Harding Family History

+2 votes

I am trying to find a record and have so far been unsucessful with any of my usual methods.  It's a family history of the Harding Family which was apparently originally published in the New Brunswick Royal Gazette in 1808.  The citation on FamilySearch is as follows:

"!NB Ryl Gaz/ 4 Feb 1808 !History, Harding Fam. !Family Bible of V.A.Harding, dated 1827 !Virginia Cooke, Los Angeles !Royal Gazette, NB"

If there is a genealogy out there, and/or a family bible, it would be helpful in building out this relative's profile. Does anyone have any thoughts on other places this might be found?

WikiTree profile: George Harding
in Genealogy Help by Matthew Evans G2G6 Mach 7 (76.8k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes

The University of New Brunswick has copies on microfilm of this newspaper. Not digitized yet. See https://newspapers.lib.unb.ca/newspaper/royal-gazette-and-new-brunswick-advertiser-saint-john-new-brunswick-1808

You might be able to contact them to get a copy

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (556k points)

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