Why is my mother listed as uncertain?

+3 votes
No matter what I do, my mother is listed as uncertain.  I am certain that she was my mother and I keep saying "certain", but it still comes up "uncertain" on my pedigree chart.
WikiTree profile: Bunny Arszman
ago in Genealogy Help by Bunny Arszman G2G Crew (550 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Best answer

It's possible that you might be trying to change the wrong status indicators. Make sure that you are editing your own profile and not your mother's. On the right side of the page under the column titled "Edit Family," find the status indicator that says "mother is confident" and click the circle next to it. (You can also select the one that says "mother is confirmed with DNA" if you meet the requirements on this page and include a DNA confirmation statement in the sources section on your profile.) Then, save your edit.

ago by Tessa Bradley G2G6 Mach 1 (12.4k points)
selected ago by Jamie Nelson

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