Request for help with German census (handwriting)

+4 votes

Hello! Will someone please help me figure out what the names are on this 1880 German census? Even better if you're able to provide a transcription/translation. I'm not sure the indexed record is correct.

Image link:

Thank you for any help!


in Genealogy Help by Monica Palmer G2G6 Mach 1 (17.0k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
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Interesting writing.  It is indexed as an "R" but looks like an "N".

The names look like:

Nienerth, Christian  (- ?)  13Jul1855   (-)

Thiele,  Dorothau Elisabeth  wife  27Jan1857 Etingen

Friedrich Wilhelm Christian  son (Dasalbß ?) 15Mar1866

Wilhelm   son  207Feb1880  (Dasalbß ? -not sure but may mean "the same" ?)

Otto   son  26May1883  Böddenwell  (probably Böddensell)

Heinrich  son  01Jul1885  (Dasalbß ?)

Anna  daughter  20Sep1887  Mannhausen

Hermann  son  17Feb1890  Mannhausen

Leonhard  son  26Jul1892 (- ?)  died 18-1892

Ernst  son  (twin)  17Jul1893  here

Emil  son  (twin)  17Jul1893  here
by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 2 (24.7k points)
selected by Danny Gutknecht

Name is: "Christian Niewerth", worker (Arbeiter); wife Dorothee Elisabeth, née Thiele.

Christian moved to "here" on 1 Oct 1890 from Mannhausen. "here" is the city of Halbensleben (now in the Börde district of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)

The child who died early is named Bernhard (not Leonhard). He already was born in Haldensleben ("here"), as were the twins.

The other birthplaces (colum 7) are given as Sachau, Etingen, Böddensell and Mannhausen. Thats all villages near Calvörde, 16 km north west of Haldensleben. If there is written "daselbst", it means "the same as above" and you have to look what is written in the line bevor. All this places at this timeframe can be written as: 

(1815-1866) "xxxxx, Provinz Sachsen, Preußen, Deutscher Bund"; 

(1866-1870) "xxxxx, Provinz Sachsen, Preußen, Norddeutscher Bund";

(1871-1945) "xxxxx, Provinz Sachsen, Preußen, Deutsches Reich".

Thank you so much! I was hoping for the last name to be Rienerth, but oh well. :)

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