Who was that lady?

+6 votes

Is there any evidence that Anna Christina is a child of the parents shown? The factors in contradiction include the fact that this family already has another daughter with the calling name Christina/Christiana. (They can't be the same person unless she was managing to live a double life by simultaneously being a wife and mother to the Jones family and the Dobson family).

Another indication that this Anna Christina might not be a daughter of Mathias (Somers) Sommer and Maria Christina (Null) Ricker, is the fact that she doesn't appear with that family group on the Hughes list of Lovey passengers.  A photo of the Hughes list is reproduced in Les Bowser's book "The Search for Heinrich Stief, A Genealogist on the Loose" (Nimbus Publishing Limited, 2001). The original was found in the Nova Scotia Land Grant Records, Book 7, page 183. This has been microfilmed, and should be microfilm #13038 according to the Nova Scotia Archive's list converting book/page numbers to microfilm numbers.  Stu Ward has kindly created a category to gather together the profiles of the Lovey passengers, based in part on the Hughes list.  

While trying to think of a reason why Anna Christina is not on the list at all, and definitely not in the Somers family on that list, i brainstormed the following:

Maybe the compiler of the list was as confused as i am by two girls in the family of about the same age with the same calling name, so maybe he neglected to record one of them and also neglected to charge for her passage.  


Maybe Anna Christina who married Dobson wasn't on the Lovey.  Maybe she came later.  Maybe she is a cousin, orphaned in Philadelphia and sent to join kin.  

Or... maybe she is older than currently thought, and is a daughter of one of Matthias's earlier two marriages, joining the family to help out when Matthias dies only a year or two into the Nova Scotia adventure. 

Or... any suggestions?  Any way to prove or disprove?

I should add that i am a DNA match with dozens of the Dobson descendants.  At first i didn't find that meaningful because all those families intermarried and I'm related to most of my matches from that community 3 to 6 times over.  But today i came across a match on Ancestry who is descended from George Dobson (1817-1895) via a line that went West before marrying into any other of my ancestral lines, at least so it appears at the moment.

This caused me to want to reach out for some help on this mystery.  Just who is this Anna Christina Somers who married into the Yorkshire-origins Dobson family?

WikiTree profile: Anna Dobson
in Genealogy Help by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (294k points)
edited by Shirlea Smith

Esther Clark Wright doesn't mention her in Samphire Greens nor in The Steeves Descendants, but then again why would she?  Anna Christina didn't marry into the Steeves family.

But more to the point, I don't think Rainer Hempel mentions her either, even though he expressly tried to follow the marriages of the first few generations of the descendants of the German settlers.  Tonight I can't find my copy of 

New Voices on the Shores Early Pennsylvania German Settlements in New Brunswick

Is anyone able to verify if Anna Christina is there or not?

Also, does anyone have access to the S chapter of "First Families"?

BTW, the wife and eventual widow (1809) of George Dobson was indeed named Christine according to the probate records: 


But what was her LNAB?  Who were her parents?

I can't answer the question at hand; just wanted to mention that the NS Crown Land Grant registers are available in the FamilySearch catalogue... in case anyone wants to examine it, Book 7, p. 183 is here:


Wow, thanks for that useful link, Matthew!  I'll put it on the profiles of those named therein!
Matthew, is the NS Crown Land Grant registers not searchable by name yet? I would love to see if any of my family members were in this register.
They are not digitally indexed or searchable, but there are manual indexes. The one I linked to is from this collection:


There's also this collection, which sometimes has interesting details about individuals making a petition:

Well rats! They are locked to me because I am not a LDS.
I'm not LDS either... the collections should be viewable as long as you are logged in to your free FamilySearch account.
I am logged into my account. But when I click on any of them, I get a map to the FamilySearch Library.

1 Answer

+5 votes
No marriage for them in Philadelphia 1758-1786.  Checked Somers and Sommers.

 No baptisms in Phil either 1751-1758 (only one for a boy).
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (346k points)

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