Looking for DOYLE from Ireland to DE or PA, perhaps immigrated around the 1700's or Before

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Michael Doyle of Franklin County, Chambersburg PA, from at least 1800-1827  . Possibly some history in Delaware - New Castle or Wilmington area or Philadelphia PA. Wife's name not known.

Children: 1808-1825 -- Mary (Doyle) McGee, Barney, Patrick, Nancy, Michael, Martha, Rachel, Isaac, Rosanna, John and James

Spouses: 1808-1825 -- Jane G. mcGuire (Doyle), Herman Meyer, Rebecca J. Brown,

 Grandchildren: 1842-1848 --Thomas Jacob Doyle, Thomas A. Meyer, Ann (Doyle) Pfeiffer, Mary Gertrude Meyer, Lawrence M. Meyer, Robert Herman Meyer, Rosalia S. (Doyle) Lynch, Anatasia Meyer, William Carroll Meyer, Helen Meyer, Theresia Phillomena (Meyer) Dillon, George M. Doyle, Caroline Doyle, Theodore B. Doyle, Elizabeth Doyle.

Grandchildren's Spouses: Mr. Pfeiffer, Daniel Webster Lynch, Sr., Mr. Dillon

WikiTree profile: Michael Doyle
in Genealogy Help by Christina Doyle G2G Rookie (190 points)

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