Permission TBA to my WIKITREE?

+3 votes
Hi Elizabeth,

By now you have become familiar with who I am, "grand 1st cousin", i.e. your mum (Betty Clawson) is my first cousin, and your late grandmother (Alice McLaughlin) is/was my Mum's sister (Mary). Anyway, very nice to meet you finally! Well, I would like to add your name-profile to my Family WikiTree, if that's alright? Please, you are more than welcome to visit my site and see what information I have been able to gather, living on this side of the Atlantic. BTW, we are also related via your Granddad (Hughie Clawson) as I've come to learn he is/was my Grandmother's (Kitty McFall Hawthorne) cousin! I find that pretty cool!

BTW another question, are you aware of your Grandmother and my mother's favorite aunt named Elizabeth (Lizzie) who moved to California? Could you perhaps be named after her? Just a thought!

Happy New Year,

WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Boyd
in Genealogy Help by Emanuel Hawthorne G2G1 (1.6k points)
edited by Emanuel Hawthorne

1 Answer

+2 votes
You can email the profile manager directly to share you findings and or possible relationship.

On a profile page, left hand side, locate the Profile Manager.  Click on the (send private message) link to contact them.

You can also post a bulletin board message on the right hand side of the profile, to post your message, if you don't wish to email.
by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (896k points)

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