Iceland Project - MiniChallenge

+20 votes

Are you interested in joining a WikiTree Thon or Challenge, but feel intimidated by the strict deadline or the large number of participants? Do you want to have fun and learn from the WikiTree Community, but at your own pace and without pressure? Then you might enjoy this MiniChallenge!

This MiniChallenge is a great way to get familiar with how a Thon or a Challenge works, while also improving the profiles of the Presidents of Iceland. You will have the opportunity to communicate with fellow WikiTreers and discover more about the history and genealogy of Iceland.

The Presidents of Iceland have decent profiles, but their trees need some attention. Your task is to build out their trees, connect them to the Global Tree, and add sources and biographies where needed.

You find the links to their profiles on the Iceland Project - MiniChallenge page. (
The profiles for the last two presidents, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and the current president, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, are currently private, but we are working on making them public.

The MiniChallenge starts on December 1st and ends on June 17th. These dates are significant in the history of Iceland's independence from Denmark. On December 1st, 1918, the Danish–Icelandic Act of Union was signed, recognizing Iceland as a fully independent and sovereign state in a personal union with the Danish king. In May 1944, during the Nazi occupation of Denmark, Iceland held a referendum and voted overwhelmingly to become a republic, which was formally declared on June 17th.

To join the challenge just answer this thread and declare what you will be working on. Make sure that nobody else is working on the same profile. You can see that by simply looking at the profile and see if some work has been done.

Join us on Discord as well. The MiniChallenge discussions will be in iceland-general-chat.

You are welcome to write in Icelandic, both here, in Discord and on the profiles.

in The Tree House by Dagmar Thorisdottir G2G6 Mach 2 (20.9k points)

smiley smiley Great challenge!! smiley  Go Nordic Project!! 

Thank you Dagmar for starting up the Iceland Mini-Challenge and everyone else for adding and sourcing the Icelandic profiles.

Thank you, Dagmar for coming up with the idea! You are awesome!

Missy heart

4 Answers

+9 votes
All the profiles are now open.

There is a connection to Denmark through the wife of Sveinn Björnsson. It would be wonderful if someone could work on her tree as well.
by Dagmar Thorisdottir G2G6 Mach 2 (20.9k points)
+7 votes
Sæl Dagmar.  Ég næ ekki alveg hvað er átt við með þessu verkefni. Er það að vinna að æfi og ættum tiltekinna forseta lýðveldisins?

kv. Sigurbjörn
by Sigurbjörn Svavarsson G2G Crew (770 points)
Sæll Sigurbjörn

Forsetarnir eru, þannig séð, tilbúnir. En það vantar að bæta við ættartréið þeirra. Aðalega foreldra og forfeður, en líka systkyn, frændur og frænkur. Foreldrar þeirra allra eru á WikiTree, en í mjög takmarkaðri útgáfu og það þarf að bæta við upplýsingum hjá þeim.

Allir forsetarnir eru með. Það eru tenglar á þá, á síðunni 'Iceland Project - MiniChallenge' (

Endilega spurðu ef það er eitthvað sem ég hef ekki útskýrt nógu vel.

Kveðja, Dagmar
Þakka þér Dagmar.

Skil þetta núna, mun fylgjast með og bæta í ef ég hef tengingar.


Halldór Laxness er gott dæmi um hvað við erum að biðja um. Semsagt ætt hans, ekki hans eiginn prófíll.ðjónsson-2
Takk fyrir Dagmar.


+5 votes
I would like to give it a try. This would be my first international.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (251k points)
Which president would you like to work on?
I will give it a try with: Björnsson-545

Let us know if there is anything you need help with.
+3 votes
Ég er með móðurlegg Ásgeirs, sem skarast við mitt tré. Ég er tilbúin að færa hann inn í tréð, sem er einmitt það sem virðist vanta.
by Fjola Bjornsdottir G2G Rookie (290 points)
Frábært. Takk fyrir það, Fjóla.

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