Do you have a Maria Grist b. 1825 in Carisbrook?

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Maria Grist b. 1825, married James Pittis 1844. Emigrated to Canada 1858. Had a daughter Fanny M.
in Genealogy Help by

2 Answers

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James Pittis blacksmit. Maria born 1822 according to 1851 census. Also had children Arthur and Emma.
by anonymous G2G6 Pilot (287k points)
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According to my records the only Marie born in 1822 was in Stonehouse, Glocestershire daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Grist which seems a long way from the Isle of Wight.

I do have a Maria born in Arreton, Isle of Wight in 1819 daughter of James and Ann Grist. The 1841 census lists her as being 22 and lists 4 siblings.
by Living Geleick G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
edited by Living Geleick

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