Do you have an interest in outcasts, outlaws and outlandish people? Join the Black Sheep Project! [closed]

+54 votes

Hi, if you are interested in working on profiles of individuals who lived unconventional lives, then the Black Sheep Project could be the place for you!

The Black Sheep project members work on profiles for individuals who meet the characteristics of Black Sheep as defined by the  International Blacksheep Society of Genealogists (IBSSG).   We have about 24 different categories of Black Sheep.  There are also sub-projects devoted to Witch Trials, Bootleggers and Moonshiners, Outlaws, Gangsters, Hatfield and McCoy, Pirates and Spies and Traitors.

If you would like to join the Project leave a message here AND follow the instructions on the Project Page ("How to Join").

IMPORTANT: Please also tell us in your post below what your research interests in the Black Sheep Project are - if possible, let us know if you'd like to join a sub-project too.  Thanks for your help!  We look forward to you joining the project.

closed with the note: This project is being dissolved, but subproject pages and categories are still intact
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Leigh Murrin G2G6 Mach 3 (36.3k points)
closed by Traci Thiessen
So I recently discovered that [[Glanfield - 20]] was subject to arrest in Massachusetts for bringing a group of pirates back to the Salem area. Do you think he would meet the pirate criteria?  I mean they would not go around documenting it. I sort of see him as an opportunist, who may very well have engaged in some acts of piracy.
I'm interested in the black_sheep project
Count me in! As a Wiccan (Witch) I am always interested in anything having to do with the Salem Witch trials and I am related to Mary Perkins Bradbury who was accused of witchcraft but was later released. She is my 2nd cousin 12x removed.
Hi Chad, I think your ancestor would meet the Black Sheep test - we need more pirates!!
Hi Darvana, welcome to the Black Sheep Project!  We would really welcome your expertise on witches and your knowledge of your ancestor.
Thanks Leigh! Did you know that the symptoms of one "cursed" by a witch during the trials were the same exact symptoms as those caused by ergot poisoning? Ergot is bacteria from spoiled wheat seeds. When a person gets ergot poisoning they suffer from fever, chills, and hallucinations. Many people thought that it was because a witch cursed them. Also, the method of pricking a mole to see if it bled or not was, of course, a faulty method of testing to see if one was a witch. It was thought that if the mole didn't bleed then the person was a witch....however most moles have to actually be cut to bleed and even then true moles don't actually bleed as there is no real blood flow to them. If anyone has any questions about Witches please feel free to ask.
I would like to be a part of the black_sheep project. For many years, I've had an interest in true crime, gangsters in particular. I'm referring to the cosa nostra (mafia) in the U.S. I've read many books on these crime figures and find them interesting.

I also have an interest in the wild west outlaws. Please let me know how to join both.
Does one have to have a black-sheep in their family to join?
Hi, you don't have to have black sheep in your family to join this project - just an interest in the subject matter!
Thank you so much Darvana!  Your knowledge is going to be a great asset to the project!
HI Deanne, welcome to the project.  Please go to the main project page and record your member research interests there - and add the black sheep tag to your list of followed tags.
I am curious to know what the percentage of Rh- or Basque did this group have. :P
I am interested in this project!

Me, too, specifically: Hatfields!

I am already a member of the Black Sheep Project, but I would like to get an Outlaws Badge as well.  I added a profile for Tom Horn, Jr.
Hi Dan, there are no badges for the sub-projects at present, only for the topline Black Sheep Project.
Hi:  I would like to join the Black Sheep Project, I have 3 ancestral aunts that were accused of being witches - two were hung, once was released - they are the Towne Sisters - Town-4, Town-64, Towne-70

I am also related to Bray Wilkins (-402) who was an accuser but is not on your list of accusers

I have also found two other Buttery's involved with witches but haven't proven they are related yet
I'd like to join in the BS project. . . thanks.

First, my great grand uncle Pete Knight (The Cowboy King).

Secondly, my unmarried Uncle (unmarried, but the father of my cousins) is still living and shall remain un-named here to protect his privacy.  His profile is available on my page, and I will seek his permission to duplicate the story on his profile, as well as seek further family information!

Briefly:  He was at a party some years ago, and went downstairs to find a man raping an 11 year old girl.  He picked up a screwdriver and killed the man.  He was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to 4 years in prison in Canada.  He served two years for the act before release, and the girls parents paid his canteen while he was incarcerated.  I will seek his permission to publish this recollection on his Biography.

FInally, a number of my Doukhobor Androsoff family members and relatives were considered terrorists by the Canadian Gov't because of their protest movements in British Columbia as members of the Doukhobor splinter faction - Svobodniki "The Sons of Freedom" (SOF).  Please see the Wikipedia entry for the SOF:

I would like to join the Black Sheep project as well!

sign me up !

I have an interest in this project.  My Great grandfather was murdered by a cousin of his wife.  Another relative killed six family members, including children ages 3-12, in an attempt to steal the grandmother's Civil War Widow's pension.  He didn't find the cache & his wife turned him in. There are short books and other publications about "The Wratten Murders".

I would like to join the Black Sheep Project.  There is a rumor on my paternal side that we may be related to Butch Cassidy. I really want to know because looking at his photo's, there is a bit of a resemblance with a few family members.  I find this is a very interesting project!
I am interested in all black sheeps, but especially the Hatfields
Still looking for individuals who have joined the Black Sheep Project and are interested in helping with the Spies and Traitors sub-project. Let me know. There are a lot of interesting individuals who had an impact on different wars throughout history. Come check it out.
Hi, I am interested in the black sheep project, and am currently researching same, also descended from a number of black sheep ie bushranger, convicts etc
So very interested in this. I don't know specifics aside from gamblers, but grandparents said *maybe* pirates.
I would like to join this project.  I am supposedly descended from John Dear/Deer.  He sailed with Captain Kidd on his last voyage.  I am also 1st cousin 5 times removed to Newt Knight of "Free State of Jones" fame.

I would love to join this group!  I have heard for years that I have relations to outlaws in the family.  Its on the Graham side that I haven't worked much on yet.  But rumor is that Jesse James(the outlaw not the reality star) is/was a relative.  it would be interesting to see.


I have also heard rumors that there is a link to someone I rather not mention in the Rinehart side of things but so far that one has not proven to be true.
I think i have found a black sheep in my family. My great great grandfather on my dads side was convicted of incest for raping one of his daughters and then escaped from prison and never seen again.
Very little is known about my maternal grandparents.  I always heard that my grandmother's family was moonshiners and 'mountain men' and lived on Yonah Mountain.  His name is Milous Monroe McEntyre.  I know the last name is unusually spelled, but I remember my grandmother always saying it was spelled the 'different' way and my mom and the rest of the family only know it to be spelled this way as well.  His birthday was 25 Nov 1885 (by my records anyways). I would love to find out more about him and the rest of my family!  Thank you!
I am the profile creator, manager and first cousin (4xr) of Black Sheep (category: Women Murderers) Lizzie Borden! Can I join the project?
I discovered an ancestor of mine, Mary (Brockett) Barnes, was convicted as a witch in the Connecticut witch trials.  Of course I'm interested in finding out more about this.
Hello! I'm a newbie in just about every relevant way, but I'm also a lifelong lover of history... especially, the shady parts lol. My ancestory, on my father's side, definitely has it's fair share of shady characters and I've always found this subject fascinating. There are some aspects of my shady heritage that I do know, but many more that I don't. Not only do I hope to expend my knowledge of my own history, but I also want to help others do the same.
I am interested please. Would like to add my "Gonce" outlaws.

I am interested in this group. Specifically, outlaws, and even more specifically, serial killers of the 20th century.
i am interested in this. One of my family members is a Standridge, who was arrested many times for bootlegging. I have arrest records court records and much more.
Hello again,

I had requested to join this project but I haven't heard anything back. Is there a certain person I should be contacting on this matter?


Sorry Gwen your request fell through the cracks - welcome to the project!
The court transcripts of the Salem Witch Trials record statements of my ancestors-both as accusers and defendants.  I would like to join
Hi Lori, welcome to the Project, please follow the guidelines on the main project page and you can get started!
I have been added to this project but still have not received the badge but a post had been added to say i was interested
Hi Stephanie, you should be all set now
Thank you Leigh
Hi! Yes, I would like to join, as I have two interests in the Blacksheep Category, Bootleggers and Moonshiners, As one of my uncles ran Moonshine from WV to TN and NC, while another Uncle was a WV state trooper who chased him. Another interest is the Hatfield and McCoys, of which my wife is a direct descendant, and my grandfather Hindy sold supplies/staples to Devil Ance in his day.


Hi My name is Angel S Elliott. I would like to join and do research on the outlaws as my Great Great Grandmother was a James.
Welcome Angel!  The Outlaws Project will welcome your contributions!
Hi Don, welcome to the project!  Feel free to let the leaders of the sub-project know your interests
I would like to join the Black Sheep project. I would like to find out if I am related to Rebecca Cotten, the subject of The Devil in Petticoats, a woman who murdered her husband.
Hello.. I am new to WikiTree and am interested in this project! I am interested in the Salem witch trials as well as outlaws in general. I do have a notorious ancestor who Canadians will be familiar with, La Corriveau (Marie-Josephte Corriveau, 1633-1663). She was accused of, and confessed to, killing her second husband Louis Etienne Dodier (not my ancestor). The British court in New France sentenced her to hang in a gibbet, where her body was displayed in a public square for a month. A couple years ago, they put her on a postage stamp. Folklore has turned her into a witch and poisoner of nine husbands! Separating truth from fiction is complicated work.
That is amazing! Very Interesting!
I would like to have a Black Sheep badge, of my 4 main lines 2 are packed in the West Virginia mountains.  I have ties to Devil Anse through the Vance line, My surnames out there are Maynard, Elliott, Vance, Adkins, Adkins, 2 of those, Sawyers, Fry  my lines of those family have been aloof and secretive, mountain men miners and other forms of occupations, I know all to well as long as you have family you'll be ok in the mountains, if you don't....My mom has  maynard book with a minuteman on it il flesh out the maynards back to about 1650s, My great great grandfather was killed by a pickaxe on his porch in West Virginia.

Murdered with a pickaxe 1936 Elisha Barton Adkins died as a result of a skull fracture.

Charleston Gazette (Charleston, West Virginia) - July 24, 1936 Beckley Post (Beckley, West Virginia) - July 24, 1936

HAMLIN - A jury indicted Romie Skeens for murder in connection with the death of Elisha Adkins who died of injuries suffered when he was hit on the head. Bear Knob Cemetary
Hi Leigh!

I had an uncle to "run" the moonshine to TN & NC from the WV mountains. I had another Uncle who chased him, as a WV State Trooper. Would this signify a reason to have "Black Sheep Herder Project"? LOL!


don h. crum (Crum-348)
I'm a descendant of pirates of the Caribbean, some of whom were of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish descent, reflected in my Y-DNA haplogroup J-M267.
My great x 4 grandfather Gideon Lowe, Jr. was a privateer with a royal license to seize Spanish vessels. He was awarded land grants from the Crown, as payment.
I do not know of any pirates in the family in the present day, but I doubt if they would tell me if they were.
I always like to ask my cousins if they have done any pirating lately.
My software job at the bank does not allow much scope for that.
I would love to help with this project.I have always had interest in Outlaws. I am currently in the part of the USA that seem to have the most.
I'm not totally sure where I would fit in this project, or if I would fit, but I'm going to try.  My father's half-brother ran away from home in the early 1930's to join the circus.  He was a bit of a rebel and was more or less disowned by the family. He died in the late 1950's.  Not much is known of him, but I'm on the trail of him and may have found a photo of him as a barker for a girlie show.  (My mother, who met him, confirms that it could be him.)  Therefore, one area I'm interested in is sideshow and circus workers.

Notably, for him to be disowned takes a certain amount of "black-sheep" credibility.  His father (my father's father) comes from a family of bootleggers.  I have evidence, too, that they probably had some involvement in the Polish mafia in Cleveland.  So, that is another research interest of mine. I am more than happy to share any research I find!
Hi I am interested in this project! My great grandfather generations back was Reverend John Hale who married Sarah Noyes Hale who helped stop the Salem Witch Trials. Nathan Hale, spy for General Washington is my cousin, who is also John Hale's grandchild.
My boss tells me he draws the line at me actively participating in the Outlaw Project at Wikitree.
He knows I'm a descendant of pirates, but that was a long time ago in the Bahamas.
My recent relatives are all honest, conventional people....mostly.
You may quote me on that. LOL
Some of us smoke a little bit of weed for medicinal purposes, but it is legal in our state.
My boss said that if he had read my WikiTree profile when they were considering me for a promotion in 2012, I might not have gotten it.
But we've got so much work to do, he can't hold it against me now.
My ancestors were not always on the winning side in EVERY war.
I occasionally commit minor crimes, like quoting sports reporters without their permission. LOL
I once started to enter a crosswalk after the "Do Not Walk" sign came on.
I forgot to put my phone in airplane mode two weeks ago, until it rang with my favorite disco tune and the flight attendants came running.
But they danced when they told me to turn off.
I try to obey all laws and regulations, but there are SO MANY these days, it can be confusing.
Back in the old days in Salem, they hung all the ladies in the family for witchcraft.
But it was the fashion at that time. LOL
So I wish to go on record as encouraging the Outlaw Project, but my employer wants me to work for them only.

Hello! Hello~! I am looking to score a Black Sheep Badge as I have several "black sheep" in my ancestor pool, and would like to gain some knowledge and help out where I can. Please consider me for this thanks a lot folks!

Brilliant Victor - does this mean you would like to be a member of the  Black Sheep Project?!
No, I do not have time to be a member of the Black Sheep Project.
But it sounds like a very worthwhile group. I'm new to WikiTree, and just learning my way around. I don't want to annoy my respectable cousins who are serious genealogists. A few months ago a stranger on a plane started telling me about her illustrious ancestors. When I told her about my pirate ancestors in the Bahamas, she thought I was a pirate, too. I'm almost afraid to talk about it now. I nominate my distant cousin Sam, the 19th Earl of Strathmore. He's in the House of Lords. I'm just a poor cowboy geek in Colorado who likes to smoke weed and write sensational blogs.

Can I join please :) I don't have any recent ancestors who qualify (well maybe one!) but getting back deeper in the lines they certainly have cropped up! 

Hi Nicky, welcome to the project!!

Thanks Leigh!  I'm really looking forward to working on Black Sheep :)

And after saying I didn't have any ancestors who qualified, I decided to work on one of the family's more scandalous affairs and found someone oh so apt lol! One Jonathan Roberts, who sent the NZ authorities on quite the merry dance in the late 1800s. Never have I laughed so much when researching someone. A true comedy of errors ensued within the constabulory causing resignations, demotions, obsessions, and several folk being "trapped and caught" in ridiculous manners whilst minding their own business on suspicion they were Jonathan. He was a cheque forger, a horse thief, and a prison escapee. He ultimately made his way (with a phenomenal amount of help from the public!) to the USA where he remained free and his descendants live to this day. It's going to take some time to put his story together but I can't wait to add his profile to the "Black Sheep Project".


Your ancestor is the perfect incarnation of a black sheep!
Why thank you Leigh :) I'm thoroughly enjoying working on his profile ~ I even had the Christchurch librarians in stitches yesterday!

Gosh you guys have done a fantastic job of the Black Sheep Project. I've been having a good look around and its really impressive :) We need a New Zealand Outlaws Category (lol)
Nicky, if you want to create a NZ outlaw category go for it! :-)
This is to request to join the Black sheep Project and the Pirates sub-project.  My ancestors from the Bahamas include the pirates Matthew Lowe and Edward Low.  I have done some research about these pirates and their families, and would like to contribute to the project.  And otherwise, there may be other ways that I could help with the project.  Just let me know.


Supposedly one of my ancestors was Blackbeard's cabin boy after his ship was captured coming to America. So I'm really interested in joining the project and making some connections there. Plus I find pirates fascinating in general.
Would love to join the project!  I am a direct descendant of both Bray Wilkins (Wilkins-402, my 9th great grandfather) and a number of other Salem ancestors with ties to the trials.

I have been working the family tree for many years, but new to Wikitree and am working to add much of my sourced work into the community, including Salem.  I look forward to working with everyone!
I would like to join the black sheep project.  My great-grandfather, Floyd Barnes Hardin (Hardin-2419) was a Methodist Minister who helped to start the Christian Pacifist movement during WWI. He and 3 others, including the poet Robert Frost, were arrested and put in jail. They were all charged with unlawful assembly, as they held meetings in various homes. Floyd was charged by the FBI with distributing seditious material and was also accused of being a spy for the Germans. None of that was ever proven, though he did serve a short sentence in jail and paid a fine. The group was funded by a millionaire named Prince Hopkins.
Hello. I would like to join this project.  I'm new, but I love to sleuth! I don't' have a particular interest.. well, except for all if the above.
Hello, Many of my  Toliver ancestors were involved in  the Toliver Martin Feud in Kentucky, it was also called the "Rowan County War"

I'd like to be able to place the black sheep tag on the ones I find that ware involved.

I like to join the black sheep project and get badge. I already registered on site and here some black sheep I have here. There probly alit more I know Potts Hartley might got in the rest we have to add stories on I did spot for the Myers lady years ago but don’t know if she ever got in. The others I think new ones.


I am interested. I have a cousin whose murder was turned into a song. I have a recording of it.
I have a relative who may have stolen sheep during the Irish famine.  Checking to see if the dates fit with what I have about him.  His name was Dominick Roach(e) and he lived in County Mayo, Bohola area.

All I know about him is that he married my great great grandmother Bridget Mulloy in Feb of 1835 in Killedan and that he had four children named Mary, Michael, James and Bridget.
I adopted the profile of Sarah OSBORNE, my 7th/8th ggm.  I also have Mary OSGOOD as 7th ggm.  My son and stepdaughter apparently descend from Thomas FARRAR(1614-1694); I haven't fully sorted him out.  My wife may descend from Joanna, sister of Mary OSGOOD, as 11th ggm, but her descent is unsourceable.  John PUTNAM(1659-1737) is my 7th ggf.  My son and stepdaughter descend from Ann(1645-1676) and Edward(1654-1747) PUTNAM.  I'm interested primarily in resolving the superficial questions about my ancestors.
Marvin Jacob Floyd. Aka "pretty eyes" is the house.©

I would like to join the project. I am a descendant of Susannah NORTH MARTIN | Jane MARTIN  | Esther HADLEY | Nathan GOODWIN | Richard GOODWIN | Benjamin C. GOODWIN | James Prentiss GOODWIN | Cordelia Marie GOODWIN | Lillian Belle LEAMAN | Sarah Elmira HICKS

Those are my mind of people! Hard to explain! But I have found records of my great grandfathers brother being arrested and going in front of the judge! It wasn't in the South, he was caught running a still up here in Massachusetts! During the. Suffrage years of coarse but found it to resemble my old lifestyle! Lol
I would like to join the Black Sheep Project.  My interest is in Witch Trials. in the UK.  I have complied a list of witches and trials - mainly in England (though also a few in Scotland).
Welcome to the project!! The most colorful and interesting profiles are found here.
I would like to join.  My 10th great grandmother is Rebecca Towne Nurse. I am interested in the Salem witch trials..
I would like to join the Black Sheep project! I have so much family in MA that I am hoping to find out that I am related to someone from the salem trials!
I would like to join this project... My grandfather was a bootlegger in the hills of tn and ga great grandfather went West to find a runaway son and met several famous outlaws who he named other children after,.. On the other side of my family they were just outlaws blowing stuff up and all manner of mischief
I would love to join the black sheep project. I have a few cousins that are already on your project list and a few people I would like to add to wikitree black sheep.
I would like to join. Specifically interested in adding to the moonshiner category.
I am a descendant of Rebecca (Towne) Nurse, who was executed after being convicted of witchcraft in the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692 and would like to join for the witch project in particular.
I would love to be part of this project. My family is from many parts of 4 grandparents coming from Booneville Ky and related to the Hatfields, Hazard, Harlan and Corbin. On 1 side we have traced as far back as my 8th great grandfather whom was Chief Red Bird whom was said to be the blame for a major territory loss when settlers go him drunk and signed a bad treaty. I'm new and learning to navigate so I may have some questions from time to time but I would love to be a part of this as I'm learning. I'm good research. I was a legislative assistant for former  city councilman Pat Dewine while he was in office.
According to family my GG Grandfather was either an outlaw or an informant in at least one gang. I would like to find out which one, at the very least.
the website you linked is the wrong one
Hello I would like to join this project.

I am interested in joining the Salem Witch Trials. I have roots in Salem, MA and throughout New England. My accused ancestors are Grace (Swain) Boulter & Mary (Boulter) Prescott of Hampton, NH. Other connections: Mary (Haseltine) Webster was the cousin of Deliverance Dane; my 9th GG Lydia Pengry was the sister of Mary (Clement) Osgood. I'm not confident enough to add this line to my tree (it becomes murky during the Revolutionary War, but I may be related to the Stevens & Barker families in Andover.  There is a legend that Caleb Buffum (in my Quaker line) helped the families of some of the executed retrieve and bury their bodies. I am connected to a few accusers, as well. Lastly, Daniel Thurston testified in the Newbury witchcraft trial of Elizabeth Morse. 

I’m a decendant of Samuel Wardwell through his son Eliakim. His descendant Tryphena Wardwell married Findlay Malcolm in 1776 in Maine, and one of their descendants married into the Eddy family who married into the Cleaver family. My great grandma was a Cleaver before she married my great grandfather Charles Gage. Count me in!
Hello, I am a Descendent of Margaret Stephenson Scott.

I am also a cousin to Benedict Arnold.

In my more immediately closer family members, there were plenty of boot-leggers, moonshine stills. I'm related the the Hatfields.

May I please join the project?
Would love to join. William Goodman Meeker was my 9th Great Grandfather. He was accused of witchcraft.
Would still enjoy becoming a member if this project. Should I stop waiting for a response to my request to join?

Debra I am a member not a manager, but there is a full description of how to join if you click the link in the post. I don’t know if you followed the steps and nobody is answering or if you didn’t see the instructions, but just to be helpful, I didn’t get a response until after I edited the project and added my name according to the steps.

Thank you, Anonymous. I appreciate that. I actually did click the links in the post. They probably get a million emails each day-and mine just got lost in the shuffle.
OK.  I just went back and there seem to be a LOT of steps.

I shall complete the steps as I find the time in my schedule.

My own father was a gangster, I saw that on the sub-links.
My late father-in-law drove a beer truck, once, during Prohibition, in Chicago. Does that make him. Bootlegger?
Yes, he was a boot-legger and a possibly a whiskey runner.

My father ran whiskey from Arkansas, Missouri and Tennessee to quite a few large cities, such as Chicago, Detroit, Michigan, New York, and a few places out here, in the western states. He called himself a whiskey runner, sometimes, too.

He made a lot of money and made sure all of his ex's and my siblings by them, were taken care of.

I also ha'e a multitude of uncles, aunts, cousins, grt aunts and uncles, who made it and sold it, illegally. One uncle got burned up in his car when he was on a "run". One aunt poisened my uncle's still because she got church in her soul. She was sure if she didn't kill him, that God would be angry about the still

I would love to join your group.  I have black sheep in almost all of my family lines.  It seems as though I have crossed at least one in each line.  It would be good to be with others that are not alarmed at finding information on this subject.  Thank you!

Sharon Harris

I am a descendant of Robert Calef aka Calfe and apparently he was an advocate for the accused.

I want to join the black sheep project and sub project Hatfield and McCoy feud.

Eve Ellen Hatfield my great grandmother is a descendant.
Would like to join with Black Sheep project and sub project hatfields and Mccoys
I would like to join the Black Sheep Project-  so far I have 2 relatives accused of witchcraft in the Salem Witch Trials Edward Farrington (1st cousin 10x removed) accused of afflicting Mary Warren. And my 10th great grandmother Mary Perkins Bradbury accused of witchcraft but escaped before going to the gallows.
I would love to join. I'm researching my 10th great grandma Martha Carrier in the Salem witch trials.

My 5th great grandmother Nancy Vance I would love to join your group.  I have black sheep in almost all of my family lines from mccoy & hatfield history. HATFIELD_MCCOY

Definitely interested in being a part of the "bootleggers" project. I come from a long line of bootleggers. :-)

I am not interested in joining the project, but I have a profile for someone *I* consider a "black sheep" in that he did some reprehensible things, without actually stooping to committing murder.  He was fairly well regarded in his own time .. and probably would be in this time by an awful lot of people.

I have tried to determine if he qualifies for WT "black sheep" status, but only get a blank white page (on three different browsers) when I try to look at the criteria on

as recommended on

Also, is there a simple sticker for "black sheep", or do they all look like project boxes?

I would like to join the Blacksheep project and work in the sub project the Hatfields and the McCoys please?

So far, I have not been able to figure out how to join or how get the badge. Could you please help me?

Nancy Lowe Sitzlar
Could you walk me through the process of joining the Blacksheep Project and the subproject of the McCoys and Hatfield?  My mother is a McCoy and I also have Hatfields in my family. I can not understand how to join the group or get the badge. Help Please.
Nancy, I joined the Black Sheep Project in 2017, but I was never participated much and have not been an active member since 2017.  I do not know any of the moderators, but Leigh Murrin replied to my questions in a friendly, knowledgeable way. My Lowe family were pirates, smugglers and wreckers in the Bahamas back to Gideon Low, born 1630. You are from a more respectable Lowe family. A few months ago, I was very excited to find a 4th cousin, until I was told he was serving a life sentence. My own half-brother died in an army stockade, although naturally we think he was innocent. I have U.S. Senators and jailbirds in my family tree.

That is awesome!! You never know we just might be related because I sure have some of those types of ancestors. I had a lot of bootleggers too!! I am learning a lot and really enjoying it but had trouble trying to join the group. I fit into several of the project groups I just need to find out how to get added to the group. I have had a stroke and sometimes things that should be simple are not!!

But, I love this section and researching my ancestors.

Once again thank you for the help and encouragement. But, I still think we may have a relative in common.
I noticed that my 5th cousin Peter J. Roberts just awarded you a badge for your work with the McCoys and Hatfields. Peter is the head of the Bahamas Project. He's very knowledgeable about genealogy, particularly DNA testing. He's more tolerant of us kinfolks than we probably deserve. I hope that you and I are distantly related further back. Nancy, you might want to take the DNA test if you have not done so already. My test matched me with 156+ predicted 2nd to 4th cousins. Do you know Karen Lowe Tobo? Her late brother Ray lived a few blocks from me in Denver. He had worked at WDW Magic Kingdom, like me. Their Lowe family came from Scott County, Tennessee. Karen moved from Boulder County, Colorado to Utah last year. I think she works at Ancestry as a quality assurance person. Karen has researched records in foreign languages. Her husband is Japanese. Good luck on the McCoy and Hatfield sub-project of the Black Sheep Projecr. I feel sure that it will attract a lot of attention from ancestry enthusiasts.
Ah, there's a possibility that the computer has gone into hyper since I am now looking a 200+?? from 2017ff comments and and answers on ... what? Hmm?
Definitely interested in the McCoy & Hatfield feud. My Grandmother's mother was Bonnie Alice McCoy, daughter of Thomas McCoy. She met Randall once as a child. I asked her what he was like, and she got very quiet and, after a moment, said, "he scared me to death."
Hello, I would like to join the project. I am interested in all of them, but Witch Trials stand out to me. Thank you and please let me know what I can do.

Yes!! Me toooo!! laugh

this link doesn't seem to be to a valid website


Thank you! 

I'm no longer an active member of the Black Sheep Project now, but I got a notification of your question. You never want to click on http: links anyway, which are outmoded. Usually there is a https: address with the added S which means Secure. But in this case, I cannot find one. You can search for IBSSG, but I cannot vouch for what you might find. Sorry I could not be of more help.
Thank you, Victor.

Perhaps someone else on the project can help. The link listed in the initial comment doesn't work. There is nothing online about the IBSSG (spelled out or acronym). There is one link that goes to an inactive Facebook page.
The International Blacksheep Society of Genealogists can be found at
Thanks, Peter.

I'm proud to say that Peter J. Roberts is my 5th cousin. He's the director of the Bahamas DNA Project. He has helped me and our cousins more often than we can count. We all rely on him.



Congratulations!  It can be more fun than some other fuddy-duddy ancestor worship ;-)
Nancy, allow me to add my congratulations that you found the missing link to your Hatfield and McCoys connection.

I just want to say that Peter and I also have a famous ancestor, Matthew Lowe, pirate. I would not say that I worship Matthew exactly, but I do try to summon his ghost for help in times of crisis or confusion. I carry the Y-DNA of my pirate ancestors in my bloodstream, after all. I sometimes wish I were also related to the Hatfields and McCoys, but you know the old saying - You can choose your friends but not your relatives. Nancy, I must confess that I wish I were related to you, also. You are obviously a very dedicated researcher, a good example for others. I also happen to be proud to be related to Peter. I get vicarious satisfaction in being related to cousins of his caliber. My New Year's Resolution is to make amends for having had minor disagreements with cousin Peter in the past. Nancy, if I have ever neglected to reply to you promptly, please accept my apology.
Victor, you are not going to believe this but I found my connection through the Lowe side of my family!!! Oh my, and the wonderful relatives I have located on this journey as a traced my link forward and backwards to make sure it was REAL!!! My mother is a McCoy and I just kept looking at her side and in the wrong direction going around and!! But the connection that brought me where I needed to be was my Lowe side and it was through the Hatfields. So, I am related to both sides the McCoy's and the Hatfield's!! The connection link was the child of Jonse Hatfield and Roseanna McCoy's child they had together and she died at 8 months old of the measles.  Her name was Sarah Elizabeth Hatfield and she was my missing link!!!

I have not been doing very much on WT lately. I have been really sick and have some serious issues with my teeth that should be taken care of this week and then the healing. of course, as you know my stroke hinders me a lot but I look forward to getting back into this project full steam.

Victor, you have never hurt me or ignored me. You have been very nice and helpful. I have had some bad moments on WT but you have been a Jewel. I appreciate it too because as I stated the stroke can make things difficult for me at times.

I have not given up yet on us being related. Karen is related to me in several directions and one of those, of course, is the Lowe line. So, if you are related to her then you are probably related to me!! I come from a strong wild bunch!!

I have a cluster of murderers and murder victims in my private tree. I would like to work on a project such as Black Sheep to help with tagging them and thus perpetuating historical accuracy, as well as honesty. Regions are Kansas, Oklahoma, Washington and Toronto, Canada. Dating from 1880's to 1965.

Thank you in advance for the invitation. I probably have more to offer in other subprojects as well.

Well according to family member that was really close to this grandpa. He was moonshiner. I was asking about family and it was said in interview.


Hey y'all! I would LOVE to join the black sheep project.

I have looked for days and when I saw black sheep project I know instantly. I am from a long line of black sheep. I would love to check out the sub groups too. Outlaw jumped out at me too.
I am very interested in joining this project and also a few sub projects. Please let me know what my next step is. Im learning to navigate WikiTree but I'm eager to help.
I would like to join the Black Sheep for the witch trials and my  ancestor Susannah North Martin.

I like to join as well. As of now I’ve found various relatives that participated in the Salem witch trials. One both sides. They all seem to be related some way or the other.
Nancy, we are 9th cousins twice removed we share Thomas Cheatham Sr.

I have a Hatfield and McCoy connection comes up in my DNA matches.  Dots not filled in enough on Wiki... I'll get to it.
that is awesome please keep in touch and let me know.

So glad you reached out!! Please keep me informed this is exciting.
I would like to become a member of the Witch Trials group. My Tyler relatives were accused witches in Massachusetts.
I have interest in this project. I have at least 1 known outlaw in my ancestry line that I 'd love to know more about.

In researching my family tree, found out I am a descendant of Elizabeth Knapp ( would like to join the Witch Trials Project


I would like to join the Black Sheep Project. Yes. I do have an interest in outcasts, outlaws and outlandish people. I am profile manager for a murderer and his murder victim. The murder trial is discussed in history books. I would like to write detailed biographies for murderer and the murder victim. Please award me a Black Sheep Project badge.
Yes. I would like to join the Black Sheep Project. I have two Black Sheep biographies to contribute.

Request: Please award me a Black Sheep Project badge.

Best! Richard J
Hello Richard!  Sorry for the delay in getting you the badge but for some reason I never received notification and completely missed your replies.

If you check your profile, you should now see the Black Sheep Project badge.

Thanks for joining and adding new profiles!

I don't particularly want to join the Black Sheep project, but I do have one ancestor [Coleman-12156] who, I think, qualifies as a Black Sheep.  Is there a way I can tag his profile as a Black Sheep without joining the project?
I'd love to be a part of this project. So far, I've got no familial connections to black sheep that I am aware of, but I am an avid "fan" of reading and researching about serial killers.
Badge awarded. Welcome to the Black Sheep Project Veronica!
Hi, I would like to join the Black Sheep project. I have quite a few ancestors in all of the categories. I'm interested in researching, writing biographies, sourcing, and contributing in any way I can to help the project and all of its categories. However, I'd really love to join the Witch Trials category. I have ancestors from both sides of the coin from this era -- from the accusers to the accused (Cotton Mather, John and Elizabeth Bassett Proctor, Sarah Proctor, Mary Bassett de Rich, Rebecca Gibson Stearns, etc., just to name a few). Many thanks in advance and Kind Regards, Lea :-)

p.s. sorry for the double post mishap -- I replied in the wrong place after an accidental page refresh...argh!
Hi Lea,

I sent you a private email.



Hi I am interested in joining the back sheep project as well as sub projects bootleggers moonshiners Hatfield and McCoys criminals outlaws Black sheep traders pirates witches. I have a lot of ancestors cousins that should be in each group. Thank you.

Hi Traci,

I just got your message. Thank you for replying. A little disappointed to learn that I won't be added to the Black Sheep project & Witch Trials sub-project until after re-organization is complete but that's perfectly understandable. This is actually my first attempt at trying to join a project on wikitree.

As per wikitree requirements, I have to join a project that involves collaboration on pre-1700's profiles to continue working on pre-1700's profiles. Since I'm currently creating and working on my maternal ancestor profiles from the pre-1700's era, the Black Sheep project/Witch Trials sub-project seemed an excellent fit and well suited to my interests.

My question is this: In order to continue creating & working on my maternal pre-1700's profiles (and others) and since collaboration on a project involving pre-1700's profiles is essentially a requirement, should I just try to join a different project for the time being? Or, will it be okay to continue working on those pre-1700's ancestor profiles while waiting to be added to the Black Sheep project?

Please forgive my ignorance as a relative newcomer to the platform (this is literally my 2nd G2G comment ever). While not a newcomer to writing and working on biographies and wikitree profiles, I'm very new to joining wikitree projects and just as new to interacting via the G2G forum. Just trying to make sense of the situation and to make sure that I'm following the necessary wikitree requirements.

Will I need to go ahead and join a different project in order to continue working on those pre-1700's ancestor profiles? My main concern is continuing to work on those pre-1700's profiles while not being badged and actively participating in a team effort/collaborative project. Thank you for taking time out to reply and any help you can offer.. It's greatly appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Can someone please update the page for Outcasts and Pirates - the project boxes are coming up with errors and only the Black sheep project is showing that the project is closed.

Thanks, in advance.
Thanks for the heads-up Raewyn! We're hoping to change the project boxes into stickers very soon. Unfortunately dissolving a project takes time, has many moving parts and requires the input of a lot of already busy people. :D
I'm interested in joining. I'm currently working on fleshing out trees showing how certain gangster/mafia members are blood related.

Also interested in outlaws and the Salem witch trials (I'm related to 2 accused witches who were executed).

Sadly, the WikiTree’s Black Sheep Project is no more.

121 Answers

+23 votes
Best answer

 I have an interest in this project.i have outlaws in the line looking for supporting info 

by Eric Dodd G2G2 (2.4k points)
selected by Amanda Phillips
I believe we have same ancestor!
+23 votes
Yes, I have an interest in this project. These individuals have played an interesting part of history, let me know what I can do to help with this project.
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (796k points)
+20 votes
I have an interest in this project. My greatX10 grandmother was Elizabeth Jackson Howe. Let me know
Hi Fay! Can you please link to your Wikitree profile? It looks like you weren't logged in when this was posted. Thank you!
Fay, please contact me via e-mail, I believe we may have same ancestor in the Rowe Family.
+24 votes
I am interested in this project because I am a black sheep and I descend from black sheep.
+22 votes
What an interesting project! I'd love to help out with the Black Sheep Project. Particularly interested in tracing and verifying a couple of possible cowboy era outlaws, revolutionary war traitors in my family line.
by Kevin Maxey G2G6 (6.2k points)
Thanks Kevin - welcome to the project!
Hi Kevin, please go to the Project Members Page ( and record your research interests there.  Thanks!
Ke'in, you're related to me, so you're related to Benedict Arnold and Margaret Stephensoon Scott.
+19 votes
I would like to join the project. I've written a monograph: [[Space:Demographics_of_New_England_Witches|Demographics of New England Witches]]. Thank you.
by Jim Moore G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)
+20 votes
My ansester was Joshua Robert "Brown" Bowen. The notorious Texas outlaw who ran with John Wesley Harden. Their story can be found in "Texas Desperado in Florida" by Jesse Earley Bowhen and William S. Cummings. Brown was hanged for a shooting. Family lore claims Harden committed the crime.
I also have a deserter from the Civil War, two brothers signed up with the same company, did one go home to check on their families? Good question huh? More digging needs to be done!
Oh, the things we find out, like little nuggets of treasure to add interst to those long ago names.
by Living p G2G Crew (800 points)
+17 votes
Count me in! I have an ancestor (Sarah Averill Wildes) and two sisters of another (Rebecca Towne Nurse and Mary Towne Estey) killed in the Salem witch trials.
by Jo Hollingsworth G2G6 Mach 1 (16.8k points)
edited by Jo Hollingsworth
Hi Joanne, welcome to the project!  Please go to the members page and record your research interests there.   There is also a sub-project devoted to the Salem witch trials - you could definitely help there!
I added a comment but I was unable to edit the page and add my name as I don't seem to have editing rights to the page.
+18 votes

I'm interested in contributing to the Witch Trials project. I have information from the Descendents of Ancient Windsor Newsletter about the exoneration of two women who were hanged in 1647 and 1654 for witchcraft. The article also includes additional resources.

by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 7 (77.7k points)
Brilliant, Victoria, we would love to have you as a member of the project.  Please feel free to work on any profiles relating to witches that take your interest.
Ack! May 8 I posted and I have filled in the information! Meanwhile, as I was fishing for information in the North Carolina State Archives, I happened upon a Bible entry for John Hawthorne and his wife, who were caught up in the Witch trials, escaped from prison, made a triumphant return to Salem years later. Must get busy and document this information.
Necroposting here ... but it turns out my seventh great-grandfather was Bartholomew Gedney. Only one semi-known ancestor, and it would have to be him. Now I'm really worried about the unknown austrians on my mom's side....
+16 votes
I am very interested in joining!


Margaret Ruiz
by Margaret Mujica-Ruiz G2G1 (2.0k points)
+17 votes
I would like to join the Witch Trials project.  My 7th great grandfather was [[Calef-2|Robert Calef]], who opposed the Salem Witch Trials, and I'd like to help research his ancestors and descendants.
by Heather Wood G2G1 (1.1k points)
+15 votes
I would like to join the Black Sheep project, I find them very interesting and have several in my family. Thank you
by Carmen Schweitzer G2G1 (1.2k points)
+15 votes
I want to be on the black sheep project, please, and thank you.
by Carmen Schweitzer G2G1 (1.2k points)
Welcome to the project Carmen - can you go to the Project Members Interest Page and let us know your research interests?  Thanks!
+16 votes
I would like to join this project. Thank you in advance!
by Greg Bowman G2G2 (2.4k points)
+16 votes
Hello hello! I'd like to join the Black Sheep project (specifically for the Hatfield and McCoy group)
by Michelle Paul G2G Crew (680 points)
+16 votes

I would like to join this project. I just added Anne Dieu-le-Veut and Laurens de Graff. I still need to fill in their biographies - they are pirates, so I linked them to the Pirate category. 

by Laurie Power G2G5 (5.6k points)
Hi, welcome to the project, be sure to register your research interests on the project members page, thanks!
+16 votes
Yes, I would like to join the Black Sheep Project.  I have several Black Sheep in the family including a pirate and several "traitors".

by Michael Taylor G2G2 (2.2k points)
Hi, welcome to the project, be sure to register your research interests on the project members page, thanks!   the Pirates and Spies and Traitors projects would welcome your help!
+16 votes
My interests are in the Spies,, which falls under this project I am told.

I added two profiles to this weeks show case for Spies ...

May I have the badge please if I qualify?  Thanks.
by Sandra Davidson G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
welcome to the project Sandra
+16 votes
I am interested in join the Witch Trials project.  I am descendant of Winifred King Benham (last witch tried in CT) and Mary Perkins Bradbury who was involved in the Salem trials. Thanks!
by Caryl Ruckert G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
Hi Caryl, be sure to register your interests on the project members page.  The witches project would welcome any contributions you might be able to make especially - thanks!
+18 votes

Yes, very interested in this project ... especially Witch Trials, Bootleggers and Moonshiners!

by Patty LaPlante G2G6 Pilot (183k points)

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