David Douglass is a Wonderful WikiTreer

+16 votes
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all of the detailed work you have done for the Lee line. Forever grateful!
WikiTree profile: David Douglass
in Appreciation by Loretta Corbin G2G6 Pilot (250k points)
Thank you Loretta !  I am glad we have made some progress on the Lee line by joining our efforts.  Working together is one of the things we do best here at Wikitree. It's one of the biggest pluses of Wikitree membership and one of the numerous reasons so many new members are drawn to join Wikitree every day.

Thanks to all for your kindness !

David D

4 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer

A big round of applause for David! Well deserved.



Thanks for recognizing him, Loretta.  :)

by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
selected by Charlotte Shockey
Thank you for your kindness Deb !
+9 votes

Congratulations David and thanks for all your contributions to WikiTree.

And thanks Loretta for the recommendation.

 WikiTree Thanks

by Living Old G2G6 Pilot (235k points)
edited by Living Old
Thanks for your kindness Iain !
+10 votes
Great work David, job well done, Congratulations!
by John Noel G2G6 Pilot (759k points)
Thanks John.  You are right at the top of the Wonderful Wikitreer list yourself for always being such an encouragement to others
+5 votes
I could not agree more, David is a wonderful wikkitreer always kind, helpful

And amazing kind to everyone,

Thank you Loretta for recognizing David as a wonderful wikkitreer I totally agree
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

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