"Cousin" AJ is the end page of Genome Magazine

+16 votes
So there I was, voraciously reading the Fall 2015 issue of Genome Magazine when my eyes lit upon a familiar face.

A.J. Jacobs is featured in an end page interview.

Yep, "Cousin" A.J. who is within XX degrees of us all. (He's 25 degrees removed from me.) The man who managed the Global Family Reunion in 2015. And who will be throwing another reunion in 2017.

Just thought you all might like to know.

Another famous person lurks nearby on our tree. This one a published author who is related to us all. Give yourself a pat on the back! And say hello to your relative.
WikiTree profile: AJ Jacobs
in The Tree House by Dorothy Coakley G2G6 Pilot (188k points)
retagged by Abby Glann

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