Is it ok to add a link to a FB page that is about an ancestor?

+7 votes
I have a second cousin who has done an amazing job creating an FB page using our great grandfather as the 'profile'. He's got historical pictures, links to buildings that our ancestor designed (he was an architect), ads that he posted in old newspapers for his business, etc. Is it ok to provide a link to that page on my ggf's Wikitree profile page? There is no possible way I could reproduce the volume of research that he has done about our ancestor.
in Policy and Style by Nancy Harris G2G6 Mach 1 (12.9k points)
Something to think about … how long will that page last?
As others have said copy the information, including links and save it all as a word doc and save the photos.

You don't need to redo/reproduce the research you do need to be sure that the research is correct, so follow the links that have been provided to double check the information given.

Then upload it to a free space page.

 A free space page is not a profile, but is similar and simple to create and can include whatever information you want to include.

You can start from your Navigation Home Page, under Add on the top right select add a New Free Space, call it whatever seems correct, then just copy paste the information into the Free Space, upload pictures to it exactly the same way you would to a person profile, it will show up on your watchlist under the Free Space profiles heading.

2 Answers

+6 votes
yes, for post-1700 profiles a FamilySearch link is acceptable.

i put them on profiles with common names as it is sometimes hard to find the John Smith the profile relates, if you ever want to go back.

i also put them on profiles if i am trying to connect a branch and need to get from point A to point B before I forget the path. I create the profiles with enough proof of parents, then once the connection is made, i go back and work on bios or adding more sources. it is nice to have the quick link, to make the process easier.
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (258k points)

I think Nancy is referring to a Facebook page not a FamilySearch one.

Maybe this would not be a formal source on a profile. But a way to mention it would be under "See also:". See

I don't think the link to a Facebook page will be there long enough to qualify. It would be better to copy it to a free space page to make it more permanent.
sorry, i misread FB as FS. please disregard my comment, please follow the other guidance. not sure what the rules are in this case.
Yes, sorry, I should have been clearer. I was referring to a Facebook page.

I know my cousin is worried about what will happen to all of his research as he is getting older and has no kids. He has told me that he doesn't want it to go to waste. I'm in a similar situation in that my kids aren't interested in genealogy. Perhaps I could convince him to join Wikitree and post the info on a free space page, as suggested, or, post it on his behalf? I'm not really familiar with the free space pages and all of their uses.
As long as you have his permission to post the information to WikiTree, there should be no problem. Once you secure that you can come back here to ask for help or guidance to make the free space. It is really quite simple once you get started. Any text can be copied/pasted. You can download his photos to your computer and upload them to the free space. It is not as complicated as is sounds.
+7 votes
I'm not sure how it would turn out (formatting etc.), but you may want to try backing up the facebook page via , just in case the original page goes away some day.
by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (167k points)

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