Have you considered adding a Web Resources section to profile biographies?

+11 votes

Instead of cutting and pasting a biography from another website why not consider creating a Web Resources section in the text box below the biography. It's easy to do, here's an example:

=== Web Resources ===

Here's the format I use but there are probably better variations:

: [web address <space> title]

and it looks like this and provides a link to the original website.  This leaves the text box free for some original writing.


in Policy and Style by Eugene Quigley G2G6 Mach 8 (82.9k points)
recategorized by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+2 votes
I think that is a nice simple way of linking to general information and outside sources that are not used as references. It is certainly 1000 times better than unsourced info. I also agree that copying and pasting another sites content should be avoided.

I would still personally prefer a liitle more detailed citation for specifc details in case a link becomes broken or the information changes, and also that sources that are specifically referenced be included in the sources list in a more 'bibliographic' style as well as <ref>referenced in the text</ref>

As an example I use a lot of links to the Canadian Census Data hosted by Library and Archives Canada and I try to always include the link to the census page or person but I also give the actual reference to the Enumeration District, Sub-District, Division, and Page in case they reorganize the page links (as happened recently)

Although I admit I do not do it consistently, when I link to wikipedia content I try to at least include what the wikipedia article was titled and the date accessed. Example [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Theodor_von_Pincier Wikipedia] entry: Christian Theodor von Pincier (accessed 30 June 2013)
by Rob Ton G2G6 Pilot (297k points)

I agree Ron . I wasn't suggesting it replace citations at all. I also use the Canadian census data as you do but a lot of my work seems to be in the middle ages so I use [http://openlibrary.org/ Open Library] and [http://archive.org/ Internet Archive]

I was cleaning up one of the early Scottish Kings and the bio section had five identical copies of a Wikipedia bio (caused by multiple merges that knowone cleaned up) - Got me to thinking why not just include the link to Eikipedia and a synopsis from there and other biographies can be written for the bio text box instead.

Happy Canada Day!

Well i just wanted to say that both Eugene & Rob offer such brillient advice..she doffs cap to them and wishes them Happy Canada Day and welcomes our (UK) new Governor of the Bank of England - a Canadian!

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