I am still unsure how to check my DNA with a name that has been posted.

+5 votes
I believe I have uploaded my DNA from Ancestry but I am not sure at this point.
ago in WikiTree Help by Kevin White G2G Crew (550 points)
retagged ago by Michael Cayley
Look on the right side of your father’s profile. There is a section entitle “DNA Connections.”

2 Answers

+6 votes
WikiTree does not hold DNA results, just the place where you took the test (ie Ancestry).  Looking at your profile, your DNA test is uploaded (it's on the right hand side).

What you need to do now is build out your family tree so that the DNA has something to link to.
ago by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
+5 votes
Adding to Ros' answer, it will also take 24 hrs after you add to your tree for your tests to show up on the profiles you create.

Your Y DNA test will also only propagate up through your direct paternal tree.

You will also need to connect to an existing profile before there is any chance to see any other DNA testers. So build your tree out until you connect with existing profiles.

If there are other Y DNA testers who have trees from your White family on Wikitree and they have their Y DNA test entered, and you can connect them with your tree, their Y DNA tests will also propagate down your Paternal tree.
ago by Russ Carter G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)
edited ago by Russ Carter

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