Iain Old is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+17 votes
i Notes Lain are doing a wonderful job comment on photo with great comment, and other G2G

What a pleasure to run into you everywhere.

Lain certainly deserve the title being a wonderful wikkitreer
WikiTree profile: Old-604
in Appreciation by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

ThanksAs always on WikiTree, it has been a collaborative effort.


I can't agree more with you Susan.

Iain is an outstanding Wonderful WikiTreer.

Members like him make WikiTree so great.
Thanks Rubén, you are very much a SuperStar yourself!

7 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer

Yes! *coughs*;-)

by Living Guthrie G2G6 Mach 8 (89.3k points)
selected by Living Old

This is like being back in the Weekend chat. ;-)



+10 votes
Well done Iain.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (685k points)

Thanks for the kind words.


+9 votes

WoodstockCongratulations and thanks for all your help and advice to us rookies!

by Living Guthrie G2G6 Mach 8 (81.0k points)

My pleasure.


Never share your pad with a restless bird. ;-)

+13 votes

           ....... Way to go, Iain!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Thanks Dorothy! You show us the way!


+10 votes
Way to go Ian!
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

Thanks Doug, much appreciated.Thanks

+10 votes
Thank you Iain for all your encouragement. You lift up the morale of the community and I am profoundly grateful.
by Rod DuBois G2G6 Pilot (197k points)

Thanks Rod for all your kind words.


+9 votes
Thanks Iain, you are a superstar. Congratulations!
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (758k points)

Thanks for the kind words, John. You are one of those who show us the way!


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