Collaborators Wanted

+5 votes
Does anyone else share an interest in record breaking big families?

I have started a research category that may appeal to wikitreers who like record breakers, statistics and getting a feel how very large families impact on society.

I am also welcoming feedback if this is a helpful topic for a research category. I set it up as a research category rather than a project so we can keep the organisation nice and informal and dip and dip out without participation feeling like a longer commitment.

I included some suggestions on the category page for how people might help.

The page is at

The first thing someone might like to collaborate with me on is getting those darn tables to display properly on the page. LOL!
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Earl Davis G2G6 Mach 2 (29.9k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Here are some profiles that Aleš found to get us started.

Fathers with most children

WikiTree ID Število
Andrus-17 57
Carter-976 42
Chamberlain-932 48
Gardner-1472 41
Grover-123 51
Kimball-87 64
Leavitt-602 47
Lee-8082 63
Smith-3437 50
Young-93 56


Mothers with most children

WikiTree ID Število
Allen-11782 26
Ausmus-21 26
Benton-734 28
Billings-244 26
Bodelsdatter-1 28
Cherry-332 26
Clark-4152 26
Eyster-37 26
Friedline-1 29
Giebel-72 26
Hann-35 29
Higginson-82 26
Hogancamp-1 26
Kast-16 29
King-16669 26
Little-235 26
Locklear-16 27
MacIntyre-17 26
Meadows-778 27
Pitts-29 26
Polk-571 35
Rahn-17 31
Rose-2190 29
Roth-1665 31
Spear-402 28
Sykes-456 27
Teague-255 27
Treadway-41 26
UNKNOWN-150566 36
Venter-632 27
Walrath-58 28
Welty-226 26



I'm guessing there might be duplicates to merge...

Had a go at the tables.
I was going to say that many of your largest families will likely be Latter Day Saints during the time of polygamy. Also, there are definitely some issues with duplicates and possibly misplaced children in some of those profiles. Especially when it comes to the mothers.

Interesting topic.
Thanks R. J. Horace.
I think so and there are so many mind blowing things to consider about these individuals. I was just thinking about Milo at and how many people are walking around now with his DNA compared with other people from his era that had more average sized families. And these are still small families compared to the people reputed to have had a few hundred children like King Sobhuza II who had 210 children and only died in 1982.
It's amazing what information is out there. I was looking at Norodom a King of Cambodia and Wikipedia states he had 61 children. 'That will be though' to track down I thought and then came across his family tree here

I agree with RJ's opinion about duplicates. And I looked at Ausmus-21, the woman who is alleged to have had 26 kids, and I find some indications of errors. These include:

  • married simultaneously to two different husbands (and having two children by both during the same year)
  • a pair of children born 16 days apart
  • a pair of children born about 4 months apart.
Yes, Ellen. I agree as well. Just initiated a merge on two of the children of Ausmus-21. These big family lists are a good way to identify duplicates.

Ausmus-21 is now down to 25 children following a merge overnight.


1 Answer

+3 votes
Looking at those numbers mine are probably not big enough to qualify then. My biggest so far is a father with 17 children. There were 3 wives.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (680k points)

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