Merge direction (still) not working when LNAB are different

+7 votes
I recently had two merges completed by others, and the proposed direction, so into the correct LNAB was not followed. This is because the merge screen does not propose the "into" LNAB, but the earliest/oldest name.

Sorry, can't find my previous post on this.

When will this be fixed?

See eg

(edit:) and another one
in WikiTree Tech by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (325k points)
edited by Michel Vorenhout

1 Answer

+7 votes

The problem here is people are not reading the comments to see which direction the merge should be. For merges that have different LNAB's there is a option on both options to reverse the merge. See


Both ways show an option to reverse the merge because sometimes people do set up merges into the wrong name. For different LNAB options there is not a requirement to do the merge into the lower numbered profile but some people obviously do this. For your example profile it looks like you set up the merge into the correct LNAB but someone reversed it into a lower numbered LNAB instead. So it is human error and not a computer error. 

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (478k points)
My point is that the option shown at first is not taking the direction into account. If that would be the case, all those not reading the comments would still do an oke merge.

Michel, The comment on shows that the merge was supposed to go into the Andries-550 profile. The message on which is what I used as my example screenshots shows the merge was supposed to go into the McAdoo-133 profile. 

That means that you did set up the merge in the correct direction. So The "First Option" shown on the pending merges screen should have been merging incorrect LNAB into correct LNAB. That is taking the proper direction into account. The only ways to get it going the other way is if someone clicked reverse merge or they did the merge from what should have been the destination profile and ignored the profile comment and the warning message to check what the LNAB should be. So it could be considered a human error assuming the person made a mistake.

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