cemetery addition

+3 votes
HI, I am trying to add Oakwood Cemetery in Frederic Township, Crawford County, Michigan.

Findagrave id 1991512

Can someone please help me.

I notice there is a box on the data entry page asking for a team name?

Does a wikitree'r have to be on a team to add new cemeteries?  

Not new to Wikitree but just recently started adding the cemetery catagory to loads of my family data pages.

Thanks in advance,

Cindy Duhamel
ago in Policy and Style by Cynthia Duhamel G2G6 Mach 2 (21.6k points)
edited ago by Michael Cayley

1 Answer

+6 votes
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Done. I also had to create the Frederic Township location category since it didn't exist. Use [[Category:Oakwood Cemetery, Frederic Township, Michigan]].

I notice there is a box on the data entry page asking for a team name?

That would be the Cemeterist team They handle all cemetery categories.

Does a wikitree'r have to be on a team to add new cemeteries?  

No.  You don't have to be a member to add cemetery categories.

ago by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
selected ago by Gary Nevius

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