Is this a new thing? Removal of merge comment

+4 votes
A while ago I was asked to remove a merge request comment I had never done this before so presumed it was an oversight and ignored I have now been asked again.

As far as I am aware the merge was completed but is this a new protocol I have not been asked before and I request the merging of duplicates when I come across them so are we supposed to remove the comment (re a merge request) this could be a nightmare.

I need to find the profile on my laptop the link was on an email - I'll tag when I find. Thanks
in Policy and Style by Heather Jenkinson G2G6 Pilot (134k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
I tend to delete those comments when the merge has been completed (when I remember!) as they're superfluous, but I don't think there's any particular protocol or rule (that I'm aware of) for deleting them.

Perhaps ask the person who requested the deletion?
Thanks Gill, I thought I was going to have my work cut out finding them all. I'll see if I can find the one requested and delete that one. Thought comments could be archived / deleted by the profile manager anyway.

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