Transcription needed for 1687 German record [closed]

+4 votes

Need help with transription of the marriage record.  The writing is more elaborate than most records and I just can't make out enough of it to have it make sense.   

Top left record (28Jan1687) for Hanß Erhlmayr.

Thank you !!

closed with the note: Answered
in Genealogy Help by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 2 (24.7k points)
closed by Steven Beckler

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Dear Steven,

it's far from perfect but at least here is something for the start, and maybe someone else will be able to fill the gaps:

Die 28 January

eingesegnet worden

Spons. Hanß ______? [I really can't read it as „Erhlmayr“] Bürger und Tag-

_recher alhir, Jan Carl _____ (Kellner)? Bürger

und Paurs auf der Straß alhir, [und] Eli-

[s]abetha Depp Hausfrln. beide noch im ___

ehelich erzeugter Sohn. Contraxit [mit] Catharina

weyl[and = verstorbenen] Lorenzen Vilsmayr __ssem

Pauers zu __eich Schwimbach, [und] Appolonia

im? Schwierstin baider ___ ehelich hinter-

blibne Tochter.


Urban Klingen__ger ___, Michael Sohnleitnern

Kürssner beide Bürger alhir, Balthasar Vilsmayr

_öhrer zu ____ Schwimbach, Lorenz Vilsmayr Bürge

und Tagwercher? alhir

Kind regards - Heike :-)

P.S.: Could you try tagging "Germany" instead of "German"? I believe that more people have that on their G2G-Tags so more people will see it

by Heike Blumreiter G2G6 Mach 5 (54.9k points)
selected by Dieter Lewerenz
The K in Kellner does not look like the K in Klingensperger below.  I found a baptismal record for their daughter.   It looks like it is Fellmer.

Hi Steven and Heike,

my take:

Spons[us] (= Bräutigam) Hannß Fellner Bürger und Tag-

wercher (= Tagwerker, Arbeiter) alhie, Jan Carl Fellner Bürger

und Paur[n] auf der Straß alhie, [und] Eli-

sabetha dess[en] Hausfr[au] beide noch im Leben

ehelich erzeugter Sohn. Contraxit Catharina

wey[land] (= verstorbenen) Lorenzen Filsmayr Gewessen(?) (= gewesenen = ehemaligen)

Paurens zu Ulrich Schwimbach, [und] Appolonia

sein[er] Ehwiertin (= Ehewirtin = Ehefrau) baider (= beider) see[lig] ehelich hinder-

blibne (= hinterbliebene, hinterlassene) Tochter.


Urban Klingensperger Pekh (= Beck, Bäcker), Michael Sohnleitner

Kueffner beede (= beide) Bürger alhie, Balthasar Vilsmayr

Sölner zu Ulrich Schwimbach, Lorenz Vilsmayr Bürger

und Tagwercher alhie

regards, Vanessa

Thank you !
Thank you from me as well - great work!

Heike :-)

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