leominster, Massachusetts to Nathaniel and Elizabeth Simons Chapman. Not much is known about his early life other than his mother died when he was two. His father packed up Johnny and his sister (an infant brother had died the previous year) and moved to Springfield, Massachusetts. His father served as a Minuteman and fought at Bunker Hill.

Then in 1797, Chapman shows up in northwestern Pennsylvania propagating his apple seeds and working his way steadily into the frontier of West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and eventually as far west as Illinois and Iowa and as far north as Michigan and Wisconsin.

In his wake, he left orchards and the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish spiritual leader whose books he would buy with whatever payment he might receive for his endeavors. In turn, Johnny would give the books away as he traveled and planted.

Mostly, though, he planted his seeds and seedlings for free along with his wisdom, his broad-brimmed pasteboard hat keeping the sun from his eyes as he went. Often shoeless, he traveled mostly by foot and sometimes by horseback or canoe. His appearance was nearly as noteworthy as his accomplishments, but so was his kindness. There was always a place at the table if Johnny Appleseed were to come visiting.

There are many stories told that the man would travel many miles to nurse an ailing orchard when word would reach him of its poor condition. Bringing the trees back to health would be his chief endeavor while dispersing wisdom, care and kindness as he did.

Across the Midwest, landmarks pepper the countryside honoring the man that brought fruit to the frontier. Warren County, Pennsylvania lays claim to Johnny Appleseed’s first tree nursery.

Mansfield, Ohio honors the man with a monument in South Park.  The last known Chapman tree still lives! In rural Ashland County, Ohio, the tree struggles to survive but half of it still manages to bloom in the spring. 

In his hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts there is an entire park named after the man who nurtured the land and made apple trees bloom across a young nation.

Johnny Appleseed Day is celebrated on either March 11 or September 26. The September date is Appleseed’s acknowledged birth date. The March date is sometimes preferred due to the planting season. While there is some vagueness concerning Appleseed’s death and burial, it is known he became ill in early March and passed soon after.





by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Thanks Dorothy for this Today is

It was very interesting tibit. For lunch mom cut me and dad an apple each for us.

Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Weekend Chat.


Dorothy, another of your great "National Day's" and thanks for the story attached with it. Each weekend I look forward to what you are going to provide.

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