Swedish help: what the heck is 'rusttjänstskyldiga'

+8 votes
in Genealogy Help by Robert Hvitfeldt G2G6 Pilot (261k points)

Some context for the word's usage would be helpful, Robert!

Google translates "rusttjänstskyldiga" as "Rust service liable."

If you split the word into "rusttjänst skyldiga," as Google suggests, the translation changes to "rust service guilty."

I got those too, but still they made no sense.
Google translate is probably not very well adapted for the Swedish of yesteryear.

I thank Sälgö-1, Ekeblad-7, Hvitfeldt-7, who explained how the Swedish word Avskedad not always ment fired and that discharged is better to use.
- My experience is that a rusthållare ( I have 109 in my resarch mostly in Östergötland) had a bigger farm but I have now read he could have another profession.

Re Birgit my unskilled understanding is that it was just a way to get soldiers and cash is the king as always ;-)

From Riddarhuset
"Adeln i Sverige, frälset, kan ses som en fortsättning på detta system – ett slags trohets- och tjänsteförhållande till statens främste företrädare, kungen. Med frälse menades dels att vara fri från statliga pålagor som skatter och liknande, dels de personer som var befriade från de flesta skatter. Från mitten av 1500-talet blev ordet frälse synonymt med adel. Det värdsliga frälset (till skillnad från kyrkans andliga frälse) definieras för första gången i Alsnö stadga 1280, utfärdat av Magnus Ladulås. Bland de som där befrias från skatter är de som var beredda att tjäna kungen med att
ställa häst eller fotfolk till förfogande, den så kallade rusttjänsten. Genom mönstringar av folk och material, så kallade vapensyner, kontrollerades att rusttjänsten fullgjordes. Den som inte hade ekonomiska medel att fullgöra sin rusttjänst gick miste om sitt frälse och fick återigen betala skatt. Att utfärda frälse var alltså ett sätt för kungen att finansiera försvaret. "


Yes I agree.= Jo jag ser det också så.

I Googled rusttjänstskyldiga in WikiTree yesterday and found that the term was used in a number of profiles for nobles in the 1500s, not for our yeoman rusthållare a century or two later.

Made me wonder a little who might be frälse without being rusttjänstskyldig. But I suppose the quotation from Riddarhuset explains that: the clergy was also frälse = exempt from (the ordinary) taxes.

Now I just wonder why my rusthållare ancestors were not considered frälse. I guess rusthåll had just turned into an ordinary form of taxation. And the old frälse had been formalized as adel.

Category:Frälse = Frälst från skatt


Yes. Meanings changed. What was considered a tax changed.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
  1. Swedish Wiki article Google translated Rusttjänst

  2. "Rusttjänstskyldiga" was that you were forced to equip a soldier and a horse = horseman  

Wikicommon Category:Cavalry_of_Sweden

Video with Swedish Caroleans fighting

by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (303k points)
edited by Living Sälgö
That's it, Magnus!  Tack!

att rusta sig för krig = To be prepare for wartime by having soldiers, train them, guns, gunpowder and so on.

1 bigger farm had the duty to keep a man-at-arm =  a rider = en ryttare, with horse and equipment. The main farmer with this duty were called rustmästare and such a farm rusthåll. Serveral riders belonged to a kavalleri =cavalry.

2 or more farmers = had to build a little soldier cottage for one soldier and keep it in shape. Every parish had many soldiers. The soldiers from several parishes were a kompani = company. Every cottage , soldattorp, had a number and the soldier had the same number. Several companies formed a regemente= regiment.. A company had many men with the same names as Andersson, Svensson, Persson. Because of that a men who was approved to be a soldier got a another short name as Ax, Blixt, Gren. If a soldier became to old or sick he was avskedad = fired. The next soldier in that cottage, often got the same name in spite of they were not related.

This system started by law 1682 under the king Karl XI but  as we did have peace for 200 years, it gradually stoped 1850 – 1939. From 1901 – 2014 every healthyy man had to do military service.

Thanks, Birgit.  This is a good explanation.

Magnus, is this something for Det gamla bondesamhället? Or under the Cavalry of Sweden Category?

It´s for the Cavalry of Sweden if you have such a category (but was also a big thing for the farmers in the parish.)

But I remembered one thing wrong: rustmästare , he was responsible for equipment in the artillery. . The farmer who held   a rider with horse was called rusthållare.


I started with a Space page for the material Birgit added please comment good or bad..... and update with text, pictures and links


I rarely use fired for avskedad. That sounds to me as if the soldier was kicked out for bad behaviour. Which did happen sometimes, of course - but rarely.

I much prefer to write that the soldier was dismissed when it's about the event. Or some other fancy word (you know Ilike them, Magnus). And when it's in the household records and the like, I usually call him a former soldier.

I agree Eva.  I changed the 'fired' to 'released from service'.  The correct word is probably 'demobbed' meaning de-mobilised.

But I like the Space page, Magnus.

I like "released from service". Will try to remember that one. De-mobilised sounds a little too modern and a little too American, to my ears.

As for the space page: good.
When I get around to Västergötland (after New Year ;-) I have quite a number of rusthållare; I may be able to add to the page.

I think 'demobbed' is British.  Americans have 'discharged' or 'released from service'.  I might have a few rusthållare too, but I can't remember where.

Ah. I have used "discharged" on a few profiles, I suspect.

I always thought my English was of the Mid-Atlantic variety, but it may be a bit further West than I thought.

Google maybe know

Soldatarkivet use Discharged



Family name: Jansson

Birth year: -

Death year: -

Enlisted: 1776

Discharged: 1806

File number: VR-07-0069-1776

Regiment: Västmanlands regemente

File: Riddarhyttan



Croft Number: VR-07-0069

Why is it that links to Soldatregistret searches don't always work?

I don't think it's just me?

Re Soldatregistret

* They have a bad implementation to be part of the party I call semantic web you need to have Persitent Identifiers and soldatregistret doesnt.....

WikiTree has if Eva is Ekeblad-7 and if we check Evas profile we can see its machine readable....

You know, Magnus, I think it's pretty intrusive, using the data for me as an example like that.

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