Preview of a new Tree App: One Name Trees

+78 votes
I've been working on a new Tree App for one name studies.  Of course, you don't need a one name study to use it--you just need a surname. Here's my test page: .  There is lots of information if you click the '?' button.  My favourite thing is if you click the Statistics button and then click the "Most Common Birth Places" button, there's an interesting visualisation of the birth places in each 50-year period.  (I'm not sure how useful it is, but it's kind of fun.)

Please play around with this and let me know if you see any problems or have any suggestions for improvement.

in The Tree House by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
edited by Ian Beacall
Hmm... it's not working for me (Chrome on Windows & Mac)

Rob: What seems to be the problem?

Edit: I think WikiTree+ is/was down, which would break the app. (I'll add a message to the app for this case.)  Try it again when you have chance.

It should be OK now.
Thank you will check it out.
Yes, it's working, I'll add an answer below.
Anything that makes the Blackburn family easier as well accepted!

Jan Blackburn Sawitoski
Nancy... Yes. Sorry. There may be too much demand or something right now. It's not just this app, but the apps server in general that's not working well.
login to apps not working for me
Hi, Ian.  I didn't work for me just now.  I use Firefox on a mac.  I tried my ID, your test ID, the Acadians project ID.  Pressing GO results in no action.
Laura, Cindy... Please read my note just above.
Ah yes I see.  I'll try again later.
Lee, please see my message above.
Oh my goodness ... where did all those Wilders come from?? My eyes are spinning!!  LOLOL


I haven't been able to see it, but my surname, Tharp, evolved (Thorp and Thorpe used previously).  I prefer to keep the names of the trees the way they are!  Many names have evolved!

Suzanne (Tharp) Guerra
Ian, I just had a quick look at your one name tree. I particularly like the fact that the dates are in chronological order as it makes it easy to cross reference. I look forward to trying it out in more detail. Thank you for taking the time to do this as I believe it will be helpful to many people.

Thanks Ian. A great app. and a well laid out report. It's such a pity that it depends on my genealogical ability for accuracy !. Firefox and Windows worked perfectly. Alan
Still not working for me
Right now, the app (and many people trying it out) is overloading the server. Try again another time.
Nice App.  Highlights a variety of issues, including non-standard location names (in Birth Place field).  

One mis-leading stat is the No Connections.  Most on that list are deceased children of living parents.  Mostly the children have connections to their parents, but the parents are apparently hidden from the app.

Additional ideas: Most Common Death Places.  Alternative sort options - Descendant count; Surname, Given Name; Given Name, Surname; Birth Date; Birth Place; Death Date, Death Place, etc.

Currently you do not show descendants of females, except when they carry the mother's surname.  Since a significant use of this tree will be in conjunction with DNA studies, perhaps need a Mode toggle between the current/General mode and a Y-DNA mode where a female descendant line or adopted line would be split off to its own tree.

Again, nice app.  Thanks you.  This is deeply appreciated.
Good job Ian, works on Duck Duck Go, on Firefox. Found 3 distant relatives I never knew existed. Thanks.

PS. Have also been working through pages of alterations from your Suggestions App. Most are just small date discrepancies with FAG. Any  possibility of adding this to the main program to pick up errors/suggestions as data is first entered?
Hi Ian

My maiden name is Faulkner and I live in Australia. My Ancestor is David Faulkner B: 1645 Fulbrook, Oxfordshire, England. How do I add my Faulkner line to the one name study.

Kind Regards

Dale (female)


 Nice App.  


Highlights a variety of issues, including non-standard location names (in Birth Place field).


One mis-leading stat is the No Connections.  Most on that list are deceased children of living parents.  Mostly the children have connections to their parents, but the parents are apparently hidden from the app.

Thanks. I'll look into that somehow.  (It may be difficult as I don't have deceased children on living parents on my trusted list.  I may need your help if you don't mind.)

Additional ideas: Most Common Death Places. 

Doable, I think.  

Alternative sort options - Descendant count; 

This may be possible if you're talking about sorting the progenitors (the people at the top of the descendant trees).

 ... Surname, Given Name; Given Name, Surname; Birth Date; Birth Place; Death Date, Death Place, etc.

Have you clicked the Table button?  These are all sortable and searchable/filterable in the table.

Currently you do not show descendants of females, except when they carry the mother's surname.  Since a significant use of this tree will be in conjunction with DNA studies, perhaps need a Mode toggle between the current/General mode and a Y-DNA mode where a female descendant line or adopted line would be split off to its own tree.

It's kind of in the name: One Name Trees.  The one name studies focus on one name, not all the descendants of one person with that name, but all the people with that name.  There is a Descendants tree app that you might find useful for that kind of thing.

Col: I don't have a Suggestions app.  Are you thinking of Aleš?
Dale, if you've tried the app and found that you are not in it or you're not connected to the line, it may just be something I need to work on.
I have tried several times with no luck
Ian, in my surnames that you sent me, my grandfather doesn’t show up. I’m interested to see how this works but can’t even find him in the listings. I tapped on United States because he was born in Pennsylvania. Why I would love to find family is because he is the last person to be found in my Buxton family, don’t know great grandparents or Aunts and Uncles. This has been my brick wall for over 20yrs now.
Hi Nancy, I've loaded the Buxtons, and found your grandfather.  An easy way to find him is to go to the Person dropdown box and find him there. Select him and the page will scroll to him.  Unfortunately, this app won't give you any more information than what is in the WikiTree database.  It just organises it a little.  So it won't show you your grandfather's parents or siblings...
I was not suggesting that all descendants of females should be added.  I was referring to cases where a child carries the mother's surname.  Currently, you include them as descendants of the mother, which is OK from a surname perspective, but not from a DNA perspective.  Similar case for adoptees where they are marked as non-biological descendants of the adopting parent(s).  Anyway, it was just a suggestion and as you say, the is a Surname Tree app and not a Y-DNA Tree app, so perhaps it is beyond the scope of this app.  What you have is great as is.  Thank you.
Really neat.  Adding name variants would be really useful, noting my name of interest (Tiffany) does not have an official ONS page...yet.  e.g. Tiffaney, Tiffney for me.

One specific issue I see with my tree, which I can't see obvious cause for, is that I am seeing some "breaks" in the  trees that you expand with the +.  Specific example is Tiffany-1105, who only seems to show up with 1 child, not the 2nd child, who is shown as a separate treetop later in the list.  It's not the only example in my tree, but that may possibly be because of name variants!
Did you click the Variants button to add your names to the Google Sheet? That file is imported each time the app runs, so if you add the names once it will include the variants the next time you run the app. As the names are not from a WT one name study, please add an X in the Notes column. (The file has a dual purpose, so I need to see that X for something else.)

I hadn't added the variants, but I have now (and with no X as there is now a Tiffany ONS).

However, it doesn't seem to be bringing back those variants in the "tree" list that you can expand.

I also still seem to have a specific problem with Tiffany-1287 who is causing a break in the expandable + tree view between Tiffany-1103 and Tiffany-1098.  I suspect it will be something to do with the data held on the record, but I can't see what myself.
Mark, did you hit the Refresh button?

Yup, several times!

Actually - Tiffney variant is now appearing, but wasn't variants is working.  But I still get a weird break with Tiffany-1287 seemingly missing, causing one particular "line" that should all be under the same + to be split up.

I'm not seeing a problem...

I hope I was clear that I meant the "Refresh" button in the app and not just your browser's refresh button.
The weird skipped individual is now sorted after full close and restart of Chrome.  And yes, I did hit the refresh button in the app (and also Chrome and also did a crtrl-F5).  Must have been some form of cache?
I've been pleased with the One Name Tree application during the week I've been using it. However, I've noticed several inconsistencies that I haven't seen reflected in Comments.

1. The progress bar doesn't always move forward uniformly while the tree is loading. Sometimes it jumps forward and backward multiple times until the tree has loaded. Whether the progress bar advances normally or in forward and backward jumps doesn't appear to affect the result.

2. Occasionally, when clicking on the Statistics button, the statistics open for only a fraction of a second and then close again. Multiple attempts return the same result.

3. There is also an occasional inconsistency in the functioning of the Table button. I've experienced three possible outcomes: 1) there is no indication that anything is happening and the table doesn't open, 2) the moving tree icon appears for a while, but then it disappears and the table doesn´t open, 3) the button works correctly and the table opens normally.

4. Several times, after the list of profiles opens, the Total People number has been incorrect. This morning, for example, the Barnum one name tree opened showing a total of 5138 people, which I know is too low. After closing the program and performing a new search, the total number of people shown was 9685, which is correct.

I realize that this unusual behavior might be related to server overload, and I've always been able to overcome it by restarting the application. I mention it just in case one or more of these items might require programming changes.
Patrick: Thanks for your comments. I haven't come across issues 2, 3, or 4.  I'll keep my eye open and try to fix them if they come up.  If you can actually reproduce any of them and give me steps to see them, I'll try to fix them.  Thanks.
I have experienced something similar to what Patrick describes.
Hilary. If you can actually reproduce any of these problems and give me steps to see them, I'll try to fix them. Thanks.
Ian, It appears that problems 2, 3, and 4 are related to server overload, as I had suspected. I've applied a bit of patience, waiting longer for all the files to load even after the animated tree icon closes and the list of profile names appears. Since then, those three problems have not been repeated. Thanks for your concern.
Did the link move ? I get today a blank screen when opening above link ?
Alexandra:  Sorry.  It should be OK now.
I am impressed with this thus far but have not used it much yet. I do plan on going through this in more detail. I hope it inspires some discussion and maybe merging of some individuals to make the tree cleaner.

Thanks for your work!

77 Answers

+23 votes

I like it!


  • I would change 'Name' to 'Surname'. This will match your help instructions.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Well, it's called 'One Name Trees'.  I would think the point of the 'Name' box would be obvious.  No?

That's a definite NO!

Proof:  It's obvious that members can't answer/respond to G2G questions properly. So, it's obvious to me that some members will enter a name that is not a surname.

So, by using Surname, it just narrows down the chance the member will put the right info in the field.

+25 votes
Once again! Many thanks, Ian. You've done a great job!

I think, this app can visualize many things around a One Name Study.
by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 6 (63.7k points)

Thanks for the idea, Siegfried. smiley
Let me know if you have any more good ideas.

+19 votes
Ostermann eh? Perhaps recommended by my cousin Oliver Stegen who connects into them?
by Steven Greenwood G2G6 Pilot (123k points)

No, he is innocent … laugh

Thanks, Siegfried, for suggesting this great idea to Ian! You're the real culprit ;-)
I didn't do much. I just had to complain a bit. The work fell to Ian.

Siegried works on Ostermanns (Ostermen?), but only on the weekend. wink

+27 votes
Digging in this and HOOOOOOOLY CRAP this is going to make my breakdown of surnames within my One Name Studies SO much faster.
by Steven Greenwood G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
Great.  Do you think anything is missing?  Do you see anything not working well?
+25 votes
I was able to test drive the pre-release version, and I thought it was a wonderful and very useful addition to our Wikitree Toolbox, my thanks to Ian for this innovation and I hope it's release features in the weekly newsletter to bring it to a wider audience.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Mach 9 (91.3k points)
Oh! This is not the release... I'm looking for any general feedback. But... It seems OK?
I haven't tried it since you posed on G2G, I've been bogged down on replying to an 8th cousin and adding her branch to WT after getting back from hospital.
 Trying the current release hopefully tomorrow.
+22 votes
Ian also let me evaluate a pre-release version. I told him that this will revolutionize my work on One Name Studies. This is such an incredibly helpful tool!

Kudos, Ian!
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (526k points)
+20 votes

This is great Ian! I have been trying to compile data like this manually, so this could be a huge time saver for me.


  1. Was there a specific reason why a 50 year span was chosen for the Stats? I primarily work by century, which provides a broader overview and simplifies the analysis by grouping data into larger time periods. I have found this useful for highlighting long-term trends.
  2. Would it be possible to add given name variants? For example, my study frequently comes across similar names like Josef and Joseph or Stepan, Stephen, and Steven.

Suggestion -  I would love to see more charts, such as:

  • Frequency Distribution - The number of surname occurrences.
  • Family Size - The number of people per family unit.
  • Number of Children - The average number of children per family unit.
  • Age at Death - The average age at death.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (761k points)
Steve: I'll reply better later, but have you clicked the Statistics button? Some of the things you're asking about are there, I think.
I may have "misspoken" a little before.  Looking again, the only thing that I think is already there is the 'Age at Death'.  This is in the 'Average Lifespan' bit of the Statistics section.

> Was there a specific reason why a 50 year span was chosen for the Stats?

I thought 50 years is a good span of time to look at.

> Would it be possible to add given name variants?

In what sense do you mean to add that?

> I would love to see more charts, such as: Frequency Distribution

Please explain.

> Family Size - The number of people per family unit.

> Number of Children - The average number of children per family unit.

Are these the same thing?  I haven't made a graph for that. I can do that if you think it's interesting.
I've made the period length adjustable.  It's 50 years by default, but clicking the gears button will give you a settings box with, currently, one setting: Period length.  Just change the number; and close the popup.

I've also added a graph for the number of people in each period.

Would it be possible to add given name variants? For example, my study frequently comes across similar names like Josef and Joseph or Stepan, Stephen, and Steven.

What would you want to see with this?  

+23 votes
This is so cool ! Thank you Ian. A lot of this I do manually. When I figure out how to have this data set downloaded to my computer, I propably throw my Spread Sheet.

(I will never get used to the buttons answer and comment in G2G) LoL
by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 4 (42.2k points)
Ah! That's one thing that's missing.  I don't have a button to download the data for a spreadsheet.  I'll add that soon.  Thanks for pointing that out.
I've added a Sheet button. If you can get the app to work right now, you'll find it after the trees load.
Sorry for late reaction. Yes, a sheet button.

But when I set WT ID's on they do not show in the sheet. Any chance to add a column with the WT ID's into the Table data in the sheet ?

Also "a nice to have" would be an additional table with the tree structure :-)

This app is so great ! Did anyone try the Button "Most Common Birth Places" and play around with the graphics yet ? I really like the graphics. But the stop button and navigations seem not work well. Exspecially if the time period has been change to something different then 50 years. I set it to hundred. and first it shows the graphic for 100 years period then it hicks up and moves to a 50 years period ... something is not 100% working. Also it is not clear to me how to have the automatic stop such that I can step through time at my speed. The automatic seems always to restart when I press the << or >> buttons.  

Thank you Ian, this is such a cool App.

 But when I set WT ID's on they do not show in the sheet. Any chance to add a column with the WT ID's into the Table data in the sheet ?

Yes, I can do that.

 Also "a nice to have" would be an additional table with the tree structure :-)

I'm not sure how I'd do that.  It sounds like a nightmare.

 Did anyone try the Button "Most Common Birth Places" and play around with the graphics yet ? I really like the graphics. But the stop button and navigations seem not work well. Exspecially if the time period has been change to something different then 50 years. I set it to hundred. and first it shows the graphic for 100 years period then it hicks up and moves to a 50 years period ... something is not 100% working. Also it is not clear to me how to have the automatic stop such that I can step through time at my speed. The automatic seems always to restart when I press the << or >> buttons.  

I think I will remove the automatic 'play'. I've had problems with it, and some people have said they don't like it...


Thank you Ian, this is such a cool App.

You're welcome.  Glad you like it. 

+19 votes
Love this App! I especially like your symbols indicating whether they are in the One Name Study yet, cemetery category, unsourced, etc.

With the descendant count, it also shows me quickly which lines need additional profiles.
by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (159k points)
Thanks, Emily.  Do you see anything that may be missing (and doable)?
+18 votes
Just did a very quick playing-around-with-it.  I put in the surname in one of my one-name studies.  It came up with a short list of profiles from that but, as of this morning, I have 247 profiles in the studies and only 7 or 8 came up so, questions about that.  When I clicked on variants it came up with an apparent exhaustive list of surnames in ONSs.  When I click on Stats, I get your Ostermann stats.  When I click on Table, I also get an Ostermann table.  When I click on it again, it toggles back to my partial list of Beismers.  I think headings on whatever results would be helpful.  I just tried the surname of my other ONS and it came up with a much better list of profiles.  Are you using a Soundex type of criteria for the surname search?  I'm finding for my one ONS that's not working in records because the spelling is all over the place though I think the pronunciation is key and I would not pronounce some of the spellings the same as our family's surnames are pronounced.  However, whoever made a record, didn't necessarily have spelling rules; plus transcriptions are often terrible as is handwriting.  I appreciate what you've done so far.  I will use it for a variety of things.
by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 4 (45.0k points)
You say that a short list came up when there are 247 profiles in the study...  Where many of them in the descendant trees of the short list?  There is a little '+' next to the people at the top of a descendants tree.  Clicking those will expand the list.  Alternatively, you can hit the '+' at the top, next to where it says 'Trees'.  This will expand all trees.  

It's worrying that you're seeing the original (Ostermann) table when you click 'Table'.  I'll look into that.  Thanks.

No, I'm not using Soundex.  I'm using the variants in the variants file that you mentioned.
I just visited the app and, from what I can remember of the last time I looked at it, it looks much better.  I tried a few surnames.  One thing I noticed is when I put in Wormuth, I get just Wormuths.  When I put in Wormouth, I get that plus some of the variant spellings like Warmouth and Wormwood, which is find but a little confusing, so thought you should know.  Is it possible to add just male and female counts to the Stats?  I love the Stats.  I'm way past due to make an annual report but haven't figured out a good way to compile stats.  I hate stats but they're helpful, I just hate putting them together so your app is really, really helpful for that.  So, I can use the app for find additional profiles for my studies, for adopting orphaned profiles and for stats.  I can combine the stats for variants to get a more complete picture of the Studies.  I'm still finding that when I click on the variants button, I get what looks like all names in all one-name studies, maybe; the list begins with As.  But, I know the variant spellings in my Studies so I don't need that.  I like the column, in Tables, that shows Cats & Stickers; I can find profiles that belong in my Studies but that I haven't added a sticker to yet.  Thanks.  I'm new to one-name studies and I need all the help I can get.  The app will be very helpful.  Thanks again.  I'll probably have more comments as I go along.

One thing I noticed is when I put in Wormuth, I get just Wormuths.  When I put in Wormouth, I get that plus some of the variant spellings like Warmouth and Wormwood, which is find but a little confusing, so thought you should know.  

I've just done the same myself and got different results. I put in Wormuth and got all of the results of all of the name variants that you've added to my ONS file. This file is imported into the app each time the app runs, so that's where the variants come from. It's possible that you have some cached results.  Try going to the settings (gears button) and hitting 'Clear cached items'.  If you want only the results for one name (to bypass the names in the ONS file, you can enter the name followed by a comma). 

Is it possible to add just male and female counts to the Stats?  I love the Stats.  

Yes, this is possible.  I think I've already done the count.  I just didn't add it to the stats as it didn't seem very important.  (Why is it important?)

I'm still finding that when I click on the variants button, I get what looks like all names in all one-name studies, maybe; the list begins with As.  But, I know the variant spellings in my Studies so I don't need that.  

There is some text in the file to explain what it's for (and see what I said above about the file providing the name variants to the app).  You don't need to add the name variants once you've done it, and it seems that, at some point, you have done it, so that's OK.

I've added the Male/Female breakdown to the statistics.
+18 votes
I am very interested in your new ONS Tree App!

I am currently coordinating 2 WikiTree ONS  SAWUSCH Name Study and  ATKINSON Name Study.  Both have associated DNA Surname Projects at FTDNA that I am also administering.

I am relatively new to WikiTree and very new to WT Apps. I have background in information system design. I am a retired medical librarian. Is there is someplace you can point me to, to study up on the data structure / fields available that potentially could be used in the app? I would be most grateful. Your app has motivated me to put back on my 'work hat' to help users identify needed information quickly. I will better be able to make suggestions once I better understand the limits of the system behind the curtain that we are working with.

Which of the DNA fields in WikiTree are available to you to pull into your app?

It would be very useful to be able to :

*Optionally Limit the Name/Surname search to only LNAB to seek out who might be potential yDNA tester to help on different family lines.

* Quickly identify the  EKA 'patriarch' profiles who share surname but are not yet connected with indications of yDNA testing status of the line. At some point yDNA testing will clarify certain surname line groups are likely NOT genetically related within a genealogical timeframe, even though sharing a surname. This could help focus genealogical work.  In the FTDNA DNA Surname projects I administer, we are sorting YDNA kits into likely genetically related family groupings. There are currently 19 Matching Subgroups in the FTDNA  Atkinson Surname Project with a number of kits unmatched to others in the project at this time.  Here on Wiki, we sort profiles by Surname I'd like to be able to quickly point DNA tested people to a potential or likely EKA 'Patriarch' (or clarify which lines to rule out). I am encouraging testers in the projects I administer to use WikiTree as a collaborative place for genealogy. As the tree is developed, the connection web, or lack thereof, should become clearer for everyone.

ATKINSON is a huge set globally. There are indications of multiple lines of 'unrelated within a genealogical timeframe' Atkinson Haplogroups within our FTDNA Project, without including name variants.  Any work we can get the system to do automatically to help us sort / cluster Atkinson people going forward with available DNA hints information will be a godsend.

 Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch
11 May 2024

#DNA #DNA_Projects #Atkinson #Sawusch
by Ann Sawusch G2G6 Mach 1 (13.2k points)
Thanks, Ann.  I'll look into this soon.
This is/ will be magic for ONS!!

Birth locations by time period! Wow. Now, if the app server just wouldn't timeout during the sorts....

With the huge Atkinson ONS dataset it appears the WikiTree app server times out when trying to drill down (birthplace for example ) The tiny Sawusch ONS loads wonderfully. The Save button is excellent tool - I learned the hard way to save immediately to my local disk after the initial download finishes. But that doesn't seem to help with sequential actions on the set? If there was a way to locally save the status at each step to drill down in big sets, it would mean not starting over with big sorts...and associated timeouts... Is there a different place I should learn to search using a more elaborate syntax ? (Atkinson surname) AND (DOB 1600-1699)....and then further subdivide? Please point me at instructions if I just need to up my knowledge of searching syntax.

Are there any tricks / tips to getting resorts  / filters to not timeout on larger datasets? I don't have a good understanding of what places what type of load on the app server, or what uses my local system?

Thoughts on how I'll use: I would love to grab the Atkinson males, born 1600-1699 to see where they were born and  where they died as a first rough pass at identifying potential earliest founding migrating ancestor lines. Anyone (except possibly a war casualty, or casual traveler?) who died in a country different than they were born, definitionally migrated. Questions that follow: Were any of these identified 16th C Atkinsons related? Then a next bite of those b.1700-1799 ; or possibly better in 50 yr chunks... Another question this would help: Did multiple unrelated persons with Atkinson Surname end up in the same geographic area?...

Thanks so much for developing this.  - Ann 15 Mar 2024

Is there is someplace you can point me to, to study up on the data structure / fields available that potentially could be used in the app?

The documentation for the WikiTree API is here: .

The Help text for WikiTree+ is here: .

*Optionally Limit the Name/Surname search to only LNAB

I've added an option to show only people with the target surname(s) as last name at birth.  Click the gears/settings icon.  Let me know if you see any problems with it.

 Is there a different place I should learn to search using a more elaborate syntax ? (Atkinson surname) AND (DOB 1600-1699)....and then further subdivide?

I've added a century filter to get only profiles from one century from the server.  Let me know if you see any problems with it. 

A Custom filter would be nice too. Say, I want only the profiles of a particular decade. Or profiles of a particular year. Or of any date range.

I'm working with WikiTree+, which offers centuries. I could probably do a 2 or 3 century thing, but beyond that...
I've added 'Migrants' to the Statistics section.  For the main statistics, clicking the Migrants button will show an interesting (hopefully) graph of where people migrated from and to.  Clicking a circle in/on the graph will show the name of the person that the circle represents.  For the period statistics (after you've clicked one of the period buttons), clicking the Migrants button will give a list of the migrants from that period, including their birth and death locations.
When I click on the statistics button, it displays the drop down  stuff then closes it right up. It won’t stay displayed.

Wow! Just Wow! Great Migrant visual. With over 12,000 Atkinson it is huge (over 68m to save the Atkinson set!). The dots are very tightly clustered for some locations, making selecting a dot a challenge. I don't have a huge screen - just my 16" laptop - With large groups  the ability to drill down will become essential. Being able to see the 'long tail data' easily is wonderful!

Today when viewing Atkinson using Mac OS/Chrome, laptop: Stats>Migrants>1801-1900  results a bit weird: the top of the popup display was a list of b./d. locations with no associated names? Further down the list were names, as expected. Other century groups were ok. What might these be?

Is there a way/setting to force display to give me wiki-ID with a name? I'm a bit afraid of losing the data load  by clicking through and having to start over.(Yes, that has happened.)  I'd like to be able to pop the wiki-id into another window to quickly do stuff on a profile.

How to share with interested others? That sort of display would also be useful to be able to share (as graphic?, or somehow not required huge amounts of memory) with other interested persons. Sharing summary information to a ONS / Name Study page - then allowing people to drill down if interested. Best to do as a screen shot? or? How to share the information, the next step after gathering. Too soon?

Is there a way to display if any DNA tests are associated with a profile? (is that an icon that I missed? These old eyes make the icons tough.)

Thank you again for bringing big data crunching to us here!

-Ann 22 mar 2024

Wow! Just Wow! Great Migrant visual. 

Glad you like it. smiley

Today when viewing Atkinson using Mac OS/Chrome, laptop: Stats>Migrants>1801-1900  results a bit weird: the top of the popup display was a list of b./d. locations with no associated names? Further down the list were names, as expected. Other century groups were ok. What might these be?

I've just fixed that.

Is there a way/setting to force display to give me wiki-ID with a name? 

To see the WikiTree IDs in the descendant trees, click the WT ID button.

I'm a bit afraid of losing the data load  by clicking through and having to start over.(Yes, that has happened.)  

Click 'Save'?

How to share with interested others? 

Point them to the page?

Is there a way to display if any DNA tests are associated with a profile? (is that an icon that I missed? These old eyes make the icons tough.)

I may look into that soon.

Thank you again for bringing big data crunching to us here!

You're welcome. smiley

Thanks again Ian.  Yes, the number of A-DNA tests for all descendants of a person and Y-DNA tests for male line descendants would be quite useful.   mt-DNA not so much because of surname changes.
+17 votes
I just tried it out and it’s fantastic!
by Nanette Rohrbaugh G2G6 Mach 3 (39.7k points)
+17 votes
Another wonderful tool, Ian!  Thank you!

One suggestion -- I pulled it up by my one-name study "Glenwright" and it includes trees starting with spouses.  Am I using the new tool correctly?  Do I have data errors in this family(that I adopted)?

I am seeing listed trees that originate with spouses of people with the surname instead of the intended person.  For example, in my "Glenwright" tree, can you look at Ann Walsh [Walsh-13231], circa 1811-1885, wife of George Glenwright [Glenwright-21]?  They were early free settlers in Van Diemen's Land that I haven't been able to identify in the English records, so therefore the top of a tree.

The rest of George's tree, i.e. descendants of his first wife Johanna McGee [McGee-3489], are missing.

But also Maud Darby [Darby-3214] listed as,the head of another tree.  She was the wife of George's grandson Francis Thomas Glenwright [Glenwright-20] through George's son from the first marriage.  They should be part of George's tree (that I can't see).

Thanks for your help!

by Doug Murphy G2G1 (1.5k points)
One more comment...  I think the birthplaces feature is nice, but you may want to make it hierarchical.  For example, it would be nice to distinguish Newcastle, UK from Newcastle, NSW.  Or Philadelphia, Durham, UK from Philadelphia, PA, USA.  (I have families that include both of these place combinations.)

I don't know how you'd handle things like administrative county changes though.  (Sunderland moving from Durham to Tyne and Wear in 1974, etc.)  Also the hierarchical view creates artificial diivisions with the addition of ", United Kingdom" for all events after 1801.

Just another thought...

Thanks for pointing out these issues, Doug.  I will try to sort them out soon.
Ian - your fixes improve this tree a lot.  Thanks again for the rapid follow-up.  However.  looking at the same George Glenwright [Glenwright-21], his first wife is missing and his two children from this marriage are attributed to his second wife.  If it helps, she is Johanna McGlinn (but listed in WikiTree as Johanna McGee [McGee-3489] -- long story/not pertinent to this issue/don't ask)..

A similar test case is Hugh Glenwright [Glenwright-171].  Again he had two wives and all five children are listed with the second.  Yet we know that at least three and probably all five were borne by his first wife Elizabeth Bell [Bell-41745], and not Mary Unknown [Unknown-646722].

Thanks so much!

--Doug (I ran it about 2:30 AM GMT, 15-March, in case you wanted to know.)
Ah... I guess it's unclear, but I it's not a mistake as such.  It is showing as I intended, but I don't mean it to suggest that the children were from the second wife.  For each person with more than one spouse, it shows the person, then their spouses, then all of their children.  I'll see if I can change it somehow.

I think the wife (McGee) is not there as she doesn't have the name.  It's a name study, showing all of the people with the surname in question, but she doesn't have the surname, so...

One more comment...  I think the birthplaces feature is nice, but you may want to make it hierarchical.  For example, it would be nice to distinguish Newcastle, UK from Newcastle, NSW.  Or Philadelphia, Durham, UK from Philadelphia, PA, USA.  (I have families that include both of these place combinations.)

If you're talking about the dropdown birthplace filter thing, I understand what you're saying, but it's just a convenient filter.  Click the place name (e.g. Durham) and you get a table full of people from places named Durham.  You can then further filter that by typing ", Philadelphia" in the filter box.  I chose to do it this way so as not to have every location that's been entered--with all of the boundary changes and users' idiosyncratic ways of entering locations (including "UK", "PA", etc.).  In the Statistics section, I've tried to standardise the locations to an extent so that they can be seen hierarchically.  I think it's mostly OK (though I've just found a small problem with it that I need to fix).  Have you clicked the 'Most Common Birth Places' button, by the way?    

Thank you again Ian.  It seems I have to speak with the profile owner on Johanna's married name...
And yes, I clicked on the most common birth places.  England, United Kingdom, United States, and Australia dominated the list as expected.  (But partially because I haven't uploaded the Canadian trees to WikiTree yet.)
I meant the "Most Common Birth Places" button.  Have you seen the visualisation?  (I'm surprised no-one has commented on it.  As I said, it's my favourite part of the whole app.)
For cases with more than one spouse and children, I've added a coloured left border to the spouses and children to show which children belong to which spouse.
+17 votes
Ian, I think this application is wonderful.  

I can see it as a significant improvement over the current search screen that is used to find duplicate profiles.  I just entered a surname, filtered for the century of birth, reversed the display order of the birthplace, and reverse sorted on deathplace.  

Not  only did I immediately find duplicates, but also quite a few profiles needing maintenance.

Once again, THANKS.

- Aunt Peggy
by Peggy McMath G2G6 Mach 6 (68.3k points)

Oh, good. Thanks, Peggy. smiley

+15 votes

Just one "problem" which isn't really a problem, but it took me a few minutes to realize exactly what is happening...

If the display is opened wide while a birth year span (ex. 1951-2000) has been selected and the list of locations under "Most Common Birth Places" is short (ex. 3), then the area displaying the date ranges and details is only as wide as the "Name" line.  If a birth year span is chosen that includes lots of "Most Common Birth Places" then the area expands to fill the available width.

Not really a problem; it's just that when the date range buttons jumped in size, I spent a few minutes trying to figure out which button was missing.  Then, after counting and comparing, I realized the buttons had only become smaller.
Send me an email if you want Steps to reproduce.
- Aunt Peggy

by Peggy McMath G2G6 Mach 6 (68.3k points)
+15 votes
This is quite interesting to see. I love the icons that appear related to some categories. Is there an icon that shows if a group of profiles is unconnected?

I will be able to do so much more for my One Name Study using this new tree app.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (459k points)
I don't see an icon for that (they're listed in the '?' help section), but if you click on Statistics, you can then click on the Unconnected Profiles button.
Thanks for that Rob. Haven't fully looked at all the options. I will probably find more cool things when I have a good look at it.
+18 votes
I just looked at it briefly, and it looks awesome.

No comments re: additions or problems, because I'm too new to even figure it all out.

But, I like it!
by Brenda Milledge G2G6 Mach 3 (37.9k points)
+17 votes
Yes, this is great :) A few points though:

1) the progress bar updates in big chunks, there was a period of 3 or 4 seconds where I still thought nothing was happening. I imagine on names with more profiles this might be longer.

2) Help menu, item 13 - Minor correction - the green number is showing up before, not after the name & other information.

3) You've got pretty much every possible statistic & chart, but I didn't see a way to get a list of just the people who are not in the ONS.
by Rob Neff G2G6 Pilot (139k points)

1. Yes... That's the progress.  It's waiting for the results to come.  When some results come, the progress bar moves forward...  I could make it move forward during the wait, but it would just be an illusion.

2. Thanks for that.  The number had been on the right.

3. Ideally, you should be able to do a negative filter on the tables, but I'm having a problem implementing it right now.

3.  I've found the problem and fixed it (hopefully without breaking something else).  Now if you put "![badge]"* in the filter of the Cats and Stickers column of the table, you should have all of the people without a name study sticker.

* Edit: In the table you should see the badge icon.  Just copy and paste that into the filter.  I put it here, but the G2G software has removed it from my post.

Okay, I wouldn't have thought of searching the table that way, although I see now you did cover the filters at the bottom in the extensive help page. Actually, just clicking on the category header to sort by that got me what I needed.

But using the table brings up another issue - searching on LNAB I see several in-laws in the table that didn't show up in normal view (I looked at the total count to verify this). They don't have the surname in question for LNAB or current name, but they're related to somebody who does.... in some cases it's a grandparent of someone in the ONS. My ONS is Ungerecht, and one example profile in the table is Alice Morehouse (Randall-11213).
Thanks, Rob.  I'll look into that.  Someone else reported something similar, so... My mistake, I guess.
Rob, please take another look to see if you still have this problem.  Thanks.
It looks correct now. Thanks.
+16 votes
Love it! Thank you Ian! I had a quick look at Tonkin - can't wait to investigate more!
by Karyn Homburg G2G6 Mach 3 (30.1k points)
+16 votes
Is there a way to enter a profile ID and be able to find the oldest relative easily. (Currently on a mobile that does not like loading any apps to check).

My question is because some One Name Study coordinators prefer that only the eldest originator of the name have the category/sticker.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (459k points)
Yes.  You can choose "Table" to get the details in a table.  Then at the right side of the Birth date column, there are up/down arrows.  Select that control and it will sort the table based upon birth date.  And the oldest will go to the top of the table (or if it is at the bottom, click one more time).
Thanks for confirming there is a way to check that Peggy.

Will have to do a few checks on different names in my family when I have the chance to.
Darren: When the data loads, only the progenitors are visible - the rest are hidden in the progenitors' trees.  There is a select box at the top to show the person that you're interested in.  You can find them by name or, by clicking the button next to the box, by WikiTree ID.  The tree that they're in will open up to show them, and you can see who is at the top of their tree.  You can also see their line to the top more easily by hovering over their name.

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