Comments on John Slayden

+2 votes

On 31 May 2023 Nancy (Allen) Jones wrote on Slayden-245:

The duplicate workspace added by a contributor is confusing, why isn't it simply incorporated into this profiel?

WikiTree profile: John Slayden
in WikiTree Help by Nancy Jones G2G1 (1.4k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith
Sometimes when several of us are working on the same profile, or when we are trying to disambiguate similar-looking people or disentangle confused genealogy, we may choose to create distinct workspaces so that we don't collide with each other. That may be what happened on that profile.
There was no issue regarding the person. It appears it was created after the fact and shouldn't the person with the workspace page collaborate with the profile manager.  Please see history of the profiles.

I'm trying to  understand....if it's okay to duplicate a profile in a workspace page.....for a person with a profile already identified with a WikiTree id.

Your link to the "duplicate workspace" didn't make it into your question here. The link points to a free-space profile at Space:WorkSpace_John_Sladyen_HendersonCoKY

The John Slayden profile page discusses some uncertainty about him, including the existence of another man of the same name who is difficult to distinguish. It appears to me that another member created the free-space profile to document some research and analysis regarding John Slayden. There's a lot of material on the separate free-space page, so it was sensible to put it on that page so it won't "get in the way" of John Slayden's profile (which also has extensive content). Separate pages like that one often are useful elements of our collaborative process, allowing multiple members to document their research where everyone interested in the profile can see it, but where research discussion will not intrude upon the profile -- at least until it's "ready for prime time."

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I am "that person" and Elida Tirey has had access to our network's online File Cabinet since four days after I was struck by a car while bicycling in 2017. (Elida is my wife's 6C2R). Each of us contributed to the original profile from 6 Mar 2017 by Peggy McReynolds, and when I pointed out that the surname on the original profile did not reflect what was seen in most of the records,  a merge was performed by Elida to realign the LNAB. I screwed up, admittedly, when I sought to add my own collection of records to a very large biography, and inadvertently lost some records through losing control of which versions were getting saved while using two browsers and monitors to integrate the materials. I felt that a public apology was in order as a tribute to Peggy, Elida, and some of the other valuable contributions by others. Each of us has seen our comments questioned or deleted in the "collaborative" process, but I do not consider a chronological workspace to be a "duplicate" of a non-narrative profile with type headings, but as a supplement to understanding why we think that this Henderson County Kentucky man began a migration from Wilkes County, Georgia.
by Clinton Slayton G2G3 (3.1k points)
I don't consider this issue closed.  I find it hard to believe that it's okay to duplicate a profile in a free space page.  I have sent a message to the owner of the profile.  So  please leave this open... or I will open another question.
Sorry about your accident, but don't understand much of your message, access to a file cabinet.  I think your duplicate information on your free space profile should be merged into the profile for that person.

I found this on a message for John from Clinton:

"We each have a different organizing principle, and I prefer a chronological presentation for this amount of material, while others prefer to corral records under type heading (land, tax, census,etc). Type headings work well when there is not so much material, but the path of migration of a family is not well-served by type headings. I have been questioned before about how a family in Kentucky had roots in Georgia, and this is the best way I know of conveying that records for a man named John without his spouse being mentioned can be attributed to John in locations where his spouse is mentioned and has a distinctive name.

I did apologize to Elida Tirey directly. I tried to integrate my files into the original profile. I felt that a mea culpa was in order as I lost control of the versions after the merge. The association of this John with this father was not in any publication or work seen before a collaborative effort begun in the late 1980s."


Don't think this is collaboration.  I am very dissapointed.

I don't think it's appropriate for someone to create a free space page for a person which already exists in WikiTree.  Based on your notes... you are upset about type headings, different organizing principles etc.    

I am not upset about anything, only trying to incorporate research that is not available to the profile manager unless she has physically visited the courthouses and archives that I have, in researching this individual. Creating a separate workspace to do so seemed the simplest way to do so. Much of this was made available on a by-invitation website with a File Cabinet to which the profile manager had access, but no one had incorporated this into a WikiTree profile. I am not here to please other people, but to do real genealogy along with this profile manager.
0 votes

I recently had dental surgery (didn't go well) so bare with me. I appreciate everyone's input and changes to this profile. There was some mention about accidents, and others feeling hurt about information (separate notes that I received).   

All  I know, is that some grand contributors provided some great updates, but it's time to work as a team.  Please give me a day or two to review the information and will coordinate with all.
by Elida Tirey G2G5 (5.3k points)

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