Comments on Benjamin Brown Sr.

+2 votes

On 9 Oct 2023 Keith Brown wrote on Brown-5190:

Benjamin Brown, Sr. is not the son of the suggested John Brown and Mary Wilson Brown. There are 2 known records by Benjamin's grandsons, who state that Benjamin was the son of a John Brown and perhaps his wife with the last name of Wilson. This John Brown and Mary WILSON Brown are not ancestors of my Benjamin Brown, Sr. My ydna and Benjamin's suggest, a totally different John Brown. This should never be allowed to happen on WikiTree in my opinion. People have used unsourced and unsubstantiated material to connect Benjamin Brown, Sr., our Browns who resided in New Kent, Hanover, Louisa and Albemarle counties between abt. 1695-1762, to William (Browne) Brown II and Frances (Moss) Brown. It is not right to take a genealogy tree and then connect several descendants of Benjamin Brown with their ydna results to a William and Frances MOSS Browne or any other name. Just by connecting mine and other male descendants' ydna to another man without accurate fact, does not make it right.

WikiTree profile: Benjamin Brown
in Genealogy Help by Keith Brown G2G Crew (870 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+3 votes
Keith, thank you for posting these details - I wish you had posted them on the original post but I am glad you posted here anyway. First, let me say that no one adds the Y-DNA or any other DNA to particular ancestors. That is done automatically - DNA propagates where someone's line goes in the tree. So, don't worry about that at this point. The focus right now needs to be where your line goes. Is it correct up to Benjamin Brown? And wrong beyond Benjamin? That is the first step.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Virginia, yes what I'm saying is that my ydna is 100% the same as Benjamin Brown, Sr. This is proven by bible, will and deed records.  Most if not all the other ydna results on other persons mentioned on this site are all descendants of Benjamin Brown, Sr.. I have personally helped several on this site connect to Benjamin using my own ydna and records.  Records show Benjamin's father was named John Brown.  As far as I know there are no known bible records, wills or deeds showing a direct connection between John Brown and his ancestors.  I believe it can only be done by ydna.  It appears that our ancestors came from the Isle of Wight and Surry counties in the mid 1600's.  YDNA records seem to support this. Using YDNA surnames and their ancestors names, and making connections to these people can be a very sensitive matter and some people are not at all comfortable with that.  I believe I can name who our Brown ancestors who connects to 6 or 7 other people who share our same YDNA at the same time and place.  I need more time to gather more material.  I do believe there are at least 2 and perhaps 3 Brown men that were involved due to direct connections.  Perhaps a father and 2 sons.
Thanks for al the explanation, Keith. This will take some time to sort out and I am sure help is available. I see you messaged Chet Snow so maybe he can also help with the sorting. I will monitor your progress - just be patient and understand that no one meant to do harm or to hijack the Brown line. When there are multiple people named the same in the same time periods and localities, it becomes difficult!
I posted a link on the original G2G
Alas I am time-committed to a very-personal family matter until next week but I have, to start the ball rolling, changed the parents from "Confiden" to "Unconfident" until research can find the "right match" for John Brown & wife, whose maiden name was Wilson....Does someone with an Ancestry or MyHeritage subscription find more about these relationships?   My "introduction" does currently state that these relationships are very difficult to document.

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