What is the benefit of autosomal and X STR tests?

+7 votes

Family Tree DNA offers STR tests for yDNA, of course, but they also have STR tests for autosomal and xDNA.  I have some ideas on how this could be used but has anyone taken these tests?  Were they able to validate or invalidate a relationship?  

Test Type Marker Price  
Autosomal CCR5  $39.00 Add
Autosomal D9S919  $15.00 Add
Test Type Marker Price  
X-STR DXS10011  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10066  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10067  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10068  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10069  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10074  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10075  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10077  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10079  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10131  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS10132  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS6807  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS7132  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS7423  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS8377  $10.00 Add
X-STR DXS981  $10.00 Add
X-STR HPRTB  $10.00 Add
in The Tree House by Living Anderson G2G6 Mach 8 (82.4k points)
Hadn't seen this before, thanks for pointing it out.  I look forward to hearing of anyone's use of this and what benefit they felt their received.

1 Answer

+4 votes
According to what I can read, mainly from ftDNA themselves:

1. CCR5 provided for novelty value only

2. D9S919  may assist in demonstrating Native American ancestry for 30% of cases.

3. the X-STR tests are also provided only for curiosity value and "not intended for genealogical studies". There have been scientific papers published with these paramerters and people might like to see how they fit in to the papers' conclusions.

If you and another person have matching segments of X based on SNP testing then I can't see how STR readings would offer anything extra. If the segments containing the STRs  don't match then I don't understand if it would offer anything of value.
by Cameron Davidson G2G6 (7.8k points)
edited by Cameron Davidson

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