need help reading this notarial act, writing is arduous

+4 votes

This is one of the first records found for Vivien Rocheleau / Rochereau.  According to some authors his wife is named in there, can't for the life of me read half what is in there, notary's handwriting is poor, to say the least.  Anybody who can help decipher this please?

BAnQ: Michel Roy dit Châtellerault, Actes, 16 novembre 1668 - 9 juin 1682 (1041 fichiers), pgs 55-57/1041

WikiTree profile: Vivien Rochereau
in Genealogy Help by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (698k points)

A better scan a of the same document is available on FamilySearch :

Merci Christian, quand même ardu à lire cette écriture.

1 Answer

+4 votes
Looks like:

Mar 19 / 1670

Sold (vento) by (par) Claude Sauvignon

to (a)

Vivien Richeleau
by Randy McLeod G2G Crew (320 points)
thank you, but that is just the cover page, there are 2 pages with the body of the act following it.  That's where it gets quite meaty.  Don't need translation but transcription if at all possible.
well, the notary,s name is Michel Roy dit Châtellerault.

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