Dna of Walter fitz PONS clifford castle abt 1066

+5 votes
Walter fitz Pons M Margaret De Toeni of Clifford Castle I wish to compare PONS dna to my Clifford DNA { Name change }after 1066/7/8 ?
in Genealogy Help by John Clifford G2G1 (1.3k points)
He appears to have been called Walter fitz Richard.

The Poyntz clan is also descended from a Pons, not known to be related.  A DNA match with a Poyntz would be interesting.
Many thanks RJ , However I am confused as to Wikipedia saying that the goal is to unite Clifford / Poyntz family they come from the same family tree are they implying  related or not , it had been thought Pons are R1b same as me but no proof yet  , In the autumn the results of DNA from Richard 1 & 2 will be announced hope fully deciding if Rollo was from  Norway  or Denmark might even have news for me Thanks again John Clifford
I see MedLands thinks the Poyntzes might descend from Simon fitz Pons, brother of Richard fitz Pons.  Doesn't go any further back though.  No record of Pons - he's just an inference from the names of his sons.

You'd think if there was a Clifford - Poyntz match they'd have found it by now.
Hi RJ many thanks yes a match would be great but Pointz / Pons strange thing is Clifford DNA must be the same as Pons lots of PONS but no contact yet , any help would be appreciated John Clifford
i thought you could not get a match past 500 years.  have things changed than
Pons / Clifford DNA Family tree Clifford news letter No 2 vol 5 shows they are related to R1b Royals / European Aristocratic families , 1- M223 is R1b Normandy France before 1066 , I am in the FTDNA Clifford project the only one green confirmed 1-M223 / R1b can I claim Pons / Clifford as R1b official DNA Make my day please Kind Regards John Clifford
Heres a new slant on PONS ? CLIFFORD DNA  Duke of Edinburgh had his DNA done prove or dis approve a Russian Princess legality  Both being R1b this was past down to all Prince males , I think with our tree Clifford DNA is R1b The Royals Desend through The Earls of Cumberland Genealogist Magazine

1 Answer

+3 votes
My research has led me to this descent from Rollo

William Longsword

Richard 3rd Duke of Normandy

Richard 4th Duke of Normandy, Geoffrey, William Count Eu

From William Count Eu there were 4 sons

Robert Count Eu, William, Hugh and Ponts

Ponts had 4 sons, Richard, Osborn, Diogo or Dru, and Walter.

Richard Fitzpond had Simon, Walter and Richard.

Walter began calling himself Clifford  and he has

Richard of Frampton, Rosamund, Lucy, Roger, Simon, Hugh, and Walter his heir.  How does this measure up with what everyone has on the line?

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