Sourcing picture

+7 votes

After about a month of searching, I FINALLY got a hint for something on my Italian side. Someone on the ItalianGenealogy site gave me a scan of an image citing the birth and marriage of Clementina Forgione and Guiseppe Carrabs. Here's the link:

This is great! Fantastic, even! So, how do I make that scan into a source I can use here? On geni, I can just upload the image and that's the end of it. How does that work here when  you need links? Please help if you can. I can't believe I FINALLY found something!
in WikiTree Tech by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (797k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes


I can't actually see the source at that link, but that is the problem I have found with ALL pages on  Please see my father's profile for an example of how I cite sources at italiangen.  Please not that the link takes you only to their search page - you would have to put in the name to see the page with the record, and even then, you still have to select the right record to see.  I captured the screen, then cropped it to make a graphic of only the data I wanted and uploaded that to WikiTree.  This way, my citation includes all information found and has a link so that people can go find it themselves if they want to.

EDITED TO ADD:  I just went back to your link to look some more and I see where someone posted an image, but I don't see the image - instead, I see a notice that says "You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post."  Apparently one would have to have an account there to be able to see it.

You could right-click on an image to get a popup menu that includes the option to save the image to your computer.  That probably won't help, though, because unless you are sure that the image is in the public domain, you don't have the right to upload it to WikiTree ... but at least you would have a copy of it on your computer.


by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Gaile Connolly
Hmm. Perhaps I should link the geni page I made. That should help. Here ya go:


Click "Sources" and it should be there. Oh and someone there linked me to this site:

How trustworthy is that?
I just saw the geni page, but only see actual data that you entered there - I don't see anything that would link to your sources.  The link to "show complete profile" wants me to login - perhaps then I could get to see your sources, except that I am not a member so I can't login.

The other link is one that was given in the original answer to your question at italiangen.  That, too, goes to a site that requires login before it shows you anything.
I would recommend that you make a citation that identifies the document you're trying to link to and states the data that is on it.  You can also provide a link to see the document (probably the asav_web one) and add a statement saying "A paid subscription is required to see this record." or "A free account is required to see this record." (whichever is correct).  That way, you are citing the source properly and people know where the actual document can be seen if they sign up for an account to do so.
Okay. Let's try this....

Can you see it now? Not sure how I can source it. Someone said to check out the archives site but I can't find anything. Am unsure if I am using it, right.
Nope - photobucket shows a notice that says "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting".

Chris, if you have the image and (the big if) IF IT IS NOT COPYRIGHTED then you can upload it to the WikiTree profile to display it here.  You don't need someplace like photobucket for it.  Of course, if it is copyrighted then you shouldn't be putting it on photobucket either.

If it is copyrighted then you can just transcribe the information on it and provide it, along with the description of the document - that's a very acceptable citation.
That's weird. You should be able to see it fine. I doubt it's copyrighted. As an aside, you can put any image on Photobucket. It falls under Fair Use. =) Just as long as it doesn't violate the terms of service. Re: Stuff like porn and acts of violence aren't allowed.

But, yea, I'll play it safe and just write it out:


*Birth certificate of bla bla citing marriage to bla bla. Parents: Bla bla.

Something like that should work, right? Thanks for your help!
I just tried the photobucket link again and it works now - maybe before was too soon after you uploaded it for it to display.

From what you say, it sounds like photobucket doesn't care whether or not users are violating copyrights by uploading images they don't have a right to put on the web.  That still doesn't make it right but I guess that they are disclaiming responsibility for what is on their server.  It would probably take a whole team of lawyers to figure out whether they can wiggle out of it - I'm sure glad that's not my problem<grin>.  Perhaps being a software developer makes me very conscious of honoring intellectual property rights, but I am VERY careful to ensure that I do not violate protections that others are entitled to.
It falls under Fair Use. It's fine. Really.

I produce videos on the Internet where I cite sources for a comic I am reviewing. I say "X is property of X comic company." I do the same for music used. As long as you cite the source, it's fine. Same with images. As far as this one goes? it's over 100 years old. WELL past the copyright protection as it wasn't renewed or anything. It should be fine. But, to play it safe, I wrote down what the text said.
+6 votes
I recently had to upload Spanish documents, I'm not sure if this is right from a style point of view but I pasted the familysearch URL (I can see on your link) into my sources with an explanation of the source. Anyone who goes onto your profile can click the link to take them straight to the image. It would be helpful if you could get the citation details; for example title and page number of the documents.

Hope that helps, Lizzie
by Lizzie Griffiths G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
Sorry for some reason Gailes answer didn't appear on my feed at first, or I would have commented that whatever you've edited can see the image fine now! I clicked on your link on your post then the familysearch link in the feed and it came straight up!
That's okay. Also....that is the most kickass screen name ever. "Batman-73"

If only I was able to pick Spider-Man. If only....

Thanks for your help. Building these things from the ground up takes a lot of time.
Agreed but its good fun! Sorry I think I got the wrong end of the stick! I can't see the photograph but you've got some tangible sources there too!

Haha, I've had great fun researching my Batman family! I have a Robin Batman, and a Batman marrying a Ridler.... Yes really!
Huh. Meanwhile in the comics Bruce is marrying Selina Kyle and already has a son with the daughter of one of his hated baddies.. Comics are weird.
& so is real life :)
Art does imitate life. =)
+6 votes

The source for the FS record would be


"Italia, Avellino, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1910," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Avellino > Gesualdo > Pubblicazioni 1875-1909 Matrimoni 1866-1910 Pubblicazioni 1866, 1900, 1910 Morti 1866-1894 > image 217 of 3003; Tribunale di Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi (Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi Court and Criminal Court, Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi).

by Jim Tareco G2G6 Mach 3 (37.4k points)
Thank you, sir! Can someone help me translate? My Italian is not that great.

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