I claim to be related to Richard Carlton, who moved to Craven Co in 1739, are we related?

+3 votes
I claim to be related to Richard Carlton, who moved to Craven Co in 1739, are we related?
WikiTree profile: David Carlton
in Genealogy Help by
edited by Keith Hathaway

Hi Joe, nice to meet you.

Please help me clarify...

Are you sharing the fact that you personally are a descendant or relation to the late Richard Carlton?  If so, congratulations on finding your connection. I'm sure you will meet many cousins.

Or, are you speaking for the profile of David Carleton-781, saying he would claim to be related to Richard Carleton-97 ?  If so... is there anything you would like done in relation to your statement?  Such as, are you seeking to find a connection between the two profiles?

Thank you for any insights that might help me (and the other volunteers) to gain a better understanding of how we can help you.


I lightly formed your post into a question for now... I hope this helps :)

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