Relation between Moritz and Jakob Ostermann

+6 votes

I am looking for the relationship between Moritz Ostermann, born 1863 as son of merchant Isidor Ostermann in Meddersheim, and merchant Jakob Ostermann, born 1872 in Meddersheim. I suggest that they were brothers but have not found sourced evidence for that assumption. Thanks for any hints and links!

WikiTree profile: Moritz Ostermann
in Genealogy Help by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (137k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

We already know the parents of Moritz Ostermann:

  • Father: Isidor Ostermann; born before 24 Oct 1863 (probably between 1768 and 1848); deceased after 7 Aug 1888.
  • Mother: Franziska nee Michel; born before 24 Oct 1863 (probably between 1813 and 1848); deceased after 7 Aug 1888.
  • Both probably married.

And we know the parents of Jacob Ostermann:

  • Eltern: Isidor und Franziska Ostermann geb. Michel

So they were brothers !!! laugh

Edit: Okay, I reveal the source … laugh

Suche nach jüdiSchen Spuren – StolperSteine in Bad SoBernheim

by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 6 (63.7k points)
selected by Siegfried Keim

Hier is the cemetary of Meddersheim with the grave stones of Isidor Ostermann and Franziska Ostermann. The one of Franziska is readable.

Isidors gravestone is better readable onöfe/friedhöfe-in-rlp-iv/.

Moritz time as teacher in Bochum: "Mit der Zunahme der jüd. Bevölkerung stieg auch die Zahl der schulpflichtigen Kinder, so dass 1882 ein zweiter Lehrer eingestellt wurde: Moritz Ostermann aus Meddersheim in der Pfalz, der bis 1926 in Bochum unterrichtete (gest. 1929)."

This is amazing! Vielen herzlichen Dank!
Follow-up question: Do you have a primary source for Jakob being the son of Isidor and Franziska? The 2020 essay "Stolpersteine in Bad Sobernheim" says so but without sourced evidence. Or did I overlook it?

I don't have a primary source. There are some hints in the document or elsewhere:

  • Frances Henry: If I remember correct, she was born as Franziska Ostermann as grandchild of Jacob Ostermann. I think she still lives in America, USA or Canada.
  • Archiv Bad Sobernheim, but no concrete source.
  • The birth registers and marriage registers of Meddersheim.
  • Unfortunately no author of the document. But maybe the school can help. But the document is from 2020. Emanuel-Felke-Gymnasium, Poststraße 36, D-55566 Bad Sobernheim, +49 (0) 6751 930840,
I ordered Frances Henry‘s book „Nachbarn und Opfer“. Can‘t wait to see what genealogically relevant information it will provide …

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