Michigan Cemeterist: please check my work on new cemetery category

+8 votes

I'm normally pretty comfortable with creating cemeteries, but I need a check on this one.

Oliver Township Cemetery in Kalkaska County Michigan is located in the tiny unincorporated community of Sigma Michigan in Oliver Township, Kalkaska County, Michigan.  Findagrave visitors are presented that it is in Sigma, Kalkaska County, Michigan.  The cemetery has 368 memorials, so isn't small.

WikiTree currently has a geographic category for Kalkaska County, but not Oliver Township or Sigma.  

Here's the cemetery category I created:


Does it need any tweaks?


in WikiTree Help by Kevin Ireland G2G6 Mach 2 (27.6k points)
I'm not a Michigan Cemeterist but do add a lot of cemeteries elsewhere in the country.
You addition looks good to me.

You could have made a category for Oliver Township but it is not necessary.   Some other Kalkaska County townships have categories.   If you decide to do so you would have to use the full name Oliver Township, Kalkaska County, Michigan since Huron County, Michigan also has an Oliver Township.

1 Answer

+5 votes
I added the value for BillionGraves and the did a reverse coordinates lookup to get the address for the cemetery. Things looked good when you created the category.
by Dean Anderson G2G6 Pilot (814k points)

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