Does anybody have any information on John Billington (Cheshire, 1500s) bailiff to the Earl of Shrewsbury?

+3 votes

Hi I've been working on the Billington family in Little Budworth, Cheshire, England. 

I found a reference to a Ralph Billington who I believe is this same as the Ralph Byllington on this profile. (The reference is "The alterations are mentioned in a dispute over rights to a pew heard in 1603 when Ralph Billington argued that his family had used a certain form in the chapel since his grandfather John had been bailiff to the Earl of Shrewsbury." From

Which states his grandfather is John but I haven't been able to find any other references to him, so does anybody know anything or where to find any information.

Ralph's father Randal would have been born about 1550 I think, putting John's birthday in the early half of the 16th century. The linked profile is to Randal; John's son. 


WikiTree profile: Randal Byllington
in Genealogy Help by A. C. Raper G2G6 Mach 5 (53.4k points)

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