I need to include my relatives to president Thomas Jefferson where is this project?

+4 votes
Need to include my relatives to president Thomas Jefferson ancestry, is there a project for this?
WikiTree profile: Thomas Jefferson
in Genealogy Help by Carol Chastain G2G Rookie (250 points)

Hi Carol,

There is a US Presidents Project.

1 Answer

+7 votes

Welcome to WikiTree, Carol.

The basic plan is for you to start adding your family tree (starting with your parents). As you move up to earlier generations, or add cousins, sooner or later you will discover ancestors and other relatives who already have profiles in WikiTree. You should not create new profiles for those people; instead you should connect the profiles to the profiles for their immediate family members (connect parent to child, for example).

You can be sure that part of your line to Thomas Jefferson is already in WikiTree. All that you need to do is connect to it, as described.

And Thomas Jefferson was already here: Jefferson-1. I'm proposing to merge your new profile for him into that existing profile.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

Correction: I see that it is your children (not yourself) who you aim to connect to Jefferson and that you hope to connect them via Thomas Jefferson Ponder. So you would want to add your children's ancestors (father, grandparents, etc.) to the tree until you connect them to the existing profile for Mr. Ponder. (Keep your children's profiles private, but give them a "public family tree" so that they can see their connections to their ancestors and cousins -- and so you can use WikiTree's Relationship Finder to probe relationships.)

And Mr. Ponder's profile currently has no parents or other ancestors -- meaning he's not showing a blood relationship to any cousins or ancestors. That means that profiles need to be created for his parents, grandparents, etc., until you can make connections with existing profiles. Do you have records for his Mr. Ponder's parents, etc.? The profile names his parents, but you should be able to learn more by searching at familysearch.org for census records and other documents. Many members here would be happy to give you pointers on searching. Do you have names of other ancestors and relatives?

Happy hunting! If you can tell us what you are searching for, you can get more focused help.

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