PPP Louis Alexandre Taschereau [closed]

+3 votes
Grateful if someone can edit the mother of Louis Alexandre Taschereau.  Per review of the baptismal record, he descends from Jean Thomas's second marriage to Marie Louise Josephine Caron.  I can't edit the parents because it's project-protected (not clear which-perhaps Canadian History).
WikiTree profile: Louis-Alexandre Taschereau
closed with the note: Issue resolved
in Genealogy Help by Greg Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (379k points)
closed by Greg Lavoie
Greg, did you private message the Profile Manager of this profile?
I haven't yet-I thought it made more sense to go directly to the PM, but the warning says to contact the G2G instead.  I'm happy to follow up with a message to the PM in order to resolve the matter.
Those instructions may be for when the PPP is managed by a group, but I noticed this one is managed by an individual--and he is quite an active member.  Thank you for continuing to add your knowledge to the tree :-)

1 Answer

+2 votes
looks like somebody already tied him in, should probably close this question.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (701k points)

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