Colony Louisiana 1783 chicktaw nation Cajun

+4 votes

I'm going to be researching connections for Henry (Tudor) of England KG. As of today, his CC7 is 39,050.

Would anyone want to help me with this? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Henry of England
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Laurie Alaine Caraway G2G Crew (870 points)
Is this a good use of your time?  Henry has one of the biggest CC7s on WikiTree.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Hello Laurie and welcome to WikiTree. The "Ask for Help" button is a bit misleading, as it refers to asking for help in increasing that person's CC7 (the number of people they are related to within 7 degrees) rather than help for you.

I will send you a message through the WikiTree messaging system and hopefully we can point you in the right direction for the help you are looking for.

Jo, England Project
by Jo Fitz-Henry G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
selected by Laurie Caraway
+6 votes
My cajun Pawpaw Robert Joseph (Troxler) then switched to Trosclair  served our nation in the Korean war US army. The forgotten war, it's sometimes called. I'd never forget anything about my cajun Louisiana family. They were perfect and sinless. 1783. He passed away on Valentine's Day 1980. Cajun is people. My Mom told me at 4 years old we are ash jew lol. My family never lied ♥ I remember ash jew . CAJUN is my heart and family. I don't know big words. I pray you understand me.
by Laurie Alaine Caraway G2G Crew (870 points)
State of Louisiana still under slavery code. Ashkenazi jew

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