On the Eve of his death April 22, 1863 Pvt. Orrin O Brown “106th NYV Co. A”

+7 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

On the Eve of this veterans death (I didn’t realize until reviewing his profile). I noticed he has two cemeteries! Two stones! Which cemetery is he buried? He was married to a Talcott! The name Talcott is well known as in the town of Talcottville and the road named same.

We need to get him connected and find his parental lineage. There is a article maybe an obit on his Familysearch profile through ancestry link?

Any collaboration is appreciated.

Thank you

Note: He passed from disease “Typhoid”

See my free space page 106th New York Infantry Regiment Company A

Let’s get these veterans connected! laugh

WikiTree profile: Orrin Brown
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (706k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer


I bet he is buried at the Southwest Cemetery.

His name is reflected on a memorial at Mount Hope Cemetery:


The FindAGrave for Mount Hope Cemetery has a picture o the memorial and then says below in the biography area that the poster does not know where Orrin is actually buried.


by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

Hi Roger,

I agree he is buried alongside his wife. I just photographed his gravestone and the monument at both cemeteries laugh

A lot of history buried in both cemeteries in the middle of modern day sound and traffic but I can imagine a time it was just dirt roads and horse and buggy! 

The plaque at the Mount Hope Cemetery 

Hope to get this veteran connected not too many of the 106th NYV buried in Ct

Thank you!

The link to that article is really good!

I didn’t realize it was this old!

”The monument at the Mt. Hope Cemetery is the second-oldest in the nation and depicts several major aspects of the Civil War.”

Connected him through his wife Caroline Talcott. Her father Samuel S. Talcott was appointed as a Justice of the Peace. Found in the newsclips at Hartford Courant June 24, 1846…still researching this family group of Talcott’s!

Orrin O. Brown is still a mystery as far as getting his parental lineage.

It appears his wife Caroline is my 7th cousin. I wonder if she went by a nickname of “Carrie” but her gravestone clearly doesn’t show any nicknames
+6 votes
Maybe someone with a subscription to a newspaper source can come up with his obituary. That should probably clear up the burial confusion.

I have seen that were a someone remarried after the death of the first spouse. A joint monument would be placed in the cemetery with the surviving spouse and the deceased first spouse.  Then the surviving spouse remarries. On death, that spouse is buried in a different cemetery with the second spouse.

I don't have a newspaper clipping subscription. Maybe someone else will.
by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (118k points)
I would love to see any news clipping of Orrin Brown or his wife from the 1860’s! I did look in the newspaper but no success

Found the marriage article Hartford Courant, August 26, 1859, Page 3.

So maybe he has an obit?

Married by a Rev. Hawes

There are a few Rev. Hawes that might be a match 

See: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/119809520/erskine_joel-hawes


See: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/119809057/joel-hawes

I believe it was Rev. Erskine Hawes D.D. a graduate of Yale who died in an accident? A year after he married them?

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