Unsourced profiles by PM

+4 votes
Is there a report that shows unsourced profiles by a Profile Manager?

Not profiles I created.
in WikiTree Tech by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (760k points)
edited by M Ross

1 Answer

+8 votes
Best answer

You can use WikiTree+ to find profiles tagged (by category or template) as unsourced for a specific Profile Manager - but you need to know their ID.

Something like this:

Manager="Harris-5439" CategoryWord="unsourced" OR Manager="Harris-5439" Template=unsourced

I am not aware of a specific report that list all unsourced profiles, categorized by the Manager (as I understand the question).

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (761k points)
selected by M Ross

You could also swap it out to be by Creator instead of by Manager using:


Thanks Steven.

Just to make sure I understand this; I go to what link for WikiTree+.

Then I enter Manager=" Blank-100" Template=unsourced

or Manager="Blank -100" CategoryWord="unsourced

or CreatedBy=Creator_Blank-100.

Does it have be italics or doesn't that matter?
WikiTree+ is at: https://plus.wikitree.com

I am using the Search; Text Search option, and typing in:

Manager="Harris-5439" CategoryWord="unsourced" OR Manager="Harris-5439" Template=unsourced

This will find any profile where I am the Profile Manager and it is listed in an 'unsourced' category, OR where I am the Profile Manager and it is using the 'unsourced' template.

This brings up the following report (you may need to click the "Get Profiles" button the left):


You can modify the query as needed.
Thank you ! I am more than a little technically challenged

That process will only give you the profiles that have been ‘tagged’ as Unsourced.  The majority of profiles that are actually ‘unsourced’ on wikitree do not have the ‘Unsourced’ template on them. 

You can use BioCheck app with the same wikitree + query find profiles that have no sources or questionable sources on them. It will indicate those that have the template vs those that do not have the template, but they appear to be unsourced.

Thanks Linda that was going to be my next step,

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