Do you have Family Tree of Mary Ann & Daniel O'Donnell Ireland, parents Catherine, Bridget O'Donnell?

+7 votes
Greetings !!

Rec'd help re The Siblings of Great-Grandma Catherine O'Donnell Forestell b 1857 via The WIKI Rep as follows:  

Catherine & Bridget, sisters married the 2 Forestell Brothers, namely Samuel S Forestell & younger brother James Forestell; and, the other 2 siblings of Catherine were 2 boys - namely John & James (I think)!

Sum:  Do you already have The Mary Ann & Daniel O'Donnell Tree in your WIKI/Resources?? &

Thank-you, M-Elisabeth-Caroline Forestell-Cumin

PS:  Hope to access this data!
in Genealogy Help by Elisabeth Forestell Cumin G2G Crew (530 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Thanks to WIKI for data as follows: Mary-Ann-b-1826 & Daniel O'Donnell-b-1817/Ireland, were the parents of GG-Catherine-Mary-O'Donnell-Forestell-b-August 18-1857/Atholl-Bay, near Picton ON & died March 12 1947 Marmara ON; Bridget-Maude-O'Donnell-Forestell-b-1860; James-b-1862 & John-b-1866 O'Donnell.

Note:  2 O'Donnell Sisters married 2 Forestell Brothers as follows: GG-Samuel-(Irish/Sylvestre)-Forestell was the spouse of GG-Catherine; & James Forestell was the spouse of Bridget Maude! Source:

Bravo/Resources: J Reaves-Peterboro & Gerrard Forestell-Madoc ON
by Elisabeth Forestell Cumin G2G Crew (530 points)

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